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Day 170 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 2 Apr 2021, 15:41

Off to my home and to carry on with some packing, not the best day out i have ever had but atleast i am being productive and confronting my fears head on and not hiding behind substance misuse. I managed to get the front room packed yesterday, i have boxes i need to tape together today, so i shall fill those and wait for a friend to drop off some more plastic containers, a little each day will make it more manageable, normally i am the kind of person who will get all the equipment i need and bust my balls to get it done in one day, nowadays it's more a case of slowly, slowly catchy monkey and if i am truthful i feel better with the new way of doing things.

After i finished packing yesterday, i came back to my mum's and surprisingly, i felt quite good about myself, the only downfall was that i felt so good i felt the urge to use again, to celebrate that i had accomplished something distressing and not reacted negatively, i know, it's a bizarre concept but thats how substance misuse works, there is no logic or rational, it's complete and utter madness that destroys lives and wrecks families. It's not always bad events can can trigger using and also good events can trigger using too, it's like a reward system that needs the reward commodity to change, instead of rewarding yourself with your drug of choice, you replace it with your favourite treat, i e; chocolate, ice cream, or in my case, profitor rolls stuffed with strawberries, you know the hole that the cream goes in, squash a strawberry in there, it really is the nuts.

Luckley and i mean luckley i had a meeting yesterday at 5-30, which started with an hour of mindful guided meditation, followed by a check in and brief talk about issues raised, i can not begin to explain how much those meetings mean to me, to have a safe place to talk about my demons among people who are not offended or distressed by what i say, who do not judge or struggle to understand, really is a life line that can not be bought. I am almost certain that had i not had a meeting i would of used. With those meetings i do not have to confide in people who do not understand substance misuse and recovery, i e; friends or family, it can be kept separate and, with minimal impact on them.

I would genuinely do anything for the people who tirelessly give their time to help people struggling with substance misuse issues, in fact that was the pinnacle for me restructuring my career and helping the very same people achieving the very same goal. In 2015 i attempted a skydive to show my appreciation to the very same people, also i raised over £1000, and more importantly to me, i managed to overcome issues i had surrounding fear and trust.

Give it a watch if you like, i must admit, i am a bit of a plank thought. Without a shadow of the doubt, nothing in my life has given me a feeling like that. I would recommend and encourage anyone and everyone to give it a go, it's not as scary as you you think, fear can be a fucker!!!!!

Caspar Smith's Fundraising SkyDive



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Day 169 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 2 Apr 2021, 15:42

What started off as apprehension having made a start of packing everything in my home, turned out to be not as bad as i thought it would be, obviously it wasn't the best day out i have ever had, although i was able to make a start. i thought that i was living quite a simple life, i didn't realise i had so much stuff until i started to gather it all.10 years of my life being squeezed in to boxes, if i do a little each day it will make less of a task, hopefully it will only be temperamental and i will get to unpack it again when i am believed and my ex will be displayed in public for the liar that she is. 

My dreams are of freedom, no longer under her manipulative reign, free to think of thoughts that are not consumed in doubt and uncertainty, being able to relax in the safety of wondering thoughts that are filled with the  exciting of new plans for my future, free to never hold back because i am gripped with fear twenty four hours a day, and most importantly being able to return back to sanctuary of supporting those with substance misuse issues, as was here promise to me when i left her because i was no longer able to take more of her abuse "i'll make sure you never work your job again" were the words being yelled at me as i turned my back to walk away.

It has taken me almost two years with an obscene amount of professional help to be in a position where i am no longer under her control or scared of her or even feel sorry for her, i know, how bizarre, that i would feel sorry for a woman who destroyed my life in only two years.

The fact that i am able to speak openly about it with no fear of reprisals is astounding and i feel all the better for it. I come from old fashioned people that never cry, never say how they feel, never show weakness and would never admit what i am admitting, "put up and shut up" is a phrase that would bring me great wealth, if only i had a pound for every time i have had it forced in to my mind. I found freedom and liberation from a controlling family, only to give myself to a controlling partner, but unlike the power i gave to my family which made it easier to break me, she will never break me, regardless of the outcome at court.


