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at the moment the RPI is in negative territory. Now we know from the evidence that costs for pensioners are actually more than they are for some other groups of society. We need to be told now, I repeat now, what will happen when the MPs return from their long recess what they propose to do about pensions in the event that the RPI stays below zero. Mind you with the PM saying that zero is an increase then he is preparing us for a zero percent rise.

I suppose that we ought to be glad that pensions will not be reduced. As for the idea that in future pensions will be linked to wages then just look at what is happening to wage rates as the recession gets deeper, despite the stock exchange rises. It will fall you know, this is just like 1928/29 all over again. The stock market in America was in dire straights in 1928, it was baled out, the same today the market has been baled out by quantitaive easing, only soon the money will be gone and what will there be to show for it.

Consider this, if the stock market is rising then somebody has to be selling to meet the needs of the purchasers. So, why would you sell if you thought that the market was going to rise, you must expect a fall otherwise you would stay in the market. Look at what you Local Authority is doing with their pension fund assets, they are investing, they always do things at the wrong time, it doesn't matter if they lose money on their investments because the taxpayer will pick-up any shortfall.

Hold on to our hats. By the way this should not be taken as the views of an expert but purely and solely the musings of an iterested bystander, this is not financial advice and should not be seen as such...all the usual disclaimers.

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the first thing which the British government did after WWI was to disarm the returning soldiers. They saw the revolutions in Russia and Germany as well as other states and were terrified by the armies which knew that they had been nothing other than cannon fodder, and that some people at home at got very rich on the back of the war.

So, first disarmament and then the other method of control, the Royal British Legion. The soldiers should have shouted from the rooftops what had been allowed to happen. For example take the Army List which I have been studying. Why is that during WWI they listed the names and ranks of all those soldeirs who had een killed. Only yrouble is that they never went below the rank of Second Lieutenant. Where is Gordon Brown reading out all the names of the dead, where is he, oh that's right he deserves a holiday with his family. Only trouble is that the loved ones of the soldiers who have been sent to their deaths by the politicians won't be having much of a holiday. They dare not even spend some of their compensation for fear that the wonderful MoD will at some time say that you have been overpaid and we want our money back.

I think that there is a certain amount of jealousy at the MoD, where many retired officers now work, because the squaddies seem to be getting compensation which is denied to the officers. Officers after all are not meant to suffer from PTSD because they are made of sterner stuff!

May I suggest that people look at what happened in America after the Great War with regard to their veterans, where there was massive fraud.Ā Ā 

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I have a problem with regard to the equipment which we took to Iraq after the war and during the occupation. How much has actually been spent on equipment which we have left behind or handed to the Iraq forces, either police or army. I hope that as our soldiers in Afghanistan suffer from shortage of some equipment I hope sincerely that we have not spent vast sums of money on arming the Iraqi forces, and that we are now going to do the same with the Afghans. Are we arming our enemy as we did with the militais in Iraq.

Furthermore, as the Americans begin to withdraw from Iraq how are they going to achieve it without taking on huge losses from the very same IEDs which we now have encountered in Afghanistan. After all the freedom fighters do talk to each other.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gary Steel, Tuesday, 28 July 2009, 11:29)
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there is the court case taking place today in respect of the injuries to two soldiers and their compensation for injuries. May I suggest that people who are interested look at the web site for the Plymouth Evening Herald.

There is the case of Marine Neil Dunstan where the Ministry of Defence apparently had lost the most recent will of the dead soldier which meant that his fiancee would lose her inheritance because the only will found was one relating to 2004 which did not name her. Furthermore, a vicar apparently said that she could not walk behind the coffin because she could not prove to be 'next of kin'.

Just what is going on. We have had cases in the past where the loved ones of soldiers have had to go to court to prove that the child they are bearing or have had is the result of a loving current relationship with a soldier in order that they have access to the compensation to which they are entitled.

The current High Court cases only go to show how the MoD is working against the interests of the brave soldiers who have to take orders from politicians who should really be ashamed of themselves, including the Prime Minister who has gone missing again. It is not only the physical injury done to our soldiers, it is more the long term damage of stress disorders which will cause problems. The MoD are letting down our military. They must meet their commitments, if they are to send our soldiers to their deaths over a lost mission then they must say that if they are willing to meet the true costs, and the ongoing costs.

