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My favourite christmas card this year 'Nativity '

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 19 Nov 2023, 06:51

Holy family Mary Joseph jesus and shepherds

Artist Jon Clayton (mouth painter)

Why do I like this christmas card?

First of all I like the beautiful bright gold colours used in the painting.

Secondly the artist was painting this picture using his mouth and paint brush as he had a disability.

Thirdly it showing the poverty into which Jesus was born in a humble stable. No luxurious palace, even though he was of royal blood. It made me think of many families who would also be having a frugal christmas this year! 

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La Littérature Française

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 17:08

J'attends avec impatience le prochain devoir, TMA 3, celui-ci portera sur la littérature française.
Je découvre les nombreux exemples d'auteurs et leurs oeuvres. Des auteurs comme Voltaire, Rouseau, Emile Zola, Balzac, Flaubert, Rimbaud, Victor Hugo,  George sands, Eugène Ionesco et Aimé Césaire en autres.

J'apprends également les différents styles et périodes de temps dans lesquels ils ont été écrits. Pour exemple;
les Lumières,, le romantisme,
le réalisme,le naturalisme, le symbolisme,le surréalisme, l’absurde, l’existentialisme et la négritude.
La littérature française est un sujet très interessante à étudier. J'aimerais avoir plus de temps pour étudier tous ces incroyables écrivains français. Peut-être trouverai-je le temps plus tard de les lire à loisir!

📚📚 🏡

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Christmas in the bleak mid-winter!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 24 Sept 2023, 20:52


The trees in my garden are covered in white sparkling frost,  they look just like  a row of christmas trees !
I am looking out of my kitchen window, drinking a glass of ginger wine and eating a very traditional mince pie. 

This past week just seems like a  crazy dream,  in which I was struggling with my TMA assignment. Now that it is all over I can finally relax. Well just for a while!

 In the kitchen the oven is on, I am baking mince pies and some traditional Christmas cake and pies (Saves spending money in supermarket!) I had most of yhe ingrediants in the cupboard.

Tonights meal is cooking, garlic and herb chicken quorn pieces with Dauphinoise potatoes, carrots, peas, spinach with a little gravy on it is very french!

The house smells very christmassy, with incense burning in the hall and scented candles in the lounge. The baking smells nice and spicy coming from the kitchen oven.

 Keeping heating on for a bit longer now,  but on a lower setting. Then after the meal we will watch a film good on DVD 

Outside it is freezing cold but indoors at home,  it is warm at last, as we settle down to watch a good film. I sigh with relief  because I am so glad that I can (hopefully) still afford to pay my energy bill-  for this time!!!

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Translation of last blog

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 15 Dec 2022, 00:24

Tout n'était pas perdu au final avec le powerpoint !
J'ai envoyé un e-mail à mon tuteur, il était très  compréhensif, et J'ai du re-organiser, et  finalement pu envoyer mon devoir.Heureux d'avoir terminé mon TMA 02 et de l'avoir soumis. Je suis content que ce soit fini et je peux maintenant attendre Noël avec impatience !

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TMA 02 sent off!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 14 Dec 2022, 18:17

All was not lost in the end with Powerpoint !  I emailed my tutor, who was very helpful,  I  re-organized myself and I was eventually able to send in my assignment. Pleased to have finished my TMA 02 and got it submitted. Glad it is over and I can now look forward to Christmas!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 14 Dec 2022, 12:25)
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C'est glacial ! ❄

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 21 Jan 2023, 17:45

Ce n'est pas très propice pour étudier quand on doit étudier avec son chauffage éteint !

J'ai eu mon chauffage allumé pendant environ une heure, un coup de pouce rapide le matin, c'est généralement correct, mais j'étudie beaucoup plus ces derniers temps car j'ai un peu de retard avec mon devoir.

Mon fils est dans sa chambre avec le chauffage allumé donc il est bien au chaud, mais je suis en bas et il fait très froid. Au cours de l'après-midi, la température a chuté assez drastiquement.

J'ai dû mettre des gants pour garder mes mains au chaud pour taper. Je porte des chaussettes thermiques, un gilet, une écharpe et des leggings mais je commence à avoir très froid maintenant, (au moment où j'écris, il est 15 heures.) Je dois bientôt pratiquer une narration sur l'enregistreur, pour l'instant je ne fais que corriger l'orthographe et le montage général. Mais pour le moment Je peux à peine parler pour enregistrer ma voix car il fait trop froid!

