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Ceteris Paribas

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At the moment I am finishing a B A (Hons) Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE) and have always thought from the beginning of entering this area that there is one P missing from PPE, and that is the P for Psychology. Without psychology none of it makes any sense whatsoever, you are expected to be rational and logical, I don't think many of us are either rational nor logical. You might think you are, but you are seriously not. In fact I even think that to think that you meet the criteria of being either rational or logical confirms my hypothesis.

The answer is that everybody ought to be forced to study human behaviour, what makes us what we have become, and that nobody under forty ought to be allowed a university education. Ceteris paribas of course. In fact for economists ceteris paribas rules, ok.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Sunday, 16 Aug 2009, 13:32)
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Afghanistan (yet again)

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The situation in Afghanistan is pathetic. Everybody knows that Obama will never go to the electorate in 2012 whilst still active in Afghanistan, they will withdraw in huge numbers. What do you think that we will do, stay? never, we will have to leave when the Americans do and then what. All the time, effort, money, injuries, but most of all lives will have been wasted.

But hey don't worry, Lord Mandelson is in charge and he really really cares. So much that not a peep from him about the recovery in France and Germany, not a peep about the lost British soldiers, but worst of all not a peep from any of the government over the charges being brought against the former British soldier in Iraq who is on a murder charge. Who runs these private contracting firms supplying mercenaries to Iraq via very lucrative contracts. 

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Cash for Clunkers

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I am afraid Susan that you are wrong. What has happened is that pension funds which held government bonds have taken the money offered by the government. They have effectively sold them to back to the issuer of the bonds. Now what they have is a whole load of cash on which they are getting little or no interest.

What the investment managers are doing is finding another home for the money, namely the stock market, which is why the stock market has risen so much. The pension funds are buying in to the market, which then raises prices and then draws in other purchasers, eventually however those who wanted to sell their assets have sold them, and the pension funds which wanted to purchase the shares now have no more money having invested all their money which they got from the sale of their gilts.

So, come November there will be no more money to invest, so prices will start to crash and of course the government cannot allow that to happen so they will try to pump more in to the economy to save the bankers and the pension funds only there will be no more money. It really will all have gone. Disappeared like puff the magic dragon, the cash for clunkers scheme will leave us with just that, a load of clunkers. And we all know who has the biggest clunking fist don't we!

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Bad things to bad people

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in the old days a firm would make profits and then pay tax to HMRC on those profits the year after those profits were made. Now then a firm would have put back part of those profits to pay their taxes.

What has happened is that firms which made profits have either invested the profits or distributed it in dividends to the shareholders, but made sure that they kept back sufficient to pay the taxes due. They may actually have borrowed money from the bank to pay the taxes due.

Now what has happened is that the HMRC have, after instructions from the government, allowed firms to defer paying their taxes, mainly because they haven't got the money. But, eventually the firms will have to pay up, either that or the HMRC will bankrupt them. As they should, people made profits if they have squandered it then that is their problem, ifeven a penny in tax is due then it must be paid, otherwise they are just freeloaders.

Even when 'the recovery' comes people will still owe money to the taxman, all that is happening is the evil day is being deferred, that is until after the general election, which must be held, mustn't it!

As an example it is not so many years since Exeter City Football Club were in terrible trouble with their finances. Our local MP was able to persuade the Inland Revenue to accept 40p in the pound in settlement of their tax liability, rather than pound for pound. The club was saved from bankruptcy and the rest as they say is history. I think that every penny due to the HMRC must be paid in full and it must be paid now. I pay my taxes, everybody should.

As for the 500,000 jobs saved, where is the evidence as the politicians would say when asked about extra-ordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, and allegations of torture. I think that caps ought to be issued to HMRC staff with the logo 'we do bad things to bad people'.

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I have a problem which I hope some of your commenteers might just be able to help me with. Now back in March April 2006 we had that prince of the realm, Harry 'we do bad things to bad people', on our screens saying that he wanted to be with his men on the front line (in Iraq) and that if he didn't go with them then he felt he would be letting them down and that he would have to leave the army or say refuse a posting to Germany (I paraphrase). Now I think that his comments were tantamount to refusing orders and therefore he should have been courts martialled.