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I do have my own blog on the Open University and also used to contribute to the Nick robinson blog.

This is a copy of a comment I made on the 15th Septemeber 2008, the that Lehmans died:

'Merrill Lynch as well, and AIG. I mean it is so brilliant to listen to people coming onto the radio and give us their expert knowledge. I mean they are so expert that they have not seen this coming, or if they did they remained silent, which is actually even worse.

If people who knew stayed silent so as not to spread doom and despondency then they are guilty of negligence. This is an appalling state of affairs, and this time the Great Depression will be a truly global one. Just as the Great War was really a European Civil War, including Europeans who had influence in America, which resulted in WWII, then the Great Depression was basically the same. This will be the equivalent of WWII, and when India and China join in then this is going to be cataclysmic, our own little Armageddon'.

Now I had also been writing in my local newspaper for quite some time about the impending financial implosion. So, I would say to her Majesty that if only more people had read either my blog or my local newspaper then they would have seen it coming from an awful long way away. What I will say is that sometimes we really must ask more of the so called experts, experts who in so many fields have let down the people.

It is similar to all those chairs of various committees who come on to our media after years of taking the money that nobody has listened and that the government has failed in its duty. They were happy to take the money and we have to ask what have they achieved.

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Swine Flu

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yesterday I was in a Registrars office to order some copies of birth certificates. Whilst I was waiting two people came in for a meeting. It was the National Swine Flu Meeting. I think that the powers that be are very concerned.

If there is a large number of deaths how will the government cope with the deaths, will the registrars departments be able to cope. Will death certificates be issued. Remember there are some religions which insist that their dead are buried within as little as aday. So, if these religions have precedence then will the dead of other religions have to wait before death certificates are issued, and will burials be able to take place before death certificates are issued.

I think that we must be told now of any contingency arrangements for the issuing of death certificates. How is the system going to cope with the many different religious practices. Will 2009 be a repeat of 1979 with the dead being left unburied, Brown, be afraid very afraid. The truth is out there.

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One day at a time

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Could not find a way of bringing all the various forms of execution in to the comment.

However, really weird but because the weather is so bad down here in the westcountry I watched the Birdman of Alcatraz, 'one day at a time'. Is that how we should live our lives, one day at a time. Before you know it sixty years have gone past.

As for the weather I think that this is all part of a cunning government plan, they seed the clouds so that it always rains down here to try to keep the tourists away. Everything was great until the Met Office (part of the MoD) were moved down here. Maybe if they had been put in Norwich as was one of the options then labour may not have lost the seat.

As for my conspiracy theory in respect of the westcountry, please note that there was a lot of publicity and organisation to keep the whole world from coming here for the total eclipse of the sun which took place ten years ago next month. A lot of technoques were tested which have subsequently come into general use. The truth is out there. One day at a time.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Monday, 27 July 2009, 12:15)
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I notice that President Sarkozy of France has been taken to hospital after feeling unwell after exercising.

There were concerns earlier on in the year of the health of the Duke of Edinburgh, and also ourown Prime Minister. I always remember Macmillian and that he left office with an illness. The illness did not end up terminal as I remember he lived a very comfortable life for many years after dianosis. The same with that fellow Ernest Saunders, now was he not released early from prison because of illness.

Can anybody give a list of those who they wish actually had an illness which forced them to relinquish office.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Phil Hill, Monday, 27 July 2009, 13:37)
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surely if anybody disagrees with the idea of Utopia then there is no alternative other than to execute them, all for the greater good of course. The ends justify the means.


surely your comment proves the point in that all forms of insurance are against natural justice. Consider a life insurance or endowment policy which depends almost entirely on somebody else paying premiums and then dying and not collecting their 'reward' for saving. In this case a beneficiary depends on the early death of a policy holder, the old one about being worth more dead than alive. Now euthanasia...what happens if a policy holder has an outstanding insurance policy and somebody sends them off early. Is it suicide, in which case the policy does not pay out, or is a form of murder, in which case it will.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Monday, 27 July 2009, 12:26)
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The War

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over here in the good old country Harry Patch has died; as you will probably know by now.

