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Day 62 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:08

You know these days where you feel like you haven't stopped all day, but the reality is, that hardly anything has been done at all. well today is one of those days. Not that i am complaining, i am not the kind of person who has to keep busy and doesn't have time to do this, that or the other. Time is all i have and i choose to take time, i think thats mindfulness for you, days doing as much as i need too and as less as i want too are the days i like the best, if I'm honest, i aim to make all my days like that. 'There are not enough hours in the day' 'i don't have the time' 'I am too busy' and 'i cant wait until blah blah' 'time is money' are phrases i never say, or want to hear, as i do not surround myself with people who put their selves under unnecessary pressure, or believe that their relationship with time was uniquely designed for them. Relativity makes sure that we all move around in time, in our own way, although what links us all is that time is all we have, we chose who to prioritise, we choose how much to wish away. we choose whether to clock watch or have no time pieces. What s the time? A more complexed question than we realise.


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Day 61 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:07

No thing! No where! Do they exist? I'm not so sure, surely every thing is some thing and any where or every where is some where. What is no thing? And where or what is no where? I'm genuinely interested, its wonders like this that nag at me, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation, i know for sure there is not one floating around in my mind. I would be interested in any one's thoughts.


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Day 60 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:07

I have finally caught up with my course work. After my Mothers week of illness i fell behind and never studied once during that period. I dont do well with pressure and i was happy get through the period relatively stress free. My year long DBT course has finished and i received a certificate that says so. In my later life i find myself finishing courses, tasks and projects with a lot of ease as compared to the earlier part of my life, i have always seen myself as a Peter Pan type character, who's never really noticed the changing of myself, until the last few years. When i refer to changes in myself, i speak from the attitude changes and the changes in my mindset, which is very much like having a cold shower, its refreshing and invigorating. I sense subtle but noticeable changes, that remind me of my learning, as at the time i dont think I'm learning anything. The internal cogs seem to be connecting like never before, maybe its age, maybe its the unconscious slip from instant gratification and seeing an instant impact to the acceptance of self reliability. As always i start to write not knowing what to say and let the free flow of thoughts take me where ever they take me, until i end up waffling on about some sort of nonsense, as i just have. Its took me over two hundred words to realise 'I'm growing up while noticing' I love the journey of self discovery, i love mini epiphanies, that realy, have been staring me in the face all the time, now i just have the time and space to see them. I suspect i have another 46 years of epiphanies to slap me in the face now i live life on life's terms. If not 46 years, then maybe the rest of time.


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Day 58 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:05

I found out today i will be getting my driving licence back and will be driving after a seven year break, what i have also discovered is that an LPG conversion kit for my campervan will cost £1000, give or take. I now know what i am getting myself for Christmas …YIPPEEEE!!!!!! Its nice to have some good news, as the tv seems determined to alter everyone's mood with the constant bombardment of soul destroying stories of what we should do with our lives. There is no way in the world i will let that control mechanism of a tv interfere with me and my mindset. Through study and research i know my facts and they are certainly not the facts we have forced on us. When will we stand as a global nation and challenge the narratives that are sold to us on a daily basis? When will we wake up from consumerism and start to notice the things that dont involve our individual gain of inanimate objects or the promise of fame? I will never conform to what i do not believe in, i will always research my doubts and raise questions to put to those that are in a position of authority. I will never loose the want to understand and will never fall in line purely because thats what everyone else does. After all, isn't that the job of a social scientist? To ask why! To look beyond what is taken for granted. I do find it inquisitive that as a social scientist undergraduate, i am being asked to construct an essay in regards to consumerism and its relationship to a throw away society, which is based on the evidence scoured from information that is over 10 years old. The reason i am inquisitive is that the global society as a whole is entering the smart age, with smart grids, smart cities, 5G and AI, a shift, to the likes  of which will never be witnessed again, and when it comes to consumerism, we are being asked about, Tesco's, Sainsbury, etc etc, should we not be discussing Amazon, Google, Facebook? Companies that are more relevant to consumerism in the 21st century?