What happens? he was sent to Afghanistan, in secret with the collusion of the British media where he is shown calling up an air strike on a computer and we see the result of the attack. We also see him with a heavy machine gun and walking through towns well surrounded by other personnel, the towns having probably been well swept for IEDs. So, where is Harry now, where is prince William now. That's right training on helicopters, why aren't the 'choppers on the front line where they are needed. I will never forget William (Bill to his military friends like the heroes in WWI were Bill, or Bert, good honest English name) taking time out from his training to get to his girl friend for a week-end away.

I find it hilarious the way in which William and harry can just disapear for months on end. What exactly is the point on training them, they will do nothing, the front is now much too dangerous for Harry, it was possibly due to his presence that the occupation has escalated to the extent which it has.

Afghanistan is a disaster, it is time to withdraw, what exactly have we been doing since 2001 when we had some sort of moral authority to be there, but now, I'm sorry we have lost, time to retreat and to leave the collaborators to their fate. What exactly has happened to the police and soldiers which we are meant to have trained. Just like we have abjectly failed to protect those ineterpretors who are in severe danger in Iraq because we have just dumped them. Worst of all though I hope that massive sums of money have not been squandered on equipment which we have just handed over to the Iraqis, whilst our soldiers continue to suffer from lack of equipment.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Thursday, 6 Aug 2009, 12:54)
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The Clunking Fist

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hope that all is well over there. It is still raining down here in wet and horrible Exeter, the home of the brilliant forecasters the Met Office, sorry Ministry of Defence weather forecasting station. The Met Office seem to be as good at forecasting the weather as the MoD seem to be at giving a time line for getting us out of Afghanistan.

I still think that there should be an urgent inquiry into our situation in Afghanistan, in particular how is that we have apparently been there since 2001, and have trained tens of thousands of police and soldiers yet where exactly are they.

I am glad that Gordon is having a good holiday, no soldiers deaths to read out every wednesday, I wonder if he will make up for it in October when the parliamentary recess comes to an end. I think that he really should announce to the nation how the Northern Rock have managed to make such massive losses, you know which we own, and the staff are brilliant, and have been working very hard, and everything in the North east is fantastic, salt of the earth etc...now why exactly are we going to be building two massive aircraft carriers. If you think about the helicopters which are not fit for purpose so will only be able operste on certain missions and in certain weather conditions, then will we not also have to construct a fleet to escort the aircraft carriers, the building of which will of course get jobs.

Now was it not Blair who talked about the clunking fist of Gordon Brown, well that is why we have 'Cash for Clunkers'. 

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Cash for Clunkers

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and how are things in the good old US of A, now that they have forgotten all about extra-ordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation techniques how is that car scrappage scheme going. I've heard through my grapevine that all is not well with the 'Cash for Clunkers' scheme where the money has nearly already gone. Probably those bankers have been waiting for the scheme before getting cars on the cheap.

Over here of course we have had 'cash for honours', we have had 'cash for loans' and 'cash for MP expenses', I do prefer the term 'Cash for Clunkers'  which can be applied to anything and everything. The new cry on the street, 'Cash for Clunkers'.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gary Steel, Tuesday, 4 Aug 2009, 17:46)
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Northern rock

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Please note that Alastair Darling actually had a mortgage with Northern Rock, be afraid, very afraid. Furthermore, why are newcastle United still wearing the Northern Rock logo on their shirts. Where are the votes for the labour party. Where is Northern rock based. Same with Royal Bank of Scotland, and Halifax bank of Scotland. We moan and shout and scream about the City yet it would appear to me that the problem does not lie with the City it is the other places which would appear to have the country down.
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may I show an extract from John Hutton said in parliament on the 26th February 2009 column 394 in respect of detainees:

Hutton continued, 'for the initial stages of the campaign in Iraq, we also had in place a memorandum of understanding with the US and Australian Governments covering arrangements for the treatment and transfer of detainees'.

All I would ask is that the government publishes without any amendments, or blanked out lines, the memorandum. Surely the printing of such a document would possibly negate the need for any inquiry into claims of 'torture'.


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Bisphenol A

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may I humbly suggest that whilst it is very good to look at wind farms, the economy, the Chad Cameroon Oil Pipeline Project, Afghanistan, torture etc...we should not be dostracted from other stuff going on.