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Day 169 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021, 14:21

I am beginning to feel the benefit of of going to my bedroom and taking my medication at around 7pm, it sounds so simple right? Well, you'd think so. I am actually waking up at a decent time in the morning again, i always used to be a morning person but my medication took that away and now i am getting back, so up yours medication, i win. 5 different types of medication, involving 16 tablets per day, anti-psychotics, antidepressants and painkillers for a chronic nerve condition.

 In an ideal world i would be sucking the world dry from natural remedies but somehow the instability in my mental health and mood swings makes the simplest of tasks so difficult. Being an addict in recovery, the last thing i wanted was to become dependent on on more substances, at least it gives me something to aim for, so, always the optimist.

I'm heading off to do my chores, it feels so good to be awake and watching the morning, it's a beautiful morning, as all mornings are beautiful, just to be a part of it is beautiful, i care not what the weather says, rain, wind sleet or snow, as i do not depend on that to alter my mood, if only it was that simple. 

I hear people say "you only live once",although, i believe they could say "i only live once" and not speak on behalf of me as i disagree, the morning is my rebirth and the chance for me to right my wrongs, start again, and learn something new, every morning i am reborn, i will only die once folks.

Have a nice day people.


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Day 168 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021, 22:32

Well, i had my assessment with Connect Health Pain Services yesterday and i was supplied with a few links to help live with and manage chronic pain, Live Well with Pain, Pain Concern and Coffee Break Pain Management on youtube. So i have lots of information that i will be submerging my mind in to ready to share on a zoom group with fellow sufferer's of chronic pain. 

Trying to concentrate on this, run my own home, tend to my substance misuse recovery, CPTSD, BDP, live in care for my mother, deal with false allegations from my abusive ex, and try to undertake a degree, all proved to be way too much for my simple mind to handle and there had to be some give, as the degree seemed to be the only luxury, it made sense that a sacrifice had to made.

I genuinely feel alot better having made that sacrifice, it has relieved so much pressure and enabled me to fully concentrate on the important fundamentals of my life. I'm so happy that i am still able to use this blog even though i have deferred, i know i shouldn't but i have come to rely on this blog, it has become a safe place for me to talk about whatever i choose whenever i choose.

I do not take part in social media, i do not use S-M-A-R-T (Secret Militarised Armaments Residentiel Technologies) or buy products from the internet, i make sure my internet use is minimal and always switched off when not in use, so i feel 100 percent safe expressing my thoughts and feelings without fear from the information tyrants selling me to whatever corrupt capitalist cronies they choose, so that they can continue to reign supreme, because the thought of amozon or such companies getting dollar one of my money, while i hear people say that so many companies are going bankrupt, makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.

Anyway, back to the control and care of myself, geeze, i do know how to run away on a tangent hehe, well, if certain people didn't suck, then i wouldn't have to, yeah, that's right, i'm blaming them, then running away.


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Day 167 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021, 11:28

Because of my selfish behaviour Saturday, i totally messed up mother's day, i mean, i didn't get her a present, a card or evan say happy mother's day. It's not like i wait for one anniversary to roll around once a year to show my mum i love her, i care for her 24/7/365, although, i guess i would of felt better had i recognised her yesterday. Do you know what? After reading back to myself what i just write, it's got me thinking, why should i allow society to put pressure on me, in the view of celebrating mum when they say so, so no, i do not feel bad. It's a made up day that capitalises on people's feelings, the days i care, love and support my mum are not made up days, they are real, deep down, knitty gritty real. Just the same my mum loves me, i don't have to wait and nor does my mother have to wait for the anniversary of our birth to roll around to prove or show that i am loved. 

This is why i love writing this blog, or evan the process of writing, because i get to think about what i am saying before i express it and in that thought process i am able to work out a solution or even come up with a realistic conclusion. So all you mums out there, the mums that society says we should recognise you for one day out of 365/366, i say bollox to one day, as one day comes nowhere close to celebrating the pinnacle of human existence, across the world no living creature would exist if it was not for the female, all the greatest so called men come from a woman, whether a woman choose to or not, a woman is psychological, biologically and genetically made to create life, WOW, who else on the planet can do that and more to the point how could a male ever come close to understanding that concept. 