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Day 57 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:04
I am so glad that i have this blog and the cluster forum to express freely my feelings and freedom of speech. Describe the argument that a consumer society leads to a throwaway society, is the title essay that forms part of TMA03, and after reading chapter 6 of 'making lives', which is creating sources of information that form the argument of, 'pro supermarket power' and 'anti super market power'. I really am struggling to remain objective while listening to the arguments of the 'pro supermarket' lobbies' and campaigners.. Hopefully, being able to vent my non objective opinion on these forums, will  allow me to write an object essay thats coming from the wise mind and not the emotional mind. If anything, chapter six of making lives has strengthened my belief that capitalism is the spawn of all that is not right in society today, and has been ever since the profit over people profiteers darkened this beautiful planet with their existence. I am not going to lecture about the con's of 'supermarket power' or the pro;s of 'anti supermarket power'. Appalled by colonialism, appalled by capitalism, and further more, appalled by those who justify the suffering of living beings for financial gain, to be honest, the fact that there is even an argument actually blows my mind. Ashamed to be a part of a society that allows this to happen, i would rather be isolated by my beliefs than go against them in order to fit in with people who support this behaviour, i am not any where close when i say, 'it makes my skin crawl'.

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Day 56 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:04

I was really trying to write something every day, i mean how difficult can it be, yeah right, who would of thought that it would be difficult. I have been on a digital detox, it comprised of three phases, phase one, smart phone, phase two laptop, phase three television. The smart phones gone, i have two uses for the laptop, the OU and sobriety meetings for substance misuse, phase three the tv. i have been self isolating with my Mum since 'so called' COVID started, which makes getting rid of my tv a little bit harder, as i cant just sit in my room, thats rude, plus i wouldn't want too, my mum is ace. Me and my Mum', tv habits could not be more contrast, i can literally feel my head shrinking when i sit in the front room studying, with holly oaks, emmerdale, britons got talent, xfactor, I'm a celebrity get me out of here, etc etc. They are certainly people who i do not celebrate, thats for sure. If anything it fuels the fire for wanting rid of the poison little control system box that sits in the corner of almost every ones home in the country, apart from the the ones who are having their children classically trained or sent off to private school were they are educated in a way thats far from the unimportance of tv's and tv programmes, i mean, come on, they are not called programmes for nothing are they? It has come to the point were i feel even more motivated to donate my tv to some unfortunate. 


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Day 54 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:03

Winter is here, and i love it, cold outside but nice and warm inside, early dark nights and late light mornings, hat scarves and matching gloves, nowhere to go and all the time in my world to get there. 


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Day 53 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:02

I woke to a email from my tutor giving me my results from TMA02. I was stoked, my results have improved 16% from TMA02. It was such a nice feeling to know that i am learning and improvements are being made, i still improvements to make but my faith in myself and the love for the course I'm doing has been restored to the max, so I'm buzzing to say the least. I hope i can continue the progress through out the course, i guess we will have to wait and see.

Big thanks to my tutor and all involved at the OU for facilitating my endeavours that are giving me the opportunity to better myself make a certain part of my life to me. After missing out on fundamental studies when i was a kid, this course really is a back to process for me, which is off the scale as this a free choice after being given all life's options.


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Day 52 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 12:51

What started as a good day turned in to day that I would rather happened a different way, its really not a big deal compared to some of the atrocities that are taking place in the world. I thought I had made a virtual friend in this weird virtual world of gigaisms and gigaists that seem sure to reconstruct the way we live. Welcome to the smart age folks, as tech increases I'm decreasing, as tech moves forward I step to the left and move backwards, I marine for a minute, how would the world be shaped if we had no tv's or internet. Any way back to my potentially, virtually virtual, nearly was a friendly friend type person, that turned out to be none of the foregone mentioned, in fact i think I will spare their dignity and wish them well, as we are only people and people do people stuff, and who am I to judge.

I had a tutorial about Bauman and his theories about consumerism i.e. The seducers and the the repressed, I think I was a bit to keen to my share my belief in not supporting companies who I believe to be unethical and exactly who I believe these companies to be. I mean it started well as the tutor picked up on my comments and gave positive feedback, which only fuelled my first to deliver more statements about such companies. And then she dried up my comments were no longer getting mentioned, so I furiously put out more comments, in the belief that she would notice them, at this point my ego was riding shot gun with his shades on, supping a pina colada, sticking his fingers right in my face and calling me cock womble, it was at that moment i realised he was right, which is rear for my ego. I really can be the worlds biggest bell end when it comes to maintaining myself sometimes. Something to work on I guess.

