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Abandon hope

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Nice one but please give credit to #8.

Can we expect to see more quotes from Shakespeare.

It's carnage on the Stock market, where is a government spokesman, like the Prime Minister, telling us not to worry, it's not as bad as it seems.

Only trouble is that any words uttered by anybody attached to this awful government will only exacerbate the situation. Their words will come back to haunt them. 'The pound in your pocket' or 'crisis what crisis', or even te classic piece of paper being waved n the air and 'peace in our time'.

Abandon hope all you who enter here.

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Just a little bit of news reported on Radio 5, which may be of interest.

It is reported that Pakistan fired on some American planes which overflew Pakistan airspace. No violations of Pakistani Territory will be tolerated.

Now then can we take it that British and American forces are not operating in the border areas to Aghanistan and Pakistan, and sometimes going over the border, into Pakistan.

Now I think that Gordon Brown will announce to cheers that British troops are to be withdrawn from Iraq, however they will have to be sent to reinforce our defeat in Afghanistan.

Russia was bankrupted by its Afghanistan excursion. The same is happening to America, apart from anything else it can't afford these wars. Americans are not happy about their recession and the fact the billions are being spent to fight wars.

So, while we have concerns about the economy, and the politicians we are losing site of the disaster unfolding in other areas of the world. Millibland ought to do his job trying to sort his job as foreign secretary before he can even think about running this country.

Can't wait for the governmnet reshuffle.

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Philosophy and a Faustian Tragedy

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Hi Guys,

now I have been accused of using this site as some sort of mesaage board. Well i think any such accusations are completely unfounded.

The reason, just look at what I show below as a comment on the Nick Robinson BBC blog and notice, please that where have I got my reference to Shakespeare and Faust from:-

'Now listen I am getting very annoyed. These are the comments I made yesterday #133 on Rebel Tactics:-

'I can now see why some compared him Gordon Brown) to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare'.

These comments should also be read in conjunction with support from David Millibland.

I don't know, must everybody follow the Griffin.

Where is the government commentary about the financial meltdown in America. We have had 9/11 and the War on Terror, well put it in your diaries, this day will go down in history, 9/15, Great Depression II.

Some people ought to go back to read their Shakespeare, money has made us all pimps and whores. If you want to know try reading Faust/Mephistopheles Part 1,scene iv.

In fact this is actually turning into a Faustian tragedy'.

go to page 204 of the Political Thought Course Reader. Now, I know it is an extract from Karl Marx and Money, The Universal Whore so may not be to everybodys' cup of tea, but the course and the attendent supporting documentation is relevent, only some people lack the intelligence to use what they know. Not something which I lack. Modest I know but I never have been a shrinking violet, well not in public anyway.

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A Faustian Tragedy

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Now listen I am getting very annoyed. These are the comments I made yesterday #133 on Rebel Tactics:-

'I can now see why some compared him to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare'.

These comments should also be read in conjunction with support from David Millibland.

I don't know, must everybody follow the Griffin.

Where is the government commentary about the financial meltdown in America. We have had 9/11 and the War on Terror, well put it in your diaries, this day will go down in history, 9/15, Great Depression II.

Some people ought to go back to read their Shakespeare, money has made us all pimps and whores. If you want to know try reading Faust/Mephistopheles Part 1,scene iv.

In fact this is actually turning into a Faustian tragedy.

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I don't believe it

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Here, this is getting amazing. Now we have people on the radio saying that it is alright for a bank to fail, I mean Lehman Brothers, gone. Merrill Lynch, taken over by Bank of America, which sounds really good, I mean Bank of America, its not as though it has anything to do with any real Bank America, not like our Bank of England.

Now, we are also hearing about AIG, the sponsors of Manchester United pleading for money. In the meantime Newcastle United still carry the sponsors name, Northern Rock.