Mother's day, yeah right! A fruitcake toss has been given a national day and so has a been, so incomparason, mother's deserves the same recognition as been or fruitcake toss, does that sound right to?  

God bless all the mums, mums to be and mums that don't want to be mums, you rock! And in my mind you guys deserve a bit more recognition than a been and a fruit cake.

At the end of day day folks, mum's were in Baghdad when we were in our dad's bag.


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Day 165 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 15 Mar 2021, 13:56

I do love a weekend, the only days of the week where i actively look for naff all to do and not feel bad for it, any slower and i'll be going backwards, the days of trying to keep busy or constentley looking for something to do are long gone. I remember asking people what are they up to over the weekend and i could almost sense shame as they told me "oh i'm not up to anything", "i have no thing to do", and me being the analyser that i am, i confront them with my observation in order to understand.

At first, if its someone i am not that common with, people are shocked and a little defensive at why i have seemed to ask a bizarre questions, once i explain my psychology they seem a little more keen to answer, although they are always hesitant to answer, almost as if they think it's a trick question or they refuse to acknowledge my observations, claiming that, how on earth could i try to think that i know about them. It's an interesting interaction but i stick with it, eventually and i mean eventually, a regular conversation about my observations are able to take place. 

Every time i have found myself in this position, every reaction is the same, with relatively new people i know and when i ask people i am more familiar with, again, every reaction differs to above mentioned, although they are exactly the same as each other.

Out of the two groups, all are defensive at first, the group i barely know are a little more defensive and it takes a little longer to be able to conversate regularly about my observational question. The group that i am more familiar with, know what i am i like so they try to take part the best they can, some can't be bothered and tell me "go away with your psycho babble, your doing my nut in" as it is a running joke that i am always observing them and coming up with some kind of analytical experiment that drives them nuts, haha.

A common theme among all who i dragged in to my games and who were willing to answer, is that people feel compelled to come across active and busy, as they perceive an active and busy life is a more interesting life that will attract a response which will help that person to feel connected and will help that person to feel better about themselves, as a busy life, talking about what someone has or where someone has been, is more interesting and diverts from a more primitive interaction. 

As opposed to having no thing to say to each other because someone has chosen to do no thing and perceives themselves to be boring or feel they will come across as boring, uninteresting and disconnected, as though they feel compelled to talk for talking sake and avoid an uncomfortable silence, which, when we bare in mind only 7 percent (or thereabouts) of human interaction is verbal, why is so much emphasis, importance and pressure put on what we choose, or what we choose not to say to each other. 

I feel i have just answered my question and then asked the question again, welcome to the workings of my mind. I understand more now why i chose to study Social Science.


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Dat 164 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 15 Mar 2021, 13:53

Slowly getting back to a comfortable place, no stress, no panarama's, just the simplicity of waking up in the morning, being attacked with my mum's chore's list, competing chore's, annoying my kitten and then an early night. Give me boring and normal any day of the week, peace and quiet are the way forward for me, if any one wants to bother me with their business, i shall smile sweetly and skip off in the opposite direction. Skipping is the nuts, have you ever seen any one skipping looking grumpy, and no, you never will, i never have never seen any one skipping with hump, everyone i see that skips is happy as larry, so folks, when your feeling blue, get your skip on.

Tomorrow i will make a start packing my all my household items ready for storage at my uncle's farm, my court case is in june and if the jury choose to believe my ex and disbelieve me, i shall be going to prison for a while. I am a hope for the best and prepare for the worst kind of person, I always have been and as hard as it may be to have to pack all my worldly belongings, its something i have to face. I have everything organise, a safe place to store my camper and trailer with my bits and bobs, my kitten will stay with my mother and plenty of money saved, hopefully i get to come home and unpack but if not, i am covered.