For any one with a social conscious, then this is a must see 

https://www.netflix.com/watch/81254224?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C0%2C6e69838fa3bb6ad94874d9e7a3906d4a04bb7ba6%3A1bc5515b71a8ea2974abb997b32a7dc9ed1a02f6%2C6e69838fa3bb6ad94874d9e7a3906d4a04bb7ba6%3A1bc5515b71a8ea2974abb997b32a7dc9ed1a02f6%2Cunknown%2C  Full movie


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Day 51 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 13:01

Absolutely nothing was done today, I woke up, turned on the Harry Styles new album, switched on the laptop from the comfort of my bed and lay there, fell asleep again and generally lazed around until I got out of bed at 4 pm ish. And the best part of it all, I did not feel one bit bad, I firkin love Sundays. Sobriety is going well, mental health is going well, my mother is well as is my brother. Things could be so much worse, so i am blessed for life today.


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Day 50 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 22 Feb 2021, 12:51

Once again the weekend is here, for me, time is passing so quickly. the days are shorter and COVID restrictions are turning the hole experience of living.............Well, I dont even think I have the words to describe life at the moment and all that we are experiencing. Its like a night at the movies that never ends, I've seen so many movies that depict the world as it is and its future. I truly do not believe that  the predictions of possible future life, by certain authors, film makers, and cartoonist, are in fact not predictions. If I were to believe in what I have read about  Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank from the 1600 and 1700s, then I could not be mistaken for saying, what we are witnessing is a modern day version of their belief and rituals.

 Some people discard QANON as a conspiracy theory, and they may well call it a conspiracy, as the word itself means, 'to talk about' and talk about it is what we do. The term 'conspiracy theory' was first coined by the CIA in the 1950s, and had never been heard or spoken of before then. The theory is that a kabbalist sect of satanic worshipping child trafficking paedophiles are alive and well in hollywood, another term you may of heard of is 'pizza gate' that is run by the the VERY ELITE in the world, involving many high profile people. Who indeed, in the act of believing in satin sacrifice human babies and drink their blood.

 Now to any one who has studied satanism will know that sacrificing a human baby and drinking its blood is a satanic ritual and is the highest prize. What you will also be a wear of if you have studied satanism, is that, if satanics are to inflict any harm or carry out any of its rituals on any other human, then the ritual suggest that they have to tell the inflicted person or persons involved, which to me explains the so called prediction. they are not predicting the future, they are merely telling us what they are doing. So when you compare QANON to Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank who were indeed around nearly 500 years ago, then it really does not seem that absurd does it. To any one who cant be bothered to research Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, I will give you a brief description of both

 The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of Jewish followers, disciples, and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676),[1][2][3] a Sephardic Jewish rabbi and Kabbalist who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza.[1][2] Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he outwardly became an apostate due to his forced conversion to Islam in the same year.[1][2][3] Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his "Messiahship" and after his forced conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbatians.[1][3] Part of the Sabbatians lived on until well into 21st-century Turkey as descendants of the Dönme. 

Jacob Frank  Frankism is associated with the Sabbateans of Turkey, a religious movement that identified the 17th-century Jewish rabbi Sabbatai Zevi as the Messiah.[1][3] Like Frankism, the earlier forms of Sabbateanism believed that at least in some circumstances, antinomianism was the correct path.[7] Zevi himself would perform actions that violated traditional Jewish taboos, such as eating foods that were forbidden by kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) and celebrating prescribed fast days as feast days.[8] Especially after Zevi's death, a number of branches of Sabbateanism evolved, which disagreed among themselves over which aspects of traditional Judaism should be preserved and which discarded.[9] The more radical branches even engaged in sexual foreplay.[10] In Frankism, orgies featured prominently in ritual.[2] 


Now when you bare in mind what you have read above and think about, England, after Paganism, was a predominantly Christian country that upheld Christian beliefs and practices ,so when you compare it to today, you can clearly that Christianity has been infiltrated and, like so many religions before it, turned on its head. Pride is a deadly sin, yet we are being taught to celebrate it, judge not less ye be judged, yet every other TV program is a program that involves judging, notice they are called tv PROGRAMES, The term celebrity come from celebrated people, yet the people we are taught to celebrate are tv, movie stars and singers.