This is appalling, 'I don't believe it'. I know this is a stream of consciousness but I a good day to be alive, to see history being made, put it into diary, 9/15, the day it finally all went wrong.

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Financial Armageddon and Politics

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Love listening to Today on Radio 4.

Further to my #109 I wonder why somebody who should really be able to stabilise the markets and give us very good advice, namely one Alastair Darling, will not come on to be interviewed. Probably much too busy looking for a job when he loses the existing one in the upcoming cabinet reshuffle.

I wonder if the existing ministers have been told that if you keep supporting Gordon then you will keep your job, with everything that goes with it.

So, this government is in meltdown, everything is Gordon, Gordon, Gordon. In the meantime the financial markets are in meltdown, I mean the thundering herd bellowing their support for Gordon whilst Rome burns.

Watch for an Italian airline as well, this is so cool.

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Financial Armageddon

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Merrill Lynch as well, and AIG. I mean it is so brilliant to listen to people coming onto the radio and give us their expert knowledge. I mean they are so expert that they have not seen this coming, or if they did they remained silent, which is actually even worse.

If people who knew stayed silent so as not to spread doom and despondency then they are guilty of negligence. This is an appalling state of affairs, and this time the Great Depression will be a truly global one. Just as the Great War was really a European Civil War, including Europeans who had influence in America, which resulted in WWII, then the Great Depression was basically the same. This will be the equivalent of WWII, and when India and China join in then this is going to be cataclysmic, our own little Armageddon.

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Lehman Brothers

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by now you will have started to hear about Lehman Brothers and the fact that the holding company has been put into Chapter 11 in America.

May I suggest most humbly that you read #109 #120 and #123 the first one being my posting, the second sagamix, and the third Jackturk. To Jackturk I would add the Tonnage Act which is the root of the problem in the UK.

Whilst most people seem to be wasting their time and effort on Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling just realise that we are now facing the worst crisis since 1928, the global financial markets are imploding and what are people apparently concerned about, a general election which need not be held for ages.

This situation is even worse than I ever thought, oh and by the way I did use to be employed by an Investment Bank in the City. We are all so doomed.

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Politics, Philosophy and Economics

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now the reason why I have given the title to the subject is that it is in
PPE that I am going for my BA Honours with the Open University. Also I
used to work for many years for an Investment Bank in the City of London.

Now, in all my courses I have not been achieving very high marks, in fact
I have struggled in all three areas. So, Terry I hear you say, why are you
telling us this. Well I also count myself as a bit of an historian,
especially around the Great War and the Great Depression.

By now you will have heard about the collapse of Lehman Brothers, an
American Investment bank. So now the connection.

The OU and other universities 'sell' their courses but I have always
thought that there could be a case of mis-selling, on the basis that there
is just too much theory, and not enough real working knowledge of how it
all fits together.

In order for the honours system to function, from my experience anyway, there must be a requirement to extend it to PPPE. The additional 'P' being Psychology, otherwise it just doesn't make any sense at all.

Many of the current crop of politicians think that they know it all because they have studied PPE at their university and they, therefore,have theories which they can put into practice. This is non-sense. They have no real idea as to how the economy works.

I know that it is too early to read this because you've probably had a hard week-end of partying or getting up to date with housework. Maybe you've even been doing some revision or finishing your ECA. The one thing you have probably not been able to do is to just sit and think. Yes, I have, but I have also been doing the garden in the sun, lot's of lawn to cut. Hedges to trim, but I digress.

The fantastic thing about the OU is that it gives us access to historical documents, and may I suggest that if you can look at the historic copies of the Times  go to the period in 1928 when there were huge falls on the New York Stock Exchange and the government put ever more money into the system to bail out the market. The exact same mistakes are being made today. So, you will know what happened in 1929, the year of the great stock market crash in November, but more importantly the start of the Great Depression. I think that history is about to repeat itself, we have been living in a fool's paradise, of huge government spending and redistribution of wealth through tax credits and public works , PFI schools for example.