If i am totally honest, i am so desperate for it all to be over, i left her in the beginning 2019 after being stabbed and unable to take any more, i have been living with this hanging over me for for two years and it is getting to the point where i just want rid of her and out of my life for good, for almost 5 years this woman has affected every aspect of my life, with no remorse. One way or another, after my court case i will finally be free from herand any thing to do with her. 

My fate is in the hands of strangers, my faith is in the system, my hopes are with the higher power and my destiny is unforeseen, i will be skipping from now and until then, that's for sure, small merci's make me great full and thoughts that things can always be worse, makes me less hate full.


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Day 163 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 2 Apr 2021, 15:43

If realised assessment banking would have this effect on me, i would of done it months ago. The stress release is awesome, i can focus on me now with no pressure from any one or anything and if my mental health relapses at least i will not be jeopardising my studies or add to the relapse worrying about my studies. I have picked out several Open Learn courses that suit, so i won't turn in to a numb nut. 

Now i have more brain power to deal with my ex and her false allegations, for the first time ever i am no longer scared of her and i do not feel sorry for her, so bring on, i will hold my head high and i'll show you for the manipulating, abusive, controlling liar that you are. My saving grace is that i have truth on my side, so i just have to have faith in the system and take time to breath.


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Day 162 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 15 Mar 2021, 13:52

I'm definitely feeling the benefit of assessment banking, meaning i am able to press pause on my studies and when October comes i can press play and regain my studies at the point i pressed paused. i'm so relieved that what i have studied so far will not go to waste and when i restart in October i will have a fresh head on my shoulders, ready to take over the world again.

The OU have been awesome and supported me all the way, i really could not have asked for more, i am feeling more confident with the decision i made to sever ties with my brother, i am having no interaction with him while i stay with my mum, which in the past has been a struggle, just because we are related, we are not obliged to love our relatives, like them or even interact with them, i hear so many people in recovery talk of the great role that families have played, in terms of the start of their substance misuse issues, blind loyalty can be a dangerous game and the power that blind loyalty can never be misunderstood, it is definitely one thing i will never under estimate again.

I will be drilling holes for CCTV wires tomorrow, i will feel more comfortable knowing that my Mother has some added security, not they she needs it, although it will strengthen our case the next a bin lorry decides to wipe out her wing mirror, cheeky monkey's just driven off after woods as well.


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Day 161 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 15 Mar 2021, 13:52

Well folks, i am officially deferred and under the process of student banking, gutted is the only word i can think of. I remember starting this course towards the end of 2019 and the feeling was awesome, i genuinely believed i could take over the world, 

unfortunately i did not account for certain family members and their potential to knock me off my perch, and he certainly did take the wind out of my sails. As a result of my brothers role in my diagnosis for CPTSD, i found myself in a bizarre position of living in caring for my Mother, whilst interacting with my brother each time he would call, and having to facilitate video visit's, as my brother is in prison for murder. 

Normally, i live alone and i am in control of who knocks at my door and who rings my phone, unfortunately i do not have the same control at my mums house. As a result i would find myself confiding in my brother, in the hope i would would get some support and understanding, instead i get my brother's orders of how to live my life mixed in with his anger, rage and frustration, if i did not act on his orders. 

Needless to say that my brothers attempt to switch from aggressor to counselor had an adverse affect on me, and would leave me complexed as to how i found myself in this situation again. 

Because i had little self respect i would put up with these actions in the hope that one day my brother will treat me how i wished and we could get along and live happily ever after, well folks, because i was living in emotional mind i was unable to see the rationality and logic to the situation and i would allow the disappointment to create disorder in my own life. 

Ever Since i have managed to radically accept the concept that my brother is never going to treat me as i would like and that i should take the relationship for what it is, i have been able to terminate the relationship with him, the only sad thing is, that all this happened while i was in the middle of my OU studies. 

I am a very simple person at heart, i desire the basics and simplicity of the fundamentals in life, these really are all i strive for, i care not for being the smartest, richest, biggest or bestests (i know bestests is nit a word), and when left to my devices, i simply live in peace and relative silence, i volunteer my time to those who have substance misuse issues, i care for my mum and kitten and thats me, happy go lucky.