This is not an attempt to convert people or make them a wear of the world, merely a glimpse in my mind and the telling my thoughts, I expect nothing from the telling of my thoughts, I am just using this platform as a tool of expression.


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Day 49 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 19:53

Time seems to passing quite quick and I'm not sure I'm a fan of that, I thought mindfulness would of slowed things down but it seems to be doing the opposite. I'm getting to grips with it now and enjoying the process, it appears to be more habitual than ever before, whether its observing or participating, the choice is more frequent and of free will.

 I was introduced to mindfulness for the first time in 2004 as part of structured day program with a substance misuse organisation and it was quickly brushed off as I did not have the skill set to undertake such a practice. I was introduced to it once again in 2012, again as part a treatment program at a substance misuse centre. I was more keen to try and maintain the practice of it this time but again I lacked the discipline, but I carried on trying regardless

 All the while since my first efforts in 2004 slipping it in between bouts of depression, bouts self harm by the way of cutting, bouts self harm by the way of substance misuse, eating disorders and violent coercive relationships that ended with me being stabbed, I searched for it in my mind but I could not find it.

 After a lifetime of symptoms I finally got a diagnosis. Once away from my abusive partner and along with the diagnosis of CPTSD and BDP/EUPD came therapy and just like substance misuse centres along came the mindfulness. By this time I was well a wear of the practice and 'now more than ever' eager to participate. So after 16 years of the above mentioned symptoms, since my first introduction to mindfulness and after 4 years of therapy, including  EEG, neurofeedback. EMDR and DBT with mindfulness always running in the background, my discipline in order to master the skill of mindfulness is as good as its ever been.

 I think back to when it was first attempted mindfulness, it literally seared the life out of me, I would end up sobbing to the state of despair, I couldn't bear to sit with my own head in silence, the very thought of sitting with my own thoughts would lead to more bouts of cutting, drug taking and depression. It was beyond me to turn the volume down, manic, madness, high risk situations and living a life full of risk seemed to be the only way I could stop myself entering that, so called 'dark place', I thought was my mind.

 I had no idea that I would be sitting hear one day saying how I love the act of mindfulness and how habitual and natural it would be. I genuinely believed that I was living by the sword and would therefore die by the sword to the extent I no longer cared, pain, abuse, neglect and suffering was a way of life that kept me alive or the only way I could feel alive. 

Now days I thrive in silence, from wakening in the morning, brushing teeth, showering, getting dressed, walking around my house, eating, opening mail, shopping, talking, almost every act I do during my waking day, and all done mindfully. Back in the day I would of took a life or given my own to be able to sit in my own head in peace no matter what the circumstance, no matter who in my life is murdered or a murderer.

 I think the point I am trying to make is, if a scummy, pykie, homeless, looser, loner druggy, freak like weirdo, dosser, like me can find myself in a position where I no longer believe any of those names I would call myself, and I can finally  look myself in the mirror and say, 'I like you' without feeling like a 24 karat..........!! Then negatively or positively, the mind is a super awesomely powerful place to be, and I guess with that power comes responsibility, a responsibility to ourselves, to feed ourselves the correct belief systems we choose to install as gospel when inevitably we suffer through life. Eightfold.



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Day 48 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 19:55

Now when you consider my Romany Gypsy upbringing, where before reading and writing we are taught to fight, sprinkled with a little 'left school at 13', add a couple of chunks of 'driving and working at 13', toped off with a dash of 'fully participating in adult life, owning a property and business at 16'. You will join me in my unsurprisingly disappointment of skipping a few pages in the txt book, in order to complete the second TMA, only to find out that the pages I skipped were the exact pages I should of been reading in response to feedback from TMA01 hahaha, what a muppet, if I had two brains I'd be twice as stupid. I swear as long as my Daddy's dead and bet my Bol@~#x to barn dance I wont be making that mistake again, feel free to mock, take the rise (rise and shine, urine) p@#s, heckle and stop reading what I write, in fact, I'm going for lay down.


