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Paix soit avec vous tous ! 🕊

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:22

Paix soit avec vous tous!    🕊

Jesus dit:
Que votre coeur ne se trouble point. Croyez en Dieu et croyez en moi.   Jean 14 v 1

Je vous laisse la paix,
Je vous donne ma paix.
Je ne vous donne pas comme le monde donne. Que votre coeur ne se trouble point, et ne s' alarme point.
  Jean 14 v27

Je vous ai dit ces choses, afin que vous ayez la paix en moi. Vous aurez des tribulation dans le monde; mais prenez courage, J'ai vaincu le monde.
Jean 16 v33

Que la paix soit avec vous !

De La sainte bible

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Le bon berger

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:23


Jesus dit, Je suis la porte des brebis. Mon brebis écoutés à mon voix.Je suis la porte. si quelqu'un entre par moi; il sera sauvé.Il entera et il trouvera des pâturages.Je suis venu afin que les brebis aient la vie et qu'elles l'aient en abondance.Je suis le bon berger. Le bon berger donne sa vie pour ses brebis.

La sainte Bible

Jean chap10 v 7-11

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Bringing hope!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 11:12


Jesus said I am the door for the sheep
My sheep listen to my voice.
I am the door if anyone enters by me they will be saved. They will come in and find pasture.
I came to give life to the sheep and for them to have life in abundance.
I am the good shepherd
The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.

            🤺    🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

The Bible
John chap10v 7-11

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Enjoying the BA in languages

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:21

Enjoying the Arts 📖🖼📚

I have always had an interest in Arts and I particlarly liked doing the Arts and languages access course with the open university at the begining of my degree journey.

This has reawakened my interest in poetry which was something I remembered I had really enjoyed doing at school. Once a week a dear old lady, a retired teacher she used to come into our class and recite poetry to the class it was such a change from the usual formal lessons we normally had.

 I was so wrapped up in what she was saying and she spoke so clearly, eloquently and with great feeling. I used to find myself looking forward to those afternoon poetry readings. The stress just used to leave me as I listened to her voice it was almost musical and it transported me to another world of make believe and adventures!

I think that It was the teachers themselves who inspired us with their enthusiasm for the subject and their great patience towards us and their willingness to share their knowledge.

The teachers I have met at the OU are like that too, they are always enthusiastic and very willing to pass on their knowledge with great patience to others.

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A Poem by Paul Verlaine

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 11:20


Ecouter la chanson bien douce
Qui ne pleure que pour vous plaire.
Elle est discréte, elle est légère;
Un frisson d'eau sur de la mousse.

La voix vous fut connue (et chère?)
Mais à présent elle est voilée
Comme une veuve désolée,
Pourtant, comme elle, encore fière;

Et dans les longs plis de son voile
Qui palpite aux brises d'automne,
Cache et montre au coeur qui s'étonne
La vérité, comme un étoile...

Par Paul Verlaine

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Winter poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 11:27

Bâton en main, barbe de glace,
Cheminant avec sa besace,
Suivi d'un loupe-Cervier;
Il va, parcourant les campagnes,
Boire tous nos ruisseaux.
De neige il couvre nos montagnes
Et fait peur aux oiseaux.

Apporte un fagot, Marguerite,
Casse du bois, fais un bon feu !
Oh ! mon Dieu!
Bienheureux celui qui s'abrite,
Quand, l' hiver, le ciel et si bleu ! ...

Helas! quand des glaces polaires
Descend le vieux Janvier,
Ses yeux mornes ont des colères
Qui font peur au bouvier.
On ne voit plus de feuilles mortes;
Le vent sffle aux buissons
Et se glisse à travers les portes
De nos vielles maisons.

Des filles avec des serpettes
S'en vont, fronts chevelus,
Dans les bois, couper des branchettes
Qui ne fleuriront plus.
Pour réchauffer mainte famille
Que bleuirait le froid,
Le forêt veut qu'un feu pétille
Le soir, sous le vieux toit....