Now I hear the Gordon Brown has 'ordered' a memorial service for those who served and died for their country in WWI. However, what I do remember is that when Brown confirmed our retreat from Iraq that there would be a parade to 'celebrate' their work in Iraq. Now will that parade still beheld or will it be merged with the new memorial service. What worries me most of all is that this memorial service will also 'celebrate' the soldiers who have fought, died or been injured in all conflicts since, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think that if there is to be a memorial service, then it should represent all the military who have fought, died and been injured. The war which Harry fought in was not World War I, it was the Great War, it could not be World War I until World War II, because there was not Queen Elizabeth the First, until our current Queen came along. Nobody knew that there would be another Queen Elizabeth until Queen Elizabeth came to the throne. But I digress.

I think that if anybody listens to the words of Harry Patch, it was about the dead, the young men who died, on both sides. I think that it was about the wasted lives, what did they die for, they followed orders, only trouble is that Harry was a conscript, as millions of men were, they did not sign up of their own free will. Same in other countries throuhgout the world.

I think that it will be wrong to have this memorial service. Just as it is wrong to continue to name the dead soldiers from our current conflicts. Did we read out the names of the dead in parliament during the Great War, of course not. Did we bring back the bodies of the dead from the Great War, of course not, the country would have come to a standstill.

There is one thing which parliament is consistent with however. That is that the war against Germany was declared on the 4th August 1914. Parliament sat and discussed the situation for a few days and then guess what, yes they went into recess on the 10th August 1914, and then went off to shoot the Grouse. Trust me you can read it in Hansard, adjounment debates and all that.

The situation in Afghanistan is appalling. After the Great War people asked what on earth went on, how did this happen. I have already said on your blog about all the investigations which were held in to the events leading up to the Great War, to show who was responsible. Keynes even had to write a book 'How to pay for the war', he was also involved in the issue over reparations because he and others understood the financial implications. Also Keynes had let some of his fellows who disagreed with the war down, because Keynes actually worked in the Treasury to pay for the war.

For Blair, read Lloyd-George, for Keynes read Brown. There must be no memorial service unless it includes representatives from all sides, if it is to work then it must be the largest peace demonstration the world has ever seen. Brown must announce the withdrawal of British soldiers from Afghanistan, this is his chance to do the right thing.

This memorial service must not be with flags, bugles, or a military parade. The Great War was a disaster, it was waste on a massive scale, but it was not the war to end wars, it was in reality a European Civil War, the lessons were not learnt. This 'memorial' service should also be a celebration of the European Union, a Union which has brought peace to Europe, after millions died, this is about 'Ode to Joy', not God Save the Queen.

The Great War changed our society, never again was the cry, yet we still fight and kill 'the enemy', who are the enemy. I think that enemy is the politicians, they give the orders, they have failed. A real memorial to the people like Harry Patch would be to sign a global peace treaty, to end war, to stop the killing, to stop producing the arms, to stop producing the bombs and bullets, and to stop the banks funding wars, and conflicts. Now I think that an announcement from Brown that he is supporting total nuclear disarmament, and that we will be in the forefront, Britain must announce in parliament that we will end all military expeditions and that the army will in future be referred to as the Home Defence Force and will not go outside our borders unless wearing the blue helmets of the United Nations, or join a European Army.Ā Ā 

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may I suggest that some of your commenteers read the BBC news front page where news of the corruption investigation by the US authorities are now coming in to the public domain. It would appear the the western deocracies have a problem. Anybody got a kidney for sale?

This is shameful but not new, we had T Dan Smith, and Poulson. America has had its own problems over the years. Go back to the twenties and look up the situation of Albert Fall. Look at Charles Forbes and the US Veterans Bureau where he is alleged to have inflated the price of government land sold for hospitals in return for a share of the profit from the sale. Furthermore, he awarded hospital construction contracts to firms who gave hima cut.

So, when we listen to all the good deeds done for our veterans of today then be afraid, very afraid. It would seem that we do not learn the lessons from history. Some people are greedy and will do anything to line their own pockets. It is not unknown for some politicians to enhance their carers by even sending soldiers off to fight illegal wars, and perform illegal acts, and then profit from their actions.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Sunday, 26 July 2009, 13:00)
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you are behind us over there I believe so you will wake up to the results of the Norwich bye (bye Gordon) election.

Let me say that I hope that you are able to catch up with the Today programme this morning because the final item was most interesting. Apparently a retired soldier, formerly something to do with 3 Para by the name of Tootal, has written a book and had it published with regard to operations on Afghanistan.