For example, I am becoming more aware of the side effects of Bisphenol A, or BPA, which is used to make plastic stronger. I think that the government must start an immediate public awareness campaign to get this banned from certain containers because of the alleged side effects on groups of people. We are being made more than aware of health issues over Swine Flu and now the Fish and Chip shop, but in respect of the latter may we also point out that the shop also sold Kebabs and burgers, not just Fish and Chips.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gary Steel, Tuesday, 4 Aug 2009, 17:49)
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listened to Ivan Lewis on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning in respect of allegations of Britain being complicit in torture.

Now then let us agree that a soldier signs up to serve their Queen and Country, that they do not believe in Harry and his 'we do bad things to bad people' the cap legend which Harry had when he secretly served in Afghanistan, and which was the subject of a media cover-up. So, they also sign an oath of allegiance and that they will follow all legal orders, without complaint and do as they are told by their superiors, and that there is accordingly a chain of command, and that because actually we are the good guys in all this that the officers, right to the very top will always give legal orders.

But what if you are in an occupying force where some of the officers are not like your officers. That they do extra-ordinary rendition, and that they use enhanced interrogation techniques, and that this other country uses regimes to do their torture for them, and they treat prisoners with contempt and inhumanely, and that some of these prisoners are sent to Guantanamo Bay, for reasons of our safety and national security.

So, my point, surely a British soldier will do his bit whilst he is out there, he will not let down his mates, his pals, his friends, the regiment. But what if he knows that by following his orders he is acting against his own moral beliefs, that it is not that he is refusing orders from a British officer, but that he will not take any longer orders from this officer of another country. I think that that soldier is right, that we as a nation are diminished by the activities of our so called allies in the war against terror.

Hutton has agreed in parliament that we have detained people who have then been handed over to a third party where we do not know what has been to them, I think you will find it in Hansard. He said, and I paraphrase, previous ministers who denied this were not aware at the time that they had been incorrect in the answers which they gave to parliament, other holders of the post include Geoff Hoon.

There must be an independent inquiry, and please do not give me the rotten apple apology for the action of some of our soldiers, the ends do not justify the means, by our actions we are judged, and I think that in due course millions will have to paid in compensation, only that will not salve my conscience. Parliament, this abject parliament has allowed this to reach the stage where we have lost hearts and minds throughout the world, we are just as guilty by not naming names as those that do the deeds, in our name. The ends justify the means is the mantra. Would our soldiers in 1945 have taken orders from a Nazi officer in the army when they saw the concentration camps, of course not. However, did our soldiers respect the German soldiers in WWI, well the evidence from two of our true veterans would say that they did. We are not at war in Afghanistan, we are an occupying force, just like the Nazis were in France in WWII, it is not the war which is the problem, it is the occupation. The French in 1945 treated those who colluded with the Germans as collaborators, how are the Afghans any different, it is their 'country' we are the invaders like so many in the past. How would you treat somebody who was trained by a foreign army to protect your country so that the soldiers of the occupying force could leave you to the 'new model army', the collaborators of today. 

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Investment Banks

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I have listened to the head of Barclays giving his interviews to the press and media saying where is the evidence to show any adverse effects of investment banks. May I suggest that the banks publish in the media the performance of the pension funds which they manage. These are available through the WM Company, previously known as Wood Mackenzie and if anybody wants to see the adverse effects of the poor performance of the investment then that is where you will find the evidence. They have lost billions of pounds of other peoples money, namely their pensions.

I tried to attend the full meeting of the investment committee of my local county council and the most interesting part was put into what is called part 2 where the press and the public are excluded. A shocking decision which the local councillors agreed with because they voted in favour of my exclusion.

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I listened to the government person on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning, Phil Woolass I think, when he was being interviewed. What I noticed was the new way he was stressing two words in particular, one citizenship, and the other migration. Now I am not a citizen, nobody in this country is a citizen, we are subjects of the Queen, until the government changes the law then I am a subject. Soldiers take an oath of allegiance to the Queen, or King, and MPs also take an oath when they enter parliament, unless of course they cross their fingers, or they do not treat the oath seriously, that could be one of their problems, I think that many MPs are actually amoral, in respect of their behaviour.

Again the use of the emotive term immigrant will now be replaced by migrant. We all migrate, Brown is a migrant, he is Scottish yet he now operates mainly in England, he is a migrant, much less of an emotive term. I am a migrant I moved from Plymouth to Exeter via many other places, I migrate for various reasons, but I am not an immigrant. As for the patriotic argument, I am sorry but is that not the last bolt hole of traitor.