Mais donne un fagot, Marguerite,
Casse du bois, fais un bon feu !
Prions Dieu !
Bienheureux celui qui
s' abrite,
Quand, l'hiver, le ciel est si bleu !

Par Barrilot
Les Vierges du Foyer

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French poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 17:21

Le Retour au village

Je vais revoir mon village,
Les lieux que J'ai tant chéris,
Et la montagne sauvage,
Et les églantiers fleuris;
Douce trêve
Qu'un long rêve
Qui s'achève
Les encore à mes esprits.

Je verrai la croix qui penche
Au front des rochers alpins,
Et les tapis de pervenche,
Et les halliers d'aubépins,
Et la mousse
Qui repousse
Molle et douce
A l'abri de noirs sapins.

Je reverrai la bruyère
Qui s'incline en gémissant,
Je reverrai la clairière
Où le ruisseau va
Et ton onde
Qui féconde
Le pecage verdissant.

Inspired by my trip to a mountain village in France.

Charles Nodier.

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Un grand tour de la France 🚍

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 1 July 2021, 12:35

Mon voyage en France a été une belle expérience. J'ai fais un grand tour en autocar pour trois semaines avec mon Mari en Septembre de 2013.

Nous avons comencé au nord du pays, à Rouen. La ville est très belle.
J'aime beaucoup visité toutes les châteaux dans la vallée de la Loire.
Nous avons aussi visité Honfleur et en particulier, le musée dédié à Erik Satie un grand innovateur de musique et nous avons aussi visité
Le musee de peintres.

Ensuite, le sud et le soleil. À San Malô J' ai fait une longue promenade le long des murs de la forteresse à San Malô. Nous avons marché sur le sable le long de la côte. J'ai prit un bain de soleil sur la plage, et une trempette dans la mer. 

Dans le sud Nous avons diné dans un bon restauraunt qui avait de délicieux plats provençaux près de la plage. La bouillabaise était exquise. Il faisait bon et le soliel brillait toute la journée. 

Nous avons visité, sans oublier, le mont San Michel et grimpé jusqu' au sommet. c'etait magnifique!

Apres Nous sommes resté á la montagne pour trois jours, c'etais tres beau. Nous avons marché et grimpé des montagnes. Nous avons visité les grottes et les chapelles. Nous sommes allés dans une reserve fauntique.

En suite , Nous avons egalement visité Baumes et Mimosa, St Raphael et Frejus. Nous avons visité Nice et Saint Tropez et Aix. Où le soleil brillait tous les jours.. 

Nous avons terminé notre voyage à Paris en nous ballandant pour acheter des souvenirs et diné dans des bonnes brasseries. La France est un grand pays pour egalité, liberté et fraternité ! Ce fût un séjour mémorable!

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Personal development plan

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:24

Todays reading from module

Personal development
To gain confidence in acquired skills. Listening and understanding
(Radio programmes, films, books)
Reading and translating
Speaking and pronouciation.
(Recording voice on voice recorder)
Writing letters
Writing essays
Translation practise

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Psaume 1

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 9 Nov 2021, 22:11

French Translation

Heureux l'homme qui ne marche pas selon le conseil des méchants, Qui ne s' arrête pas sur la voie des pécheurs, et qui ne s'assied pas en compagnie des moquers, 

Mais qui trouve son plaisir dans la loi de  l' Eternel,Et qui la médite jour et nuit! Il est comme un arbre planté près d'une courant d' eau, Qui donne son fruit en sa saison Et dont le fuillage ne se flétrit point:

Tout ce qu'il fait lui réussit. Il n' en est pas ainsi des méchants; Ils sont comme la paille que le vent dissipe. C'est pourquoi les méchants ne résistent pas au jour du jugement, ni les pécheurs dans l'assemblée des justes;

Car l' Eternel connait la voie des justes,
Et la voie des pécheurs mène a la ruine.

De la Sainte Bible

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Children are the future

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:25

Thank God that there are some good people who are concerned about what the government are not doing about child poverty in this country!

It is commendable that celebrities and sports personalities are more concerned about the future health of our children but what is the government doing about it? It's time they did something for its children.