Je vais cuisiner un repas familial, mais dans la cuisine est froide maintenant, jusqu'à ce que le four soit allumé pendant environ 15 à 20 minutes, puis il réchauffera la pièce et Je préparera le repas ( je dois faire un curry) C'est terrible et tellement contre nature de devoir travailler dans ces conditions de froid glacial!

 Comment les gens sont-ils censés travailler à la maison et étudier tout en essayant d'économiser de l'électricité ? J'essaie de faire ma part pour l'environnement mais c'est de la folie!

Comment puis -je rester au chaud?    

Le chauffage est trop chèr!     

      Je ne peux pas le payer!                  


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J'espère que je peux le faire !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 8 Dec 2022, 09:57

Je travaille toujours sur powerpoint. J'ai réussi à remplir toutes les diapositives avec des textes et quelques images.
Je travaille maintenant sur les détails et je vérifie toutes les orthographes.

Maintenant la narration est trop longue ! ah non!
Donc je vais devoir modifier le récit à environ 5 minutes.
Ce week-end, j'espère pouvoir le mettre dans un fichier mp4 et le soumettre à l'OU. Je prie pour que ça marche  🤞

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Etudier sous la pluie !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 8 Dec 2022, 22:07

Durant cette saison d'automne de cette année,, il fait humide et froid, j'ai donc décidé d'installer mon ordinateur portable sur la petite table de la cuisine. Il fait plus chaud dans la cuisine car je fais de la pâtisserie et j'utilise le sèche-linge pour qu'il fasse beau et chaud.

Je vois aussi le jardin, car la table est positionnée juste à côté de la fenêtre. Malheureusement, le temps est si horrible en ce moment, que tout dégouline de pluie et a l'air si triste.

Dans ma cuisine, j'utilise des lumières LED pour économiser de l'électricité, car il fait si sombre pendant la journée, c'est pourquoi nous avons besoin de la lumière mais tous les arbres bloquent la lumière dans la cuisine, mais je ne peux pas supporter d'avoir les arbres abattus ! 

C'est comme être dans une cabane dans les bois ! Cependant, la cuisine est très chaleureuse pour s'asseoir, c'est donc l'endroit où j'étudierai à partir de maintenant ! 👩‍💻


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Studying and trying to keep warm!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 3 Dec 2022, 12:31

This morning I did all my housework, put the washing on, and took out all the recycling. All this exercise was good and kept me warm! I am now snuggled up with a duvet around me, in my lounge with a hot water bottle underneath my clothes to keep warm.

We have no central heating on in the house (trying to save energy and electricity!)  but I am not too cold at the moment, as the sunshine is streaming through the window.

I am working on my powerpoint presentation,  I keep adapting the narration slightly to keep to the 'theme'  of  "La place des femmes dans le monde du travail"  using the power point. Before long,  the sun will be going in, it will be getting dark and colder later. 

don't want to have to put the lights on too soon.  I will be cooking the meal in the kitchen, with the low lights on and the oven  on, this will keep me warm! Last winter we had a hefty electricity bill so I must be careful this time. I even have a flask of hot tea beside me to sustain me.

The day light is fading fast now, so I will pack up for the day, there's the meal to make and my son to attend to. Husband will be returning home with the shopping I sent him out for earlier. I hope he has remembered everything!

Such is the busy life of the student housewife!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 1 Dec 2022, 14:58)
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Je vais faire un powerpoint!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 Nov 2022, 18:33

Je joue sur powerpoint. J'essaie de trouver où en sont les choses et comment cela fonctionne. J'espere que je  peux le faire!

J'ai placé quelques images dans les boites sur les diapositives!

Maintenant,  je vais placé des texts dans les boites.

Jusqu'ici, tout va bien !

         👩‍💻🙏💻 👍

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 17:17

Aujourd'hui, j'ai fini le storyboard de ma présentation powerpoint, avec des puces et des images pour chaque diapositive. Je travaille toujours sur l'écriture de mon récit (en français) tout en essayant de l'emboîter avec le texte et les images.
Il y a trois choses à faire simultanément, je dois encore travailler ma prononciation en français dans mon récit. C'est très difficile pour moi, puis finalement je dois tout mettre sur un powerpoint.

Pour le moment, cela ressemble un peu à un patchwork. Espérons que tous les fils se rejoindront à la fin!🤞

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A Short Pause !