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Day 47 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 19:54

Today was the last day of the year long DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) course and although I had a bee in my bonnet about not receiving DBT properly since COVID struck, I really am pleased with the course and the impact its had on me. The difference in me from 12 months ago, up to today really is a vast improvement and I can really see the benefits. I am also really grateful to all the staff at The Community Mental Health Team for their support , time and effort and patience in putting up with me through my 'I haven't had DBT properly since COVID struck' phase. The difference is subtle shows it self gently and unobtrusive, its almost like I've learned without knowing I've learned, I guess the real test is when life  starts kicking the crap out me again, as I'm sure it will. Just for today, I feel content, tranquil and confident with what i have been taught. .Sobriety is going well, I'm still attending video meetings, which are proving to be very supportive and helpful, I really do get a lot from the meetings.


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Day 46 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 19:53

There is no turning back now TMA02 has been handed in, I feel comfortable now its over and I can get stuck in to some hardcore chilling over the holidays, I've still got lots of reading to do but I'm fine with that. I dont strive for perfection, just to understand, I dont thrive on being the cleverest, just enough to know, and I dont wish for an award covered in sprinkles, just the recognition of trying. I live life at a much slower pace now, I dont deal with pressure or surprises that well and I am no longer that reckless youth who didn't give a f'=@, times have changed and a lot of growing up has took place. I'm middle aged now and there is nothing I like more than some good old fashioned silence. My earlier life reads like book written by the love triangle of a debaucherous Martina Cole, a dug addicted Steven King and AA cat Guy Ritchie, who all got lost on a 30 year bender, that left me with two mental health diagnosis, a psychosomatic chronic nerve condition affecting my right torso, and a life to rebuild after my Fathers murder and my brothers murder conviction. All of which is the driving force of my studies and the work I do with people who struggle from substance misuses, repeat offending and mental health issues. It took some pain and time for me to find out the meaning of my life and for me to understand why I'm here, and now that I know I have peace of mind. I'm happy and content for the first time in my life, everything seems natural and at ease.


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Day 45 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:51

Three days until TMA02 has to be handed in and I'm feeling pretty confident with how things are going so far. I'm loving the course and I'm really happy I chose to stick to Social Sciences and not sway in to psychology or criminology like I've seen so many do. I've been asking why all my life and now I've found a way that it can benefit me. I haven't been speaking to other students on the forum and I was thinking that i might start as I'm sure it will be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off. I've always been a bit of a lone ranger, which suits me fine. I'm looking forward to having a break over the holidays, I think I underestimated how draining it would be caring for my mother, keeping her house in order, keeping my house and studying. As a young, free and single person its been nice to have the responsibility of supporting my mother and making sure all of her affairs are in order.


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Day 44 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:51
46 years ago on this day at this time my Mother gave birth to baby boy, weighing in at 11lb 1oz and was given the name of Charles Herbert Spires, named so after his Grandfather on his Father's side. 46 years later Caspar Smith sits with his mother eating birthday cake, wearing a rose gold chain with a rose gold Dharma wheel pendant, which his mother gave as a gift to mark the occasion. They sit together, warm, comfortable, with all they need and not wanting any one thing, safe in the knowledge that things could be so much worse, and how lucky they are to  have each other and what they have. I am that baby boy born that day, i am Charles Herbert Spires AKA Caspar Smith. In an earlier post i mention my brothers murder conviction, it was the basis of that conviction that Caspar Smith was born but not born in the normal seance we are all familiar with, born from fear, created out of desperation, escaping the nature of past lives, reinventing for a safer, stronger, more secure future. My profile picture above represents that rebirth, from fear, in to fear, to fly in the face of fear and say 'hey you! I'm not scared of you no more! here i am!  if want me! . take me'! I'm location my wounds and I m digging right in, come on!!! Do your worst!!!!