Children are the future health of this nation. Lets make sure they are well nourished, educated and protected. It is these young people who will inherit what we leave to them. We hope it is good health and excellent education we leave them as well as a system that cares for its citizen or they will not thank us for it !

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TMA 1 nearly ready

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 01:47

Reread TMA 01 looks ok a bit plain but straight to the point. A good start might change it a bit yet and add a bit but I have to be careful for the word count.

Did some reading from essential French Grammar. Did a couple of exercises from the end of chapter. Just trying to absorb all the information from first couple of chapters.

Was not going to study much today as I felt tired after yesterdays trip to visit my son in the city, but I found it quite peaceful in the house and so was easy to concentrate. Tomorrow may be busy as have to go out for last shopping trip to the nearest town as there are some products I will need before the next lockdown.

Glad I studied a bit, next big study day will now be Tuesday.

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Childhood days

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 26 July 2021, 19:30

       🌲 🏡🌳

In the cosy cottage Where I once grew

There were many apple trees and roses too.

It was there the scene proceeds
Children playing beneath the trees raced in their pedal cars
And grazed their knees

Smiling wth delight
As Autumn leaves fall
Playing hide and seek
Or throwing a ball

"I am bigger in my big car!"
"I am faster on my bike!"
"First one to the gate
Wins a big choclate cake!"

The echoes through the years
Of childhood days gone by
Brings a tear to my eye
O how the time does fly!

A garden swing is hanging
Which was once played upon
Now it all stands abandoned and forlorn

The chidren grown and gone!

Gill Burrell

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Le réveil

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:53

L'Amour vit dans le coeur
Elle attend d'être reveillée
Maintenant elle a sommeil.


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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 20:43

Rain falling
Cold seeping
Eyes weeping


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Getting ready for TMA

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 20:47

Taking lots of notes for TMA 01

Phrases, sentences, more notes, vocabulary, more notes, relevant quotations, more notes, recycling sentences, reading, rereading over and over again, gathering information, checking rechecking words in dictionary and on google.

Begin first draft of assignment. Pens run out, chewed my pencil, Lost my rubber, battery ran out on I pad racking my brain starting to feel crazy! Aah!!!

Tomorrow is another day but will try a little more note taking and  writing later today.

Looking forward to having mediteranean chicken/ quorn for the meal a big trifle and a large glass of wine!

All the best for those with TMAs in the next couple of weeks !

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Studies going well!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 18 Jan 2024, 16:46

Feeling in a good mood  today, I managed to download some very important files from the module. This means,  I don't have to go through lots and lots of data, and I can keep it bite size. This way it is much easier to remember. 

Tried listening to a recorded tutorial via mobile, but not always good reception as it faded in and out. I got some of it, but a bit tedious to catch every word. Perhaps I am going a bit deaf! Will try to listen to recording again later.

Writing down lots of key words in my note book. Thinking of keeping a digital notebook,  as my handwriting is not very good, and I sometimes can't even read my own handwriting! I have a weak wrist (accident to wrist when young!)  so I have decided that having a digital notebook would be much easier.
Anyway,  I am generally feeling positive and upbeat about my studies.

Best wishes to all!

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Being immersed in the French culture

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 22:14

I have been immersed for a month in the French culture when I stayed with french speaking friends in Brussels Belgium. I have also been a month touring in France and have spent past holidays there. I have learned a lot about the language and culture.

The French turn cuisine into an art form. You eat with your eyes first! It is often about what the food looks like and how it is presented that is one of the most important factors - then it is what it tastes like all the ingredients are always fresh and delicious as possible and cooked well. I really like nouvelle cuisine.

Politics and political opinions are a past time with the French and they are more outspoken and knowledgeable about politics. It is generally understood that all politicians are always wrong from whichever side you are coming from and that it is the people themselves who know better! 

France is a republic whereas England is a kingdom where everyone must know their proper place and behave themselves because we have a monarchy here.

The media in this country are biased towards mainly right wing policies. In the French media there is more of a balance with the left and right media.

