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Our Journey has advanced!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:10

Our journey had advanced

Our journey had advanced,
Our feet were almost come
To that odd fork in being's road,
Eternity by term.

Our pace took sudden awe,
Our feet reluctant led;
Before were cities, but between,
The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,
Behind, a sealed route,
Eternity's white flag before,
And God at every gate.

By Emily Dickinson

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Urban vegetable growing

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 9 Oct 2023, 19:03

just been watching on the BBC app about creating urban farms on rooftops in cities.
I thought this sounds like a great idea. people would be able to rent their own plot and grow their own vegetables.
It has already started in Paris in France also in America it seems to be gaining popularity. However I was just just wondering about the air quality?
Growing vegetables would likely to be be affected by pollution.
It seems like a pretty good idea but surely pollution levels must be lowered first and air quality measured for it to be successful? Then higher quality vegetables can be produced. This will mean lowering pollution levels in towns and inner cities also introducing electric powered cars for lower emmisions into the atmosphere.

Peoples co-operatives could be organised by the residents  where they could sell or keep their home grown produce. A very good idea

A  BBC article reads,;

Way up above London's bustling streets, previously neglected rooftops are being converted into flourishing wild flower, fruit and vegetable gardens.

"There's nothing quite like looking at the view of the Gherkin through a trellis of green beans," says Kelly Peake, who lives in a flat in Tower Hamlets, east London.

Three blocks of shared ownership and housing association flats share the Silk Gardens Rooftop, which is a member of Capital Growth Network, a charity that encourages food growing in urban areas.

The gardens include wildflowers, roof top boxes, and trees and bushes from which the residents share fruit.

"It's very good for developing the community," says Ms Peake. "Families share the roof space and urban kids get to see where food comes from.

Report by Andy Dangerfield
BBC News, London
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No fear!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:11

Christianity is a way of life that has no fear of death

Le Christianisme est un mode de vie qui n' a pas peur de la mort

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Le Sermont sur la montagne- Sermon on the mount

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 17:09

Jesus a dit:
Heureux vous qui étes pauvres, car le royaume de Dieu est à vous!
Heureux vous qui avez faim maintenant, car vous serez rassasiés!
Heureux vous qui pleurez maintenant, car vous serez dans la joie!
Heureux serez vous, lorsque les hommes vous hairont, lorsqu'on vous chassera, vous outragera, et qu'on rejettera votre nom comme infâme, à cause du fils de l'homme!
Réjouissez- vous en ce jour là et tressailler d' allégresse, parce que votre récompense sera grande dans le ciel; car c'est ainsi que leurs pères traitaient les prophètes.
Mais, malheur à vous riches, car vous aver votre consolation!
Malheur à vous qui étes rassasiés, car vous aurer faim!
Malheur à vous qui rier maintenant, car vous serer dans le deuil et dans les larmes!
Malheur, lorsque tous les hommes diront du bien de vous, car c'est ainsi qu'agissaient leurs pères à l'égard des faux prophètes!

St Luc 6.21 - 26 La Sainte Bible.

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Interesting blogs

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:12

Hi fellow students and bloggers,

I am enjoying reading all these blogs because people are all different and everyone has many interesting things to say!

I hope I can continue to blog a little now and then after my course starts in October. I will try, maybe my french language might improve by then!

I hope everyone is ok and getting on alright with life, studies and everthing else they are doing.

Keep on blogging !

Best wishes Gill

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OU French language studies

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 17 Mar 2024, 17:25

Hi everyone,

I Hope you are all ok and looking forward to your various studies.

I myself am looking forward and gearing up for L222 language studies.

I am a mature student at over 50ys old and never thought I would one day be studying for a degree. I have always dreamed of travelling to other countries  (travel broadens the mind) and I like to immerse myself into different cultures. I like french cuisine very much and reading french literature and poetry.

I did enjoyed my career in nursing as (HCA,) as well as bringing up a family, then being a carer. I am now retired and spend my time walking in the countryside, crocheting, religious studies, singing, playing piano and studying with the OU which I am  finding very interesting. Online learning is great fun and enables me to study at my own pace.

I wish I had discovered studying when I was a lot younger but it is never too late to learn! 


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Bless you and keep you safe

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 Aug 2023, 04:38

May God bless you and keep you. May God's light shine upon you and be gracious to you.

May you feel God's presence within you always and may you find peace!

From  bible.

Best wishes to all Gill

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Online learning is a good way to learn languages!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 01:28

I came to learning a degree later in life I am over 50 +  I am still struggling a bit with the techinology side of things, but fortunately, if I am stuck I can always  ask for help with the IT. The student help team are there to advise with IT issues.

Once you get to know your way around,  by  navigating through the sites, on the module, such as tutorial bookings, assessment tables, resources etc and keep up to date with your study planner. 

You just have to sort of make an exploration at first to find out where everything is,  it can be a little daunting  to begin with , but this is an on line course after all and therefore  everything is computerised these days. You can send e mails to your tutor and get advice from other students too on the online student forum.

I am finding it all a great learning experience, and once you discover all the various sites on your module it becomes much easier. I wish this method of learning had been around in my day because it is a really interesting way to learn ! 

Best wishes to every student Gill

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Is the world changing?

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 01:30

 Been taking photos during Covid lockdown of empty streets. Nature coming closer to the city too,  with foxes, birds and other wildlife. It is a strange and interesting time. It is as if time has stood still.

Unfortunately,  it will not be for long. Getting more difficult, as paths and streets becoming very busy again.  All these little footpaths in the country side are starting to become very popular, whereas before there was never anyone on them. 

You could walk and never meet a soul. Now has there been a sudden  interest in the natural world?  People are maybe  realising  "hey, I have legs I can walk,  Perhaps  I can even use them? and not go in the car anymore?"  Maybe it will catch on this walking bug!

Pollution in the air actually dropped during lockdown!

Of course this is probably wishful thinking on my part.  Will there, but will there ever be less pollution and cleaner air? 

Or is it an idealistic dream?

It has been an unusual time lately.

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Looking forward

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:21

Hello everyone, hope you all ok and surviving the lockdown. It has been a difficult and dangerous time. These are turbulent days. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones.

I am now  pleased to have finshed U214 and looking forward to taking next module which I think will be L222. I will be studying French language so I will try to watch french news channels, watch videos with and without subtitles! and read french books to prepare for this upcoming module.

Hope you are all doing well with your various studies. Hope to meet some of you on the student forums when term starts again all the best.

God Bless Gill.

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