Now the gist of what he was saying is that the soldiers in Afghanistan are fantastic, and that they are doing a great job, and that they understand their mission, that it is about our security. So he is attempting to justify the continued occupation of Afghanistan. Now remember please that we have actually been in Afghnaistan since 2001, yes all those years ago. So what have our brave soldiers been doing since then, when I understand we should have been training the Afghan army so that they can do their own protection. Why, they invaded and occupied Iraq. A disastrous period, which Blair got us in to and Brown funded.

Anybody who collaborates with the occupying forces in Afghanistan will be executed as soon as their protectors (us) leave so we will be there well forever actually on that basis. Now then after WWI Germany became a failed state, everything however had been getting better until the depression and Hitler. What was the justification for Hitler, the injustice of the Treaty of Versaille, and he was able to justify all of his actions on the flaws in that Treaty. Keynes had even written a book 'How to pay for the war' which Brown should read because we can't afford the war in Afghanistan. We can't afford to waste money training the Afghan soldiers and police, we can't afford to lose the equipment, but Brown can afford to lose the soldiers because they are expendable, a few words that is all it costs Brown.

Now I don't wish that this should happen but consider what will happen if Brown, or Cameron should lose a child to Swine Flu, oh then there will be action all right, they don't really care, the politicians, not until it effects one of their own. Brown should remember that when he talks about the bravery of our soldiers they are not his sons being blown to bits, the same with our use of drones, these are innocent women and children who are dying, they may be related to war lords but they are not the guilty ones.

Brown, and now Obama have the blood of innocents on their hands. Blair was guilty, Bush was guilty, now Obama is guilty, as is Brown, and these men go around the world with their meetings and conferences, and shake the hands and laugh with Berlosconi, the man who the Queen correctly said exactly what many of us think, yet he is favoured by our politcians, disgraceful.

President Obama is in trouble already, the depression will get worse, that even in the thirties a lot of people did very well out of the financial crash. Apparently at some time in the past Harding was president and Hoover was, well Herbert Hoover. So Harding asked Hoover 'if you knew of a great scandal in our administration, would you for the good of the country and the party expose it publicly or would you bury it?' Hoover replied 'publish it and at least get credit for integrity on your side'.

Now then can I give advice to Gordon Brown, you are caught in a trap, I think that you would chose a good day day to bury bad news, you dare not let the truth come out. I sincerely hope that as you come to the end of your life you are haunted by what you have done, the countless thousands whose blood is on your hands. Enjoy your holiday with your family Brown, there are families throughout the world who will have no holidays, who will be grieving for their loved ones. It is the war Brown, the bloody war, and don't you ever forget it. We should never have gone into Iraq, it was not right then and it is not right now to be in Afghanistan.

Tootal says that soldiers now understand what it is to fight for Queen and country. The soldiers follow orders, only trouble is that in Iraq the orders were illegal, it was an illegal war, end our occupation, bring the troops out, and let the Afghans sort out their problems themselves. Oh that's right they would all seek asylum in this country, no wonder we have to keep killing them over there.

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Off on holiday

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I'm sorry but I think that your blog has come to the end of the season. I feel an insurgency what with the effective closure of the Nick Robinson Blog. I notice a distinct change of style and accordingly as your various programmes are off the air for the summer recession, sorry recess, a recess which is definitely not a holiday by the way, then I think that I too will take a break.

Brown has not found a way of communicating the deaths of the soldiers in Afghanistan, which is just as I thought, the man actually seems to have disapperared to be replaced by a First Secretary, who now seems to be running the country. What I want to know for example, is the MG Rover inquiry. Decisions are about to be made over the rump of GM, or Government Motors, sorry General Motors, so we should know about the results of that inquiry. Unfortunately there is some other investigation now taking place about criminal charges etc... so the report is now in the long grass!

As for helicopters in Afghanistan well I'm sorry but that is not the point. It is about who invited us in, how do we get out. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Malaki of Iraq meets Obama, they will talk about the retreat of American and British forces, and Obama will see if the lessons can be applied to Afghanistan. America has lost in Iraq, they will lose in Afghanistan, and Obama must start preparing the American people for their retreat, which must happen before the next Presidential election.