The Education is of a very high quality in France and students are better prepared in terms of succeeding their qualifications. There isn't that class system that we have here, students there are treated equally and fairly  with plenty of opportunities. However, Fees can be high and you have to have high qualifications to enter.

Sport is taken very seriously indeed. Cycling being the most popular as well as football and rugby.

Religion in France  is a matter of personal choice but if you are religious then you must be very careful about it. You can worship in a temple, church or mosque.  However you do have to be very subtle, as It is a secular society. There are no outward symbols such as a crucifix or muslim headscarves!

Cinema is popular and liked by everyone, people are usually very well informed about films. It is a social, popular, interesting  thing to do and there are many little independant cinemas that are not expensive. After all  Cinema was first invented there! 

Litterature is easily accessible and most people like to read and have their personal favourites. Libraries are bookshops not a library. A library is biblioteque. .There are various prizes and awards for the best literature such as the prix Goncourt.  

I am still learning about French culture on my French Module so I still have a lot to learn!

At the moment I am reading 'le petit prince'  in French. I have read madame Bovary,  Balzac, Emile Zola, and les miserables by Victor Hugo. I have read a little of Albert Camus.  Hoping to read them in again this time in French.

So this is what I have learned about 'la culture Française.' so far!

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Le Mystère

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 8 Oct 2020, 23:51

Le mystère vivant de l'incarnation
Le sanctuaire de la rédemption
Grâce au sacrifice de celui qui est Dieu.
Le courroux de Dieu tombe sur l'humanité
Jusqu'à la fin des temps
Le gouffre de la culpabilisation
Nous échappe dans sa
La trahison de la divinité de notre Seigneur qui à été la violence humaine du sacré nous oppresse tous les jours de notre vie.
Mais ! après l'accumulation des peines et souffrances dans cette vie, avec ses pensées inutiles,
viendra la croyance dans la foi en Dieu
récompensée par Lui.
La vertu sacrifiée donnera une fragrance exquise après avoir
franchi le seuil de l'existence.

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:36

God knows what you've
So Jesus died for you
He took your pain upon the cross
To give you life anew

Gill Burrell

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La Source

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 4 June 2021, 03:10

Sous la mousse et sous les roseaux
L' avez-vous parfois rencontrée,
La petite source ignorée,
Connue à peine des oiseaux ?

De ses invisibles réseaux
Nul ne suit la trame azurée,
Nul ne s'informe ou vont ses eaux
Dans la forêt désaltérée

Longtemps elle court sans dessein;
Un jour, on lui creuse un bassin,
Lecteur, vous achevez l'histoire!

A travers bois ma source fuit;
Elle est humble et fait peu de bruit;
Mais elle est pure; on y peut boire.

Eugène Manuel

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Spirit and truth

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 19:02

What have we done in life
in thought, in word and deed?
Have we served the devil and by him been deceived ?
or have we served the Lord, in faith and hope, believed ?

You can only have one master
So we will have to choose
Some they will get to win
And others have much to lose

Adam commited sin and so did his wife Eve
They met up with God
But they still did not believe !

They just listened to the devil
Who only did deceive
They hid themselves away from God
And paradise they did leave

Jesus came along to help us to believe
To turn our backs on sin
And righteousness achieve

He defeated Satan 3 times
so the Bible said
He took away all our sins
and rose up from the dead

He is the only son of God and our brother too
We may choose to follow him
He will lead us to the truth

So let's resist the devil and paradise regain
As we love and serve our Lord
And revere his Holy name.

Gill Burrell

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Ma chienne- my dog (female)

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 17:03

Ma chienne Rosie est belle
Avec son pelage blonde doré
Ses yeux sont brun fonce
Et son nez et toujours moillé

Gill Burrell

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L' Automne

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 24 June 2021, 18:59

Les couleurs des feuilles de l'automne
Voici venir les pluies
Les hirondelles sont parties

Gill Burrell

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L' Hiver

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024, 20:28

L'hiver, la morte saison
La nature est en deuil
Le silence étouffe la voix

Gill Burrell

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