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Day 43 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:52
For me, Saturday and Sunday are days are days when  I reflect on my life, weigh up the pros and cons of  and settle in the comfort of our home with my Beautiful Mother, who to me, is a formidable character and has helped shaped the way I view woman as a whole and the way I view men as a whole. If I'm totally honest I like the conclusions that I have come too. Being a boy then a man with a largely male dominated influence it has been easy for me to it has easy for me to be biased about the sex's and gender's.
Reflecting on my experiences growing up I have felt that bias shift, which leads a person like me to study and analyse this new phenomenon. I see one contrasting difference in the female specie compared to the male specie and that is that is biological, psychological and genealogical way in which they are structured, which to me, shows a whole different mindset, belief system and outlook on life and is probably why we hear so many men say 'I cant understand woman' 'you can never work a woman out' and so on.
Now whether a woman chooses to or not this is not really my point, the fact that their entire being is structured for the purpose of giving life as opposed to a male which isn't tells me this will impact the Female to point where their mindset, perceptions and belief system about the nature and nurture of life is incomprehensible to Males in general. How is it possible for a Male to have empathy for a Female? Its like humans having empathy for an ant, how could we even start to believe that we know what it is like to have the female form or ant form. Now when you are a person like me this just leads to further investigation. For the majority of woman that are in prison for murder, statistics show that at woman will not kill unless their is a male influence, whether the Female was a victim of domestic abuse, sexual abuse as a child, coercive abuse or some kind of social pressure from males in some sense. I am not suggesting that all the Females that are subjected to Male abuse of coercion will murder and please believe me when I say this is not a witch hunt for Males, just an observation and an opinion that is totally arguable, or even debatable as I do not seek to be right. When it comes to crime in general women are more often than not less likely to commit crime, less likely to commit violent crime, more likely to serve shorter sentences and really have much less involvement in crime,(https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/759770/women-criminal-justice-system-2017..pdf ) This fact along with observing my Mother, my Fathers murder and my brothers murder conviction and my general direct, life long, hands on involvement in the  practical study in to murder, crime, psychology and criminology got me thinking, so I started to look in to why there is a contrasted difference between Female and Male. Males will join the army to be on the front line, three people were convicted of my fathers murder, two of them were males and one was a female, although it was only the males who carried out the murder, the Female was not present. My brother who is Male murdered. As I see it as humans, we all have to capability to murder, yet statistically speaking a Male will choose to while a Female chooses not to. Why?

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Day 41 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:52

Franz Jägerstätter................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................What are we prepared to sacrifice for what we believe in? Or will Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride be the victors of us all?


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Day 40 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:52

Sobriety is good, mental health is good, health is good, OU studies are good, family is good,digital detox is good, making new connections is good, making disconnections is good, it could be so much worse, today is good, thank you. Although i am very aware i live in impermanence so i welcome, embrace and prepare for whatever life wants to give me


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Day 39 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:53

One moment my life seems of full business and the struggle to cope is a daily, no hourly task that is overbearing, draining and endless. Then almost without any effort I'm sat here feeling content and that I could take on any problem that comes my way. Its not complacency, its not mental illness and its not arrogance, at least I'm sure its not, but as sure as I am that it is not those issues I dont seem to know why. Maybe its part of the relay race and all the battens I have collected are building a structure of learning and understanding. I always tend to be the last person to know if I know something, with out further analysis of course. 

Frauds foundation of his Psychoanalysis and the bastion of his studies were self analysis, please for one minute do not think I'm comparing myself to Fraud 'well maybe I am' but not in an egocentric way, in a way that I have been studying, analysing, researching and experimenting with my thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours for my entire life, well my comprehendible life. Ever since I was able to comprehend the difference between right and wrong I have been challenging, contesting and trying to build an argument or some kid of understanding as to what, why, when, and how I lost my mind and more important how to find it again and then go on to learn how to live with it with out consequence to people who love me, people who like, strangers and myself. 

All of my life family, friends, strangers and councillors, psychologists, psychotherapists and neurotherapists have been telling me I think to much, that I over analyse all the time and they were right I do. After the 45 years that got me to this point I have come to realise that I am happy that I over thought and over analysed 'as they say' because I have an understanding of myself that quite honestly can be a curse at times yet on the whole is an empowering and reassuring feeling. For some reason that I am yet to understand is the loneliness that comes self analysis, almost prison like, happily observing yet participation almost feels 'glass dome like'.


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Day 38 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:53
I Thought I would make a start on TMA02, it's nice to have the time to write, read then ponder and start the process again if I choose. I'm feeling pretty confident so far and I am really enjoying the process so far. I try not to strive for perfection as I believe that it's a disfigured mindset that can lead to obsession, as long as I learn some new stuff, thats all I care about, I dont care for being the best or knowing the most, just for doing my best, having fun and enjoying what I am doing way more important .Ego is not my amigo  I'm not doing this for any other reason than its truly what I find interesting.