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 3 Aug 2023, 19:12

Tuesday, we had an outing(unplanned) but for our usual annual visit to the city, that turned out quite well!
Husband had found time to take us for a shopping trip. Main reason for trip was essential winter  shopping, warm trousers for him,  and winter night clothes for me.We brought our own sandwiches and drinks with us.

The city looked well lit up and pretty,  with lots of bright sparkly christmas decorations, trees and a nativity scene , a much better display than what we had in our little village, which is going to be more low key this year, with a much smaller christmas  tree.

The usual shops were visited Primark, Next, peacocks, M&S, Wilkos and the wool shop.
We soon found warm corded trousers for him,  at a reasonable price. I found a warm cosy dressing gown, thermal slipper socks, warm PJs. 

We bought some family  presents, got some bargains and a warm Scottish scarf which I was not expecting! At least we will be warm in the body even if we do have to turn down heating in the house this year!!!

We ate our sandwiches in the small quiet park, then we went for a drink near the cathedral. Next our traditional visit to the "little choclate shop". There we bought Box of Belgium choclates and couple of chocolate gifts for family.

The exercise of walking was good and I felt invigorated after weeks of indoor studying. The walk back to the bus station felt bracing in the cold fresh breeze.
The stress just lifted off my shoulders at least for one day. Retail therapy - It felt really good!


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Homeless in Britain!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 23 Sept 2023, 09:04

Yesterday I found the time at last, between studying and making the meal,  for a quick walk through the village to shop for some basic essentials, at the late night store. It was the early evening, it was cold and damp, most shops were closed for the night and I was walking along the market place with my husband. 

We had just finished a quick shop and were walking back, passing the closed shops which were only semi- lit.  I suddenly noticed some bulky items in a doorway. I mentioned to my husband "look at that, that's funny, they must have left some thing outside the shop after closing" I was thinking perhaps it was part of a display or promotion.

 Puzzled we stopped and went back to see what it was. I shone my torch in the doorway and there was a man asleep with a blanket over him! I gasped.
I then qickly said "Very sorry to disturb you, but are you alright?" but he was completely asleep snoring and he didn't hear me or move at all.

I think this may be our very first ever case of homelessness in my village. I have never before seen this happen, I felt so sad to see this sorry sight.
We went back home and I couldn't help wondering who the man was and what awful circumstances may had led him there. Maybe he was drunk ? or on drugs? Or just missed the last bus home? or in dire povery with nowhere else to go?
Why are there so many homeless people in this country I wonder?

Then I suppose it is not surprising with this financial crisis  we are having and with the country being in a deep recession!

It's not my fault I didn't vote Brexit!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 Nov 2022, 02:26)
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Storyboard for presentation

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022, 15:12

Today I made the storyboard for my powerpoint presentation, with bullet points and images for each frame.  I am still working on writing my narrative (en francais) while trying to fit it ioosely together with the text and the images. There are 3 things that are  happening at one time here, but I still have to work on my french pronounciation in my narrative as well, which is very challenging for me,  then eventually to get it all onto a powerpoint.

At the moment it looks like a bit of a patchwork. Hopefully all the threads will come together in the end!  🤞


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Busy, busy, busy!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 24 Sept 2023, 21:00

I am so busy these days with my assignments for TMAs that I hardly have time for my usual walks anymore. I really miss my long leisurely summer walks. I still have my 30 minute walk up to the vegetable seller once a week. Of course the weather has been awful recently, it has rained just about every day now! 

Then there's the bags of recycling to take up to the nearby car park, which is a bit of a walk of 15 minutes.
Most of my time is now taken up with studying, reading,  and taking notes. I am making a slidecast with narration too and I am teaching my friend basic french and she is doing well, so we are helping each other.

I am also trying to  keep the house in reasonable order. Cooking and cleaning a bit. Looking after the husband, the kids, and the two cats!

It will all be worth it in the end !

🙂🗞 🎓

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Slideshow presentation

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 18 Nov 2022, 15:23

For my next TMA02 I have to present a slideshow with narration in french. However, this is not something I am very familiar with at all!

In the ALE in level 2,  I was involved in a team effort in making a slideshow, but I only had to contribute my 1 frame and send it (inWord) as a doccument. There was no narration as the group speaker would narrate in front of the tutorial group on our behalf. Getting a bit worried now!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Friday, 18 Nov 2022, 15:53)
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Poverty in the world

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 17 Nov 2022, 18:50

I have just been reading different articles, in the course of my international research,  and I came across this piece from UN which makes quite grim reading!