I know that this is not really closely linked to the AXR271, but all of you are soon going to have plenty of time to put into practice your 'Thinking Philosophy' because you too are going to have plenty of gardening leave. Sorry, to be one of the four horsemen but we are heading for a financial Armageddon, hold onto your hats, but hey you can all be very philosophical about it.

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Brown to resign

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so Gordon wants to stay for the next General election and he will win it, he is just so very confident of that victory. I wonder if he will win the forthcoming bye election in Scotland, will he get the hint then.

Now, let's assume that he is right, that he leads the labour party to the next General election and he wins. exactly what then.

Remember Tony Blair stated quite categorically that he would serve a full term, and that was it. Funnily enough because of the Gordon cpup Tony resigned, and Gordon took over with no, repeat no election. If there was an election let's see the voting papers, or know who voted for him. Somehow there will be no comment from the usual suspects.

To be fair Tony resigned his seat in parliament and so he did serve a full term

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Save Browns sanity

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It is actually becoming oh so very sad. It is like watching a video of an appalling slow motion car crash, and the result is always the same.

Is it not the case that it should Brown is now 'Groundhog day Brown'.

What will finally destroy the labour party is when at the end of this parliament, which must end sometime, the recriminations and blame will be apportioned and one, or some will always be seen as the traitor.

I wonder when Brown will find a form of words which will be the 'back me or sack me' moment. Could somebody not find an illness for him, like they did with MacMillan, so that he can go gracefully, with his dignity, because I do actually fear for him.

I'm sure that he his a good man, but he seems to me a good second in command, never the captain of the ship. Maybe he ought to read some Plato, which may explain his situation to him, and others.

I can now see why some compared him to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare.

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Iraq and the Labour Party Conference

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I hope that others listened to the Millibland interview on Radio 5 this morning. Now listen, this is important, we are in difficult times. People want us to get on with the job.

All the cabinet ministers know that the game is up. They are just about to crash and burn and so they continue to sit at a table with 'the leader' and await the visit to the bunker. They are going down, big time.

So as the military would say 'it's time to lock and load' because they, like our occupation of Iraq is coming to an end. You can expect an announcement of our retreat from Iraq during the labour party conference, just to silence the anti-war brigade. Mind you they will have to confirm that we are going to sign up to an American surge in Afghanistan.

There must a debate in parliament before we send ever more troops to reinforce another defeat, and there must be an inquiry into Iraq.

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Difference between Politics and Politicians

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May I tell Nick Clegg that people are not giving up on politics. What I am doing is giving up on politicians.

They wouldn't care about politics if you wrapped it up in gold leaf. They, politicians, only know what is best for them. They know nothing of politics, or if they did they forgot their principles long ago.

They don't have a clue. When the time is right about a Euro referendum says the liberal democrat leader. The time was right when we would have got a better rate than what it is today. Just think what rate we would have got for our pound when the rates were agreed.

I want to know about cash for honours, and I want to know about loans to political parties. I want a public inquiry into the war in Iraq. Now, give me that then a lttle of my faith may just be restored, somehow, though I will remain outside the grubbiness of the political parties.

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Sept 2008, 12:23

My comment today relates to the inquiry into the death of a British soldier in Afghanistan. Just how many have 'our boys' actually died as a result of so called friendly fire, or blue on blue.

How many Afghanis have died as a result of our actions when they could possibly have been detained and interrogated. It would appear that nobody is ever arrested, they are all just killed, either directly by the soldiers, by bombing from allied jets, or at a distance using 'Predator' and 'Reaper' which are unmanned planes 'flown' by the military from bases in the Nevada desert.

There is something going terribly wrong in Afghanistan and it will get much worse before it gets better. We are losing the battle for hearts and minds, and we dare to complain about the actions of Russia in Georgia!