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I was watching and listening to Ms Harman on the Andrew marr Show and noted that it would appear from what she is saying that the politicians should not get involved in the decisions of the courts. In the case of extradition that is the courts, in the case of euthanasia, that is the Crown Prosecution Service, in the case of abortion, free vote by MPs, in the case of hanging free vote by MPs. My point, why exactly have we got a government at all. The economy, world economoic crisis, so nothing to do with me guv. Swine flu, that's global pandemic. People getting old, that's to do with the demographic time bomb going nuclear, global proble. Afghanistan, of that's NATO.

I think you get my drift, so Ms Harman or Lord Mandelson, whoever is running the country can we be told exactly what is the point of having any ministers, especially the wonderful Ministry of Defence, it really ought to be renamed, return to the days of the Ministry of War, cause that what they do, wage war, or actually maybe a better one might be the Ministry of Occupation, cause that's what we do, occupy places.

Just listening to the priest who gave the Blairs Mass in Downing Street, don't mention the war, we don't do war, just like we don't do God.

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I watched the retired General Sir Mike Jackson being interviewed by Ms Flanders on the Andrew Marr Show this morning and was appalled. He actually answered his mobile phone twice when being interviewed and seemed more interested in looking at his text messages than listening to questions about the appalling situation which has been allowed to develope in Afghanistan, with all the deaths and injuries, not only of British soldiers but also the local population. In respect of compensation to injured soldiers I wonder if the general would like to tell us what his pension is now that he is retired, and it will increase when he gets his Old Age Pension. I must say that in respect of the good General I wish that he would just fade away, as in the Who tune from the old days.

What he also did was to answer the phone but when finished reading it and just threw the mobile aside, I heard it clatter on to the floor. Now if he acts like that during an interview on national television, with his treatment of expensive equipment does that not indicate an attitude which is not to be ignored. If I was Ms Flanders I would have said directly to him would you like me to stop the interview so that you can answer your mobile. He was just so rude.

Finally, I wish that he had been asked how the situation had been allowed to deteriorate in Afghanistan since the initial occupation began in 2001. We should also be told of all the 9,150 soldiers now apparently in Afghanistan how many are actually fir for front line duty. The problems with helicopters being unfit for purpose would seem to extend to the Personnel Unfit for Duty, too much pud maybe and not enough exercise.

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A new constitution

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I am becoming more convinced that there really ought to be a consolidated written constitution which gets rid of the 'subject' problem. I want to be a citizen, I demand an elected second chamber, I demand the total abolotion of the House of Lords. I am afraid that the Monarchy does not exist any more, the soldiers should not swear allegiance to the Queen, or future King, as for the Princes, and Princesses, please. Where are William and Harry?

We should have an elected Prime Minister, and Vice Prime Minister, call him a President because that is what the PM is in all but name. We must  have a fixed term parliament and the 'President' must be allowed to appoint individuals who must be scrutinised. In fact the more I think about it the first American Civil War which resulted in the throwing out of the English should be repeated here. It need not be a bloody revolution, but there must be cahnge, this cannot go on as it is. Our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan to bring people democracy, but it will not be based on the English model, it will be based on the American model, it is time that our soldiers return to a home fit for heroes, not be treated as cannon fodder, or IED fodder, which does not have the same ring to it but means exactly the same. It is time to refuse orders, it is time to abolish the Official secrets Act, and 'D' notices. As Harry would say 'we do bad things to bad people' well harry the bad people are nearer to home than you think. 

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Nuclear weapons

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I am listening on Radio 4 to the testimony of a very brave veteran who was exposed to radiation from our nuclear testing in the fifties and early sixties.

Sometimes I feel ashamed for being English. May I suggest that your commenteers obtain a copy of the transcript of the programme which was relayed at about 9:30. I am very angry, and if there is anything I can do then I will research this, and get involved. These personnel followed orders, they could not refuse them, and they also had to sign the Official secrets Act. If the government feels so confident that they are in the right and that they owe no obligation to these men, then take them to the courts for breaching the Official Secrets Act, which has no limitation as far as I know, accordingly, are these men liars, or are they not intelligent enough to understand that standing pretty close to a nuclear device being set off is seriously not a very good idea.

Please note that the scientists seemed more concerned about the fish and the birds than about the human beings involved. This period is a stain on our nation, and must be rectified. The trouble is who set up the nuclear weapons programme why that wonderful immediate post war labour  government. As for Gordon Brown if he had not pushed through the programme of GBP20 billion then the whole programme would now be dead, because it was parliament which authorised the expenditure.