So, I am afraid Andrew I am leaving for a while. You might as well close for holiday yourself because you will have to deal with your own insurgency, have a good summer and I look forward to your return when the party political season gets under way. No point in flogging a dead horse, no Prime Minister, no agenda. Enjoy the game whilst I'm away.

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God and the Devil

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the same action that takes place against all those who commit crimes against humanity. They should be tried in the Hague and if found guilty then a spell in prison. Why do you think that George Bush does not seem to travel outside his America, they are terrified that somebody may well arrest him. I think that Blair ought to have done more to rpevent the executions in Iraq, they breach international law, and any government which supports capital punishment should be a member of the United Nations, nor the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). What on earth by the way have so many countries got to do with NATO, I mean seriously!

As for Blair, well as we know he converted to catholicism more or less as soon as he left parliament, so I think he will find that his punishment will last longer and be more terrible than even he can contemplate. If anybody believes in God and heaven then surely they must also believe in the Devil and hell. Is that not one of the strange aspects of society today, we hear so much about God but not quite so much about the other side of the coin.

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War Crimes

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May I suggest that you look seriously at the case of Mr Mousa in Iraq, who was so maltreated by British soldiers to the extent that he actually died. I think that you will find that the judge actually refers to the total lack of co-operation from the army in bringing evidence to the court. The judge also refrrred to colonel Mendonca and one of the reasons why he was found not guilty after the case was that he thought that Mendonca was in fact following orders.

The army also manifestly failed to protect the local population from insurgent attacks, and also who failed to stop the looting, but were seen and filmed by one of their own laughing as youths were beaten after being detained. It strikes me that many people have very selective memories, clouded by events in Afghanistan, in respect of our total failure in Iraq. I look forward with interest to the inquiry into the Iraq war, the events leading up to the war, the conduct of the war, and our involvement in the subsequent occupation, with our allies.Ā 

We must look at the instructions which are now under investigation in America with regard to Mr Cheyney, and also the evidence given by John Hutton to parliament in February to the effect that parliament had not been given the whole truth by previous holders of his post in respect of the number of individuals detained by soldiers and either handed over to the Americans or Iraqi authorities.

As for soldiers refusing orders then I agree with you that whilst in the field then it is incumbent for soldiers to follow lawfully given orders. But consider this. If a British soldier is serving with senior officers of another nation then must that soldier follow the orders of that senior officer of the other nation, where the orders are illegal in respect of the treatment of prisoners in respect of that other nation.

I fully understand the problem with respect to refusing orders. However, I would say that if a soldier served in a country where an illegal war was fought, a war of aggression, based on a lie, then that soldier has a moral authority to refuse to return to that country to continue with the illegal actions. I know of at least one case where a soldier has refused orders to return to the occupation, and that he was given an honourable discharge, rather than face courts martial and dishonourable discharge after a prison sentence. There must be an investigation into how many soldiers actually went AWOL during the Iraq conflict, or who refused to serve and were subsequently given medical exemptions

May I remind you of a former Fl Lt in the air force, Kendall-Smith who served a prison term and was dishonourably discharged for refusing orders. I am of the firm belief that our soldiers signed up to serve their Queen and country, and to defend it, not to commit illegal acts in a war which really was none of our business, if the war was illegal then all the activities in that war are illegal, therefore, the problems go right to the top. Soldiers follow orders, but who gives those orders, it was not the ordinary foot soldier who was on trial at Nurembourg, it was the leaders, the givers of orders, who were tried at Nurembourg. The foot soldiers suffered summary justice being either shot or hung without any formal trial.

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I have no vendetta against the army, or the armed forces. My problem is that I think that there had come to pass a time when the soldiers really should have refused orders. That time was in Iraq, with extra-ordinary rendition, with enhanced interrogation techniques, Guantalamo Bay, with our soldiers working in Baghdad under the orders of the Americans, who knew that to follow orders could possibly result in charges of committing acts in cotravention of American law. So, they got our guys, and the Australians, to detain people who were then handed over to the Americans or to the Iraqi authorities, where who knows what happened to them.

It does seem that it was and is the case that the ends justify the means. I would say never, should that be the case in England, the ends do not justify the means. It is all about Nurembourg trials and I was following orders. As I have said I am not in the process of conducting a vendetta, I just want justice, not for our side, but the enemy as well. We have done terrible things, the Inquiry into Iraq must be conducted in public, and all the memorandi and agreements must be published, in full. Finally, all evidence must be under oath, and no pleading the fifth amendment, and no national security.