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Day 37 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:53

I woke up today believing that is was Monday, I was so relieved when I realised it was Sunday. I tend not to have a favourite day as they all have a special significance, I look forward to a Sunday as I allow to be a day of rest where I can do absolutely nothing and not feel bad for it in any way, I think this stems from my mothers belief in Christianity and her teachings of Christianity to me. I try hard to respect accept all including all I dont believe in, the act that its what others believe is acceptable to me. Its so easy to believe that we are right and narrow our minds, our minds are like parachutes and only work when its open. I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and I am always work in progress and will never stop learning or trying to be the best I can be. Every days a school day.

PS I have just finished Richard Jewell, what an inspiring, feel good film.


PS. After thinking of what I wrote about the film that I just watched and how it was a feel good film, it made me wonder that I am not fully in control of my emotions, I mean I kind of knew that all my life and the diagnosis of EUPD (Emotional Unstable personality Disorder) verifies that. I have always linked my inability to regulate my emotions to negative thoughts, negative behaviours and negative actions with negative results. What I have just witnessed is the ability of a positive external force to alter my mood, I have always strived for emotional stability and the fact that I allow both negative and what could be seen a positive source to alter my mood makes realise just how difficult it can be
I have read a little about Eckhart Tole and I am astounded how he remains in a place of total self control and presence, I mean it really does boggle my mind how he is able to do it, what really I mean is I understand his teachings and how it works but to actually be able to it really is masterful, and wow!

I imagine how it would be, to be in a position where I am in total control of my thoughts and emotions and not be triggered by depression or anxiety (Past and Present) and external things such as songs, films, photos, people, places and just about anything. What does that place look like? What does that place feel like? I think thats why I lean towards Buddhism as their teachings are partly about staying present and not allowing their selves to pulled back or pushed forward by the above mentioned.

What they are showing me is that it is possible and achievable and I am ok in continuing to follow the path that got them to where they are. Having these thoughts has opened my mind to exactly how vigilant I could be to help me on my journey.

Acknowledge, recognise, name and let go.


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Day 36 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:54

I manged to speak to a manager at TCMHT yesterday and it was very reassuring to find out that when DBT ends in a couple of weeks I will still be able to access some kind of mental health resource, and I will even be able to put another referral in at a later stage. I have a review with my psychiatrist on the 23/11 once DBT has come to an end, so I will be able to voice my opinion and find out the intentions of TCMHT.


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Day 34 of OU studies.

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 1 Jan 2021, 18:54

Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with CPTSD (Complex Post Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and BDP/EUPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) (Emotional Unstable Personality disorder). Because of the coercive, psychological, physical, verbal, abusive nature of my upbringing I suffered with the symptoms of CPTSD BDP for the majority of my comprehendible life.

 As part of my treatment for both disorders i was medicated and assigned DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) which is a talking that looks at emotion regulation and works with function of those emotions with a view to change.

DBT is a relatively new therapy which was constructed by an a American lady called Marsha M Linehan, who herself was a suffer of mental disorder's. DBT is an extensive  six month course that is carried out twice over a complete year, it is a requirement that the DBT therapist undertake the course their selves in order to teach it.

DBT is an intensive course with a high success rate and is designed to have a two hour group session where home work is given and feedback is taken and a one hour session of one to one, both sessions are done with a DBT therapist and both sessions happen weekly. Only twenty two people, per year in Warwickshire are picked to attend each year, it is quite a prestigious course. I was also under the care of a CPN which meetings took place once a week reducing

At this point I had just freed myself from my abusive partner, I was a depressive recluse who only left the house to attend appointments of self development and of course my dealer in the weak moments, I was scared of confrontation, scared of loud noises, the dark, basically I was scared of my own shadow, my substance abuse was through the roof, I was prolifically self harming by way of cutting, stabbing and breaking things over my own head, I was 6 stone under weight, I was abusing my medication, sleeping and eating was a concept that I couldn't grasp, my depressive moods were at an all time low and I was bankrupt, probably in the worst state I've ever been in my adult life, if not just as bad

Then one day the sun shone on me and I was lucky enough to be given the chance to attend DBT and so I started  on the 10/10/2019 after a year long wait. When I started DBT I really took to it brilliantly, within 5 months my self harming had stopped, I was attending a substance miscue charity for help with abstinence.