Eradicating extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 is a pivotal goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Between 2015 and 2018, global poverty continued its historical decline, with the poverty rate falling from 10.1 per cent in 2015 to 8.6 per cent in 2018. Nowcasts suggest that owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global poverty rate increased sharply from 8.3 per cent in 2019 to 9.2 per cent in 2020, representing the first increase in extreme poverty since 1998 and the largest increase since 1990 and setting back poverty reduction by about three years.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic reversed the steady progress of poverty reduction over the past 25 years. This unprecedented reversal is being further exacerbated by rising inflation and the impacts of the war in Ukraine. It is estimated that these combined crises will lead to an additional 75 million–95 million people living in extreme poverty in 2022, compared with pre-pandemic projections.

(United nations web site)

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TMA01 Result Received!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 17:37

I  have received my TMA01 result this week for L332. It was not a high score unfortunately, but I am very happy to be still  keeping up at this high level !
At level three there is bound to be an expected lowering in the score, due to the increased difficulty level, at this advanced stage. I will try not to be phased out by this, but will just continue plodding on, and will try to improve where I can. I will listen, learn  and take note of all of my tutor's feedback.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Jeremy Andrew Howard, Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023, 04:39)
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Exercer la langue française

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 15 Nov 2022, 13:41

Cette semaine à venir, mon amie et moi, parlerons ensemble de magasins et de shopping en français.
Nous allons faire un jeu de rôle et parlerons de magasins et de shopping.
"Les avantages et les inconvénients."

C'est trop cher! Certains produits manquent! etc.

Ce sera une activité amusante à faire!

Faire les courses
🏪👜  🧀🥖🥚🍇

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La Révolution Industrielle en France XVlll siècle

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 12 Nov 2022, 19:52

Today I have been reading from my e-Book:

•Section 1 La révolution industrielle et le textile dans le Nord de la France.

•Révolutions industrielles : questions de définitions.

• Le textile dans le Nord de la France

•Naissance du capitalisme et du prolétariat

•Technique et avenir dans le secteur du textile.


Unité 1 Open Université (2022)

Source Open University(2022)

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L'Académie Française

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 9 Nov 2022, 17:02

L'Academie Francaise est une institution très sécréteur en France.  Ce institution Il a été créé en 1635 par  le cardinal Richelieu pour le preservation de la pureté de la langue francaise. Il etait raminé par Napolean Bonapart en 1803 Après une brief suppression pendant la révolution française.
L'académie publie des dictionaires , qui est régulièrement mis à jour.

Ils ont aussi des prix pour la meilleurs  literature  de la competition de grand prix.Grands Prix du Roman, Prix de la Francophonie, Prix de Poésie, Prix de Littérature et de Philosophie, Prix d’Histoire et de Sociologie, Prix du Théâtre et du Cinéma.

Il y a quarante imortelles qui sont chargés de protéger la langue française de toute corruption de la langue par les américanismes et de la langue anglaise. Leur but,  c'est de garder la langue française pure et exempte des corruptions des autres langues.

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TMA 01- C'était très interesante!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 Nov 2022, 13:21

Pour TMA 01
J'ai dû écrire un article journalistique sur la langue française.    📰🔎📚
J'ai trouvé cette tâche très intéressante, car j'aime ce style d'écriture. C'était un mélange d'écriture formelle et informelle, en utilisant le matériel donné dans l'unité 1, et quelques idées personnelles de ma part ! 💡

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TMA 01- Soumis!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 6 Nov 2022, 10:55

J'ai soumis mon TMA01 aujourd'hui. Yay!

Bonne chance à tous!

Good luck everyone!

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TMA 01 deadline getting closer yikes!

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How am I ever going to organize all my notes into an essay! 📒📘
The time is ticking away and I am battling to get it done. I am also having to translate to french as some notes are in english too!
It is a race against the clock now ⏰

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 3 Nov 2022, 11:13)
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Les couleurs de l'Automne

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 1 Mar 2023, 11:54

A colourful autumn tree

C'est l'automne dans mon village et le temps est ensoleillé et doux.

 J'ai travaillé sur mon TMA01 toute la matinée puis je suis allée me ​​promener dans le village. Tout est calme.

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