I feel that with the lowering of the terrorist threat in this country the government is being negligent, I thought the war in Afghanistan was all about keeping terror off the streets of Britain, have we won the war then, or is that we are killing our home grown terrorists in Afghanistan.

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I have to say 'click, click' sorry I thought the line went dead there for a minute, but I am truly sorry about some of the things I have said on the various blogs over the last few years. It is because of 'no listen do not interrupt this is important' that people like Mcbride have had to dirty their hands with regard to repudiating some of the appalling stuff I have said. Brown does pick his nose, no this is serious please do not interrupt me, and eat it. There was the evidence on some of the internet sites but they must have been doctored. Furthermore, he is not, contrary to earlier postings, an aspidistra, that was a serious mistake on my part and it beciase of comments like that that McBride had to resort to his e-mails.

No I am shamed, as for the fact that certain individuals have had High Court injunctions taken out preventing them from speaking freely in public, in this I must be wrong. You see on sunday i watched the Andrew Marr show and there was a soldier and he was speaking very freely, about the book he has writte. Now how can this be, he seemed to support the war in Afghanistan, and asserted I think that we could win, and that we must not leave. Could it be that the government will allow people to speak as long as they toe the party line.

I am sorry for the pain I have caused to Brown, it must really hurt him. as for me being cynical about his wife well I am wrong on that front to, she does a wonderful job for charity and is beyond repraoch. In fact she is so good that Gordon ought to stand down with immediate effect, and be replaced, without a vote, by his wonderful wife, Sarah.

so McBride, i can only hope that you will be able to return to the civil service, a view you espoused this morning, to continue in your taxpayer funded career.

Now then where was I, oh yes about that Mr de Menezes, Dr David Kelly, Mr Tomlinson, the retreat from Iraq, the extra-ordinary rendition, the enhanced interrogation techniques, water boarding etc...the retired general who now works for a company supplying contractors, the funding of an illegal war, oops sorry my time is nearly up, must go, got to leave the library before I catch that Swine Flu.Ā Ā Ā 

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They were expendable

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Very good spot. However, I still think that the election will be held in October, I can't believe that we can have a Queens speech with this lot in parliament.

There is a problem though and that is I watched a programme on ITV last night about some event which takes place in Windsor, which the Queen attends. Now my problem is this. We are told that the public finances are ina dire state, that we can't afford all the equipment required by our brave soldiers. Yet it would seem we can afford fine breast plates, ruritanian type uniforms, and what is it with the horses. Can we seriously afford all this stuff. When the soldiers parade through the towns and cities they seem to be in their battle fatigues, what about cutting back on all the finery. Same with all the robes and ermine in the Lords, let's get rid of all of it, nothing at all wrong with a simple suit and tie, we are no longer a world power, let's stop looking so ridiculous, it is all about power. All the Lord Mayors, why the regalia, get rid of it all. Let's live within our means. Same with the aircraft carriers, it is not about using them, it is about building them, jobs, we acn't afford them, same with Trident. we are bust and the sooner we admit it the better. Do you seriously think that they will send out aircraft carriers without Frigates, remember the film 'They were expendable'.

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Public Health

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Surely everybody can see that something must be done to control access to mass meetings, concerts and sporting events.

For example, during the winter when the Swine Flu is meant to be at its most virulent then football matches must be held behind closed doors, same with rugby, and pubs and nightclubs must be closed during this national crisis.

Must we wait until the death toll rises before this government actually takes the bull by the horns and tells the country of their contingency plans. There must be restrictions on gatherings, and free movement of people.

This goes against my liberal traditions but the ends justify the means. What people have to realise is that yes, tens of thousands of people die every year from flu, but in the case of this flu, they will be a different group of people, that will be the problem.

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Swine Flu

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'our own Nick Robinson has recently confessed that he's stopped reading the comments on his blog'. Could one say that Nick has also gone into the same bunker as I think Gordon Brown has.

As soon as you stop listening to the people then you are finished. The trouble is that the one thing which Brown has power over is the agenda. He really does not like the people setting the agenda.

The Iraq war and occupation is a case in point. It was not the main news media which has forced our eventual retreat from Iraq in the way which the media destroyed America and Vietnam, it was the internet. The government lost the battle, the Iraq occupation was destroyed by the internet, the bloggers.