I was crushing abstinence, I was free from my abusive relationship with my ex partner, I attended every twice weekly meetings early, my homework was done on time and I was getting really good feedback, I was told by the therapists that I was a pleasure to work with and I was engaging excellently, I started to study year one with the OU, I was eating and sleeping properly, taking my meds on time, I was volunteering for a substance misuse charity in which I was excelling at, with a positive view to employment and generally I was in the best place id been in for three years

I was finally able to leave the house with some confidence, I had a purpose in life again and I was really looking forward to my meetings and being out in the fresh air with out fear.

Then one day the sun stopped shinning on me. Five months in to my DBT COVID struck and panic set in world wide. In one foul swoop my entire support system was wiped out. I could not continue with DBT, I could not see my CPN, volunteering stopped, the support I was getting with substance misuse stopped, my studies were interrupted and I was like so many of you, living in a prison, waiting, while the world worked out a way to connect again. I was no longer allowed to leave my house.

Within this period I started to feel depressed again, this manifested in to self harm which escalated to substance misuse. I could not control my eating and sleeping, I begun to loose weight again and before I knew it I was spiralling towards a dark place. It took a couple of months for DBT to work out a substitute of video meetings, this meant that I could still not leave my house, the excitement of leaving my house for a safe place of self development was gone, the interaction with like minded people was gone, we all felt like freaks and weirdos but at least there was a group of us which helped take that feeling  away, or at least we could feel like freaks and wierdos together, for a brief moment we felt a part of something positive and we were not crazy. 

Going out was a new treat for me that I would really look forward to and once again it was gone, the process has gone. Soon after the the video meetings were taking place it started put a barrier between me and my therapist and i was feeling a disconnection, it became cold and emotionless and an activity that, to this day I struggle to interact with, as a result I have really not benefited by the new changes, if anything I have gone backwards. 

I can do the written work but putting in place the tools I'm reading about is so hard with out that human connection that can inspire, motivate and create an emotional connection. I'm really feeling the impact of of losing the personal interaction and dealing with such a tough emotional issue through a system that does not transmit emotional personal air waves. As much as I try I really have not benefited since COVID struck, so much of my story has come from no too little choice of my own, circumstances and life as well as my disorders has dictated so much.

Now I'm reaching the end of my allocation to twelve months of DBT which ends this month, despite the fact that the last 6 months of my treatment was none existent for two months, not carried out in the correct format and as a result I have relapsed twice, started to self harm, struggled to attend meetings due to depression, completed homework but struggling to implement the tools I have learned, lost my CPN and generally gone backwards. I am being told by my therapist that I know the tools and I should know how to cope, I've had my time, there are over people waiting, I chose to not turn up to meetings and I've had my chance.

Every time I try to explain this to her she invalidates me, and over rides what I say with a but, if, should, you need to, you should of, its your choice, all the things that she is teaching me not to do. I've tried to remind her that I am mental ill with what is effectively brain damage and the choices that I am confronted with are limited as a result.

People with BDP/EUPD (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder are commonly linked with damage to the amygdala which is a collection of cells near the base of the brain. There are two, one in each hemisphere or side of the brain. This is where emotions are given meaning, remembered, and attached to associations and responses to them (emotional memories). The Amygdala is considered to be part of the brain's limbic system. So this would confirm that when it comes to rational, logical and emotional decision that I truly dont have a lot of choice and control over them, hence why I'm doing this course.

I am perplexed that I am having to explain this to my own therapist. I have asked to speak to a clinician so I can tell them my concerns and hopefully speak to some with a bit more authority than her that will listen to my issue. When things are good between me and my therapist she is open and generally a nice person but every time I address her with this issue I'm met with defiance and she becomes very much void of any responsibility, compassion or empathy of my struggles. 

I will ring the TCMHT (The Community Mental Health Team) again tomorrow to see if I can resolve this matter. Am I being unfair for asking to have my shot at DBT again? Am I being unfair in wanting my chance of DBT from start to finish? Am I being unfair in saying that I have struggled since the changes? Am i being unfair in wanting DBT the way it was intended so that I can get the real benefit of this amazing course?  Am I being unfair in wanting to be a success of the course? As I am told it has a high success rate. I dont believe I am, after all this is a necessity for me not a luxury.


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