As for the 'scientists' then without this funding they would be unemployed, then what they do? Sometimes I seriously do wonder how some of these people can live wth themselves. What have they done, but it is still the government and parliament which has blood on its hands. Without the money then none of this could happen. What have they done not only to their own generation but future generations as well. Historians will look back and wonder, how did it happen, what drove human beings to do this to fellow human beings.

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I agree about the loss of Bobby Robson. However, I have to say that do not believe all the stuff said and written about him. I am a Plymouth Argyle fan and at one time we had a former england goalkeeper as our manager, Tony Waiters. We also had a rather good centre forward by the name of Paul Mariner. Now Robson was the manager of Ipswich town and he bought from us paul Mariner and in exchange we received a small sum of money and two palyers, neither of whom was very good, in fact not very good at all.

Now, seriously, Bobby Robson was a very good manager, and a very good negotiator, but he did get our centre forward, the future England and Arsenal centre forward, for next to nothing. However, is this not one of the problems, insofar that everybody is aware of the pain and suffering endured by Mr Robson. Should we however, be able to go to Dignitas to avoid the pain and suffering endured by many in our society, our is it good for us to see pain and suffering in others. Does anybody deserve to suffer more than we would allow an animal to suffer, because the only difference between us and the lower animals is that we are sentient. Maybe we just think too much.

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Assisted Suicide

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we must never accept that the 'right' to a dignified death should be the preserve of the rich and well connected. Parliament must pass a law which allows an organisation like dignitas to operate here. If we are not to prosecute people who take their loved ones overseas to participate in assisted suicide then we must not be typically hypocritical and ban assisted suicide in our own country. There must never be a situation where the law treats the rich and famous differently to the common poor.
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Monday, 3 Aug 2009, 12:00)
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yesterday we had the wonderful specticle of the funeral with full military honours of the Henry Allingham.

Now I wonder why so much has been made of Allinghma whilst so little about Harry Patch, who had, unless it is forgotten, outlived Allingham and has also recently passed away. May I put a thought into some peoples head about Allingham and the link to the current conflict in Afghanistan and the recent retreat from Iraq. In respect of Iraq please note that all our military have now been thrown out from the country, told to leave by the very people we have put in ower and who we liberated from tyranny.

Allinghma has done very well out of the wars. It takes very great moral strength to resist the requests of the generals and admirals to come to this or that ceremony. Consider that nobody had heard of Allingham before the Iraq war. Could it be that the services were struggling with those who disagreed with the war to justify their position. For example Fl Lt Kendall-Smith who was actually courts martialled because he refused orders. You have to understand that our current crop of pilots were not at all happy about indiscriminate bombing of innocent women and children. That is why if you know anything at all that the British soldiers when caught with a problem call up the Americans to do the bombing because the British pilots were always missing the target. The Americans have at last realised in Afganistan that you will lose hearts and minds, big time, over indiscriminate bombing.

So what to do, the British are now spending huge sums of money on Drones, Reaper and Predator are but precursors to our spending on these 'machines' which can be flown from bases guarded by soldiers, but actually operated from bases in America.

So I am afraid I am concerned about Allingham, I am sure that he was a brave man, that he saw terrible things, but at the end of the day, I think he has been used by the government and the military as some sort of example which the current soldiers must follow. That the services will look after you in your old age, that you will go to parades where flags fly and bugles blow. No, I think that the fate for many of the soldiers of today will be PTSD, drinks and drugs, and being found one morning, cold and dead in some alley way.

If Allingham is to have achieved anything then the soldiers of today must all be treated and supported in the same way. All soldiers must be guaranteed the same treatment as Allingham, it would be hypocritical not so to do.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gary Steel, Friday, 31 July 2009, 09:42)
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Met Office

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in all probability I think that a large percentage of the population have realised that the Met Office have manifestly over-egged the long range weather forecast for the British summer. Can we please accept that the Met Office is part of the wonderful, we always tell the truth, Ministry of Defence.

The same Met Office (MoD) which gives us global warming and climate change. The same Met Office which gives us Global Warming/Climate Change which at the same time organised a conference in Exeter where scientists from all over the world were flown in to discuss the terrible effect which air transport has on the climate.

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Iraq Inquiry

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so we have the terms of reference from Chilcot in respect of the Iraq Inquiry.