It will be the same with Afghanistan, and the same with Swine Flu. The government cannot control the newspapers and their internet sites. They cannot cope with the fact that the MoD has whole departments of people who monitor the letters and the postings to repudiate and denigrate the contributors. The box has been opened and can never be closed.

Your moderators allowed me to post on your site some time ago now with regard to Swine Flu. Of course there must be restrictions on travel. There must be controls placed on the movement of people, on the ways in which they congregate, football matches must be held behind closed doors, as must all sporting events. Down here in the westcountry the holiday hordes will soon be coming down to experience a holiday. Well if they come down here and start infecting us with their flu then our hospitals and GPs will not be able to cope with the influx. They too will be on holiday!

Brown does not have a clue, if Swine flu is going to be the problem which many of us think it will be then actions must be explained now. I say to all departments, but in particular the department for culture, media and sports, that cultural and sporting events must be held behind closed doors. The media must be forced to keep to the message, that there are dire consequences if we don't use the modern technology so that people do not have to gather in their masses, we have video conferencing, we the tv, the internet, there is no longer any reason why people should gather in the way that they have. We can even order all our goods and services, eg the supermarkets can deliver to our doors, we can order goods and services via modern communications. Older people and the infirmed can have a computer literate buddy to help them.

So, must we wait until we are visited by this upcoming disaster before the government acts. Can't they see the train hitting the buffers, or do they want to use the Swine Flu epidemic to say that we must cancel the elections, just like they did with the elections which were due to be held during the Foot and Mouth disaster.

Finally, I wonder if the government will find somebody who will rubbish and repudiate my comments, after all Andrew we all know how well your comments are received, I don't think that you and your moderators have given up like that Robinson fellow.

There must be an announcement from the government, in particular the department responsible for Culture, Media and Sport as to what they propose to do, what are the contingency plans, what are the risks of people getting together. It will be the winter when the Swine Flu will be at it's worst, just when people actually get together the most. There must be restrictions on travel, committees set up to monitor the movement of people, committees capable of restricting access to parts of the country where there are hot spots, entry to and from these areas must be restricted. This is an emergency, there must be times when parliament must be recalled, there is not only Afghanistan, there is Swine flu. How dare they go on holiday for so long, disgraceful.

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The War of Jenkins Ear

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with regard to the situation of our army in Afghanistan I really don't remember any actual declaration of war, so can somebody tell me are we actually at war, or are we there by invitation. If we are there by invitation then can we see the terms and conditions of the invite, was it RSVP, and did we actually reply.

There should be a Memorandum of Understanding about what can be done, who is responsible, who can give and take orders, who pays etc...this document would surely clarify the issues.

As for the war and the reasons I have been reminded of the Fools and Horses sketch where Trigger says of a broom 'I have had this broom for eighteen years, it has had three handles, and six new heads, but it is as good as new'. The link is surely obvious, what is the purpose of the war, why are we there, is it another 'War of Jenkins Ear'?

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Helicopter Crash

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I know that this is off subject as far as wind farms go but there are now reports that a Russian built Mi-8 transport helicopter has come down in Afghanistan. Now with the current furore over our lack of helicopters and the 'pooling' of equipment I sincerely hope that before any of our soldiers get into pooled helicopters that they are fully checked and correspond to our levels of competence beofre use.

This is also relevant with regard to who actually gives the orders on any joint operations. I hope that our boys are not being put at risk because soldiers from other countries are unwilling or unable to participate in some actions whereas the officers of those countries can give, and must have accepted orders given to our soldiers. This is one of the problems with a European or NATO army, who gives the orders, under whose laws, and what rights do soldiers have to refuse orders because they do not conform to the laws of their country.

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Wagon Train

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I would have had more faith in John Hutton if he had not waited until resiging before coming out. He was the minister in charge of all this. If he had the guts of our soldiers then he would have said publicly what the options were and then if Brown made the wrong decision then he should have resigned at the time, and explained to the public why. That would have taken real courage. I am getting so angry with people who are saying at the point where they are to leave the job, having secured their pensions that they disagreed with the policy, ot that the army is not being funded, and equippped properly.