Please keep an eye on what is happening in Pakistan. The Americans are going for broke, they must have the head of bin Laden before the Presidential elections. The Republicans do not intend to lose.

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Who leads the Conservatives

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Sept 2008, 12:24

Who is actually really setting the Tory agenda, you don't actually think it is David Cameron, who I regard as a front man for some very unpleasant people.

You don't seriously think that Cameron is capable of setting an agenda do you, seriously I mean.

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Millibland on Radio 5

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Just listening to David Millibland on Radio 5.

Now listen this is really important, we are not resting on our laurels, we are thinking afresh.

Gordon is a man of real deep values, such deep values that he did not resign over the war in Iraq, therefore he must have agreed with it.

Yes thinking afresh says Millibland. The nationalisation of Northern Rock, now that really is not old labour, I mean they nationalised Coal, Steel, the Railways, etc...and they were so succesful. They have not nationalised the energy companies and the water companies, now that would be thinking afresh!

So, what sort of difference will these people make when they wake up in the morning. So get your act togther, listen this is important.

So what does labour believe in? Gordon was not elected, he held no election, can these people not understand that they are trying to rewrite history and some of will not accept.

They are all going to sink and they are going to take us down with them.

So, what are they going to do about Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Dafur, Treaty of Lisbon and Ireland.

Team GB is sinking fast, where is the lifeboat, oh that's right it's full already.

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Conspiracy Theories

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Sept 2008, 12:24
I think that is big news hidden today which will require a serious investigation. I am talking about the breaking news about GCHQ and the Omagh bombing.

This should be taken into account with the Gibraltar action where three suspected IRA terrorists were shot and killed.

It should also be taken into account with regard to the shooting and death of the young innocent Brazilian De Menezes.

It should also be taken into account with regard to the weapons of mass destruction, and the subsequent invasion of Iraq, and the deaths which have followed.

It should also be taken into account when there is the fact that there has been no inquest into the death of Doctor David Kelly.

It should also be taken into account when we know of the acquittal of terrorists accused of trying to set off explosions on planes flying to America.

It should be taken into account with regard to the allegations of a shoot to kill policy operating in Ireland.

It should be taken into account when looking at the BBC and what I will call the Gilligan affair. Is the BBC really independent anymore. Some of us have looked into the General Strike and the action of Lord Reith, and again let us not look at the BBC with rose tinted glasses.

There must be a full inquiry into the war in Iraq, it is the war which is going to bring about the downfall of Brown and this government. It will also bring about the end of this parliament.

With a new government in power, hopefully one of national unity, because the splits in our society are now reaching seismic proportions. Things have been done in my name I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

I am afraid that this country is very deep in the mire, it is not politics at fault, it is politicians, and I feel so very sad.
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Brown is a Despot

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Now look I want you all to read this because it is very important. No, keep reading this is, important.

I have just seen ed Balls on the Andrew Marr Show and, now this is important, we have been letting the conservatives have it too much their own way. Now do you see how important this is.

Now, I have to say that he was very confident, very confident indeed. Labour can win this election, notice this election, not the election which must be held within the next 18 months.

If this is what we can expect then we really can abandon all hope. If Darling can only say that we are 'pissed off' with labour, and that Hope can say of Charles Clarke, 'shutup' then this is terrible. Now this is imprtant, says Balls, well yes it is, only like the British presence in Iraq, labour is now the problem and will never be the solution. Like the retreat from Basra, and the long Napoleonic retreat from Moscow, it is time to call it a day.

A government of national unity is what is needed, as Balls admits, and I have been saying for some time, we are facing a credit crunch the like of which has not seen since the 1930's.

We are facing the worst situation since that time in the current crop of politicians in parliament are not going to be able to prevent it happening. There have been other Great Depressions and they cannot be avoided, there was and always will be 'boom and bust'.

Now, wasn't that important. Watch the way the politicians hold their hands, its a church, a very broad church, and Gordon is the worst sort of paternalistic despot.

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