What I should say is that of course the proceedings should be in public. But more importantly it must be streamed on the internet, with all the transcripts made immediately available, again over the net.

What must also be allowed is for the public to be able to see the same evidence which is presented to the independent committee and for us to be able to suggest a question which we think she be asked based on that evidence. I have a simple persons mistrust of this inquiry because there will come a time when the questioning of the 'witnesses' will maybe not be as rigorous as it could be. Sometimes I myself shout at PMQs because nobody asks the questions which need to be asked.

One of the first documents which must be released is the copy of the secret memorandum of 31 January 2003 where it became apparent that there would not be a UN Resolution and that alternative reasons for regime overthrow must be found, in other words illegal regime change. So, just publish the document now and in full and an awful lot of time, effort and money will be saved.

As many will know I have a close family member who has been prevented by a High Court injunction taken out by the Ministry of Defence from speaking in public about the war. Prevented, not because it breached the Official Secrets Act, or was endangering National Security, but because it was a breach of a confidentiality clause in a contract he had to sign before allowed to join a special part of the services. A clause which was inserted to prevent members from benefiting financially from their involvement in that service.

Now, I know that soldiers signed up to serve their Queen and Country, and that they take the Queens shilling. However, if the war was wrong, if it was not for the reasons that were given to parliament, then I strongly believe that any soldier was 'free' to refuse orders, orders which I regard as being illegal. I can only hope that Chilcot does not get involved in a cover up. The eventual report will not be published until after the General Election. Surely the Committee will be able to criticise any evidence at the time it is given, and not wait until some unspecified time in the fiture. I am concerned already about this inquiry, I have not made my mind up in advance of the evidence, but I have accessed the documents leading up to the Great War, and all that helped do was to contribute to the next one. World War II.


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the Iraqi government has not renewed the agreement for British troops to remain in Iraq, so we have been thrown out. This is shameful. we now know that all those lives and injuries have been a complete and utter, total waste of time. So much for leaving with honour.

We have been involved in extra-ordinary rendition; we have been involved in enhanced interrogation techniques; we have been involved in what many regard as being an illegal war, our occupation has been a disaster and now this.

Brown promised an inquiry as soon as the our soldiers have left. Well now they are all gone. The inquiry must start immediately, the lessons must be learnt now, before more of our men and women are lost in Afghanistan. The same will happen, we will leave with our tails between our legs. When is the parade for the Iraq boys going to be held Brown, surely that has not slipped your memory.

I do have a petition on the Number 10 web site deamnding an Iraq inquiry and now an Afghanistan inquiry. There are 34 people who have signed for the Iraq inquiry and so far one other for Afghanistan. I think that both will grow the more the truth of our abject failure in both theatres becomes apparent. Harry Patch was right 'war is murder'.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Thursday, 30 July 2009, 10:07)
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I do so love the BBC, first they have Jackson on Radio 5 Live saying how he was turned down for compensation for damage to his hearing. Then they interview Simon Weston who says that he gets GBP10,000 per annum compensation for his injuries. Then they interview another person who served years ago and gets GBP30,000 a year in compensation because he suffered concussion. Now I'm sorry but there does some to be some sort of problem. For example, let us say that you suffer from PTSD after being involved in an accident.

In the meantime it would appear that former typists get hundreds of thousands of pounds for RSI. As for the women who got hundreds of thousands of pounds for getting pregnant, what has happened to them, are women in the army no longer falling pregnant, or suffering harassment.

 You claim on the insurance and they pay you. Over time the images start to disappear and you get on with life, you no longer suffer PTSD, so rather than lump sum payments should monthly payments be made, and that if your condition improves then those payments must be reduced. They must be under constant review.

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just listened to Radio 5 Live and the retired General Sir Mike Jackson who complained that he had been refused compensation for ear damage. In the meantime would the good General like to tell us how much he actually receives in pension from his service to the country, and furthermore, does he or does he not work as a director/adviser to a company which supplies contractors in war zones. Just a simple question which I do not expect an answer to.

There are cases where soldiers leave the army, join the contracting firms , then get injured and though the MoD is the commissioning agency, there is no liability to provide compensation. I notice that yet again Jackson refers to a review, why must we always wait until a review, again one which will not convene until so close to the general election which must be held by June next year! Mustn't it?

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Tuesday, 28 July 2009, 11:30)
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