I have been immersed for a month in the French culture when I stayed with french speaking friends in Brussels Belgium. I have also been a month touring in France and have spent past holidays there. I have learned a lot about the language and culture.
The French turn cuisine into an art form. You eat with your eyes first! It is often about what the food looks like and how it is presented that is one of the most important factors - then it is what it tastes like all the ingredients are always fresh and delicious as possible and cooked well. I really like nouvelle cuisine.
Politics and political opinions are a past time with the French and they are more outspoken and knowledgeable about politics. It is generally understood that all politicians are always wrong from whichever side you are coming from and that it is the people themselves who know better!
France is a republic whereas England is a kingdom where everyone must know their proper place and behave themselves because we have a monarchy here.
The media in this country are biased towards mainly right wing policies. In the French media there is more of a balance with the left and right media.
The Education is of a very high quality in France and students are better prepared in terms of succeeding their qualifications. There isn't that class system that we have here, students there are treated equally and fairly with plenty of opportunities. However, Fees can be high and you have to have high qualifications to enter.
Sport is taken very seriously indeed. Cycling being the most popular as well as football and rugby.
Religion in France is a matter of personal choice but if you are religious then you must be very careful about it. You can worship in a temple, church or mosque. However you do have to be very subtle, as It is a secular society. There are no outward symbols such as a crucifix or muslim headscarves!
Cinema is popular and liked by everyone, people are usually very well informed about films. It is a social, popular, interesting thing to do and there are many little independant cinemas that are not expensive. After all Cinema was first invented there!
Litterature is easily accessible and most people like to read and have their personal favourites. Libraries are bookshops not a library. A library is biblioteque. .There are various prizes and awards for the best literature such as the prix Goncourt.
I am still learning about French culture on my French Module so I still have a lot to learn!
At the moment I am reading 'le petit prince' in French. I have read madame Bovary, Balzac, Emile Zola, and les miserables by Victor Hugo. I have read a little of Albert Camus. Hoping to read them in again this time in French.
So this is what I have learned about 'la culture Française.' so far!