Now some may or may not know of a family member of mine who did start talking, who told the truth as he saw it. What happens, he spoke at rallies, he spoke about lies and decets, and illegal wars, illegal activities. What happens, as Hutton explained to parliament in February of this year, some of his predessors in the job had not given parliament the full truth about detainees in Iraq. In the meantime my family member has a High Court injunction preventing him from speaking in public because he was in breach of contract. Freedom of speech, honour, the truth. We have lost in Afghanistan, despite what Johnson says on the Andrew Marr show this mornig, Parris is right.

Any government which reinforces defeat is negligent, we will have to talk to the terrorist, or freedom fighter if you live in an occupied country. Afghanistan can be controlled by Reaper and Predator, drones to you, we can sit in bases for as long as we like, it is like the wagon train, and forming a circle, slowly very slowly you may be able to expand the circle, but it will take years. It will be a long journey and actually the journey may not take you to the promised land, but the journey may be very interesting. Tell the truth politicians, you may learn something whilst on holiday. have a good break.

Finally for this posting thought your full interview aired late last night was exceptional. Hutton is a disgrace, well for me he is, others may or may not agree, but this wholeparliament must be sent to the waste to energy plant!

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The Army

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for some time now I have been referring to the compensation culture of the army. I have just been on the internet this morning and now find that the MoD do not trust the soldiers. Apparently the MoD police have been investigating 284 compensation claims and have 'saved' several million pounds by either having the claims repudiated or greatly reduced. Is this the equivalent of WWI soldiers shooting themselves in the foot to get away from the front line.

So, what we now have is the media being fed stories about our brave soldiers fighting great battles and advancing in their mission, whilst the MoD is making sure that none of the same soldiers is making fraudulent claims for compensation, more or less treating them as skiving criminals. The MoD also seem to be spending huge sums on putting back togather two damaged helicopters to make one fit for duty.

So, what is going on, are our soldiers the best, or they cheats. Are they the best or have they been involved in extra-ordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation techniques. Are they the best or has at least one Flight Lieutenant been discharged disnonourably from the services for refusing orders. Are they the best or how many actually went AWOL during the Iraq conflict. Are they the best or have their been investigations into the over egging of acts of heroism to get medals. Are they the best or have some soldiers been found guilty of bringing home some of the money which should have been paid to the locals to keep them quiet. Are they the best or have the courts decided that the case against six Special ForcesĀ  personnel should be held behind closed doors.

All is not well in the army, there are so many who are entitled to compensation who have been dis-suaded from action for fear of being constantly under surveillance to make sure that we are not being defrauded. That would seem to be what the huge number of personnel at the MoD seem to be doing, surely not fighting. The inquiry into Iraq must be extended to Afghanistan, this is getting to be a very dirty war

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The Generals

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I fully understand your point. I think that my thinking has been distorted by what happened with General Sir Mike Jackson who seems to be have done very well out the Iraq war and occupation. There was 'stuff' happening under his watch which many have found totally unacceptable. Also the way that he revealed in his recently published book that he took legal advice before accpeting the orders to go to war in Iraq. I don't think that enough has been made of that.

Furthermore, we also know that there is now an inquiry into the Iraq war, the situation before the war, the war, and the subsequent reconstruction, although I would prefer to use the term occupation. Remember, that it was in February that Hutton had to to admit in parliament that previous holders of his post had not given correct answers when asked in the commons about the numbers detained by British soldiers. There is a problem because of the trial of Colonel Mendonca and the finding guilty of one soldier who had to go to jail and was discharged from the army.

So, I fully understand what you are saying about Gen Dannett, it is always regretable that there are too many instances of people who do their job and then come out on retirement or close to it. As another example look at the governor of the bank of England who has been reappointed but is only now coming out and not being as supportive of the government as he possibly was before his appointment was extended into a second term. Please note that I am not a junior minister of the government who has been told to stop briefing against individuals, all these are my own thoughts on these subjects. It is just that I have my own experience of those who are being silenced by High Court Injunctions on quite spurious grounds because they don't follow the line.

I think that there is a problem with regard to the compensation culture which means that family members benefit from the death or injury to one of our soldiers, which does not compare to previous conflicts, and where all payments are subject to confidentiality clauses which mean that they are at risk if comments are publicly made without prior perusal by the MoD. The very same MoD which is actually bigger than the army which actually fights the battles. Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians if you ask me.

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