I can not multitask, my mental health can not manage different fingers in different pies, i really am a 'one thing at a time' person. I feel it is only right to press pause on my studies while i deal with my emotional family life, i have until October to install the positive feelings i had at the beginning of my studies and put to rest 'once and for all' the negative interaction that i have with my brother, which if i am honest is becoming easier as time goes by.

My mental health comes first, my physical health comes first and for the first time in my life, i believe i come first.

I am still going to write this blog as this process has been awesome and really helped me express and get rid of thoughts, feelings and emotions as they come, as opposed to bottling things up, knowing that i have pressed paused on my studies has given me an instant feeling of release and i genuinely feel lighter.


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Day 160 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 15 Mar 2021, 13:51

I spoke to the SST today, they arranged for a senior adviser to call me back, unfortunately they may have been to busy today so i will call them again tomorrow. I want to talk to them about deferring, assessment banking and seeing what options i have in regards of saving the work i have done and how to pick up from where i felt of, to be honest with you, i feel  little lighter already.

This means i can get on with painting my Mother's house, i managed to complete the front room when i moved in last year, although i stopped when the degree started and i was unable to get any more done. It will be nice to have a mental brake as i feel i have overloaded my head and tried to do to much to soon.


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Day160 of OU Studies

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It's at this time of year that the birds start to wake me up, i can clearly hear them talking to each other outside my window, plus the lady who lives across the road has chickens, they join is as well, although, i think it's a bit to early for them. The chickens are not that old, as the lady who owns them knocked on my Mother's door once and said that she had a flatpack delivery from argos and would i mind putting it together for her, i told her my Mother had ordered chinese food and once i had eaten i would pop over. When i did eventually get to go call on her, her baby chickens were the first thing she showed me 'they were pretty awesome'.

The lady has horses, two in fact, she rides one and her daughter rides the other, her daughter takes part in events and she seemed quite happy to show me her rossetts and i love horse, so i was more than happy to look and listen, so we talked about them for a while, as i attempted to construct the flat pack. It was kind of cool at the time, covid had just been forced on us, everything seemed bleak and confusing and yet out of that a friendship formed, i managed to put together the flatpack , which turned out t be a bookcase for the daughters bedroom.

Today i will be talking to the SST to see what i can salvage from the last 5 months of studies, i have struggled with CPTSD to often over the last few months and as a result, i have fallen behind further that i would of liked, i have been in touch with the SST and my tutor ever since i started to struggle, so they are both aware of my issues, fingers crossed we can all come with a resolution that works best for all of us, the goal would be for me to take a break, seek support for my issues and rejoin in october, although i am unaware what the  possibilities of achieving that are, all i can do is tell them about my issues and see what they suggest.


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Day 159 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 8 Mar 2021, 05:59
Ever Since i have started shielding with my Mother In February of last year, i have had a first hand experience of witnessing the damage done to my Mother resulting in her marriage to my father.
beforehand, when i was living in my own house and i would frequently phone her, or pop around to see her i discovered that my Mother was very good at hiding the truth from me.
I have been made aware that my Mothers situation is far worse than she allowed me to believe, i have always felt in my heart that things were not right for my Mother and so i would try to encourage her in every way i could, sometimes the consistent encouragement with no effect would be met with deniel from my Mother and if i am honest, it would turn in to frustration from me, which in turn served no purpose and then i would find myself back at square one.
This pattern of behaviour has gone for at least 6 years, to which my Mothers quality of life has slipped dramatically. At times i have felt i have been banging my head against the wall, while watching a woman who i love so much, sacrifice her own suffering for her own personal reasons, My Mother has prolonged episodes of not wanting to take part in life and she feels she is not worthy to take part in life, she also has panic attacks that can last for 24 hours and often results in us attending the hospital.
So you can imagine the, relief, excitement and happiness i felt for her when she said to me that she can not take any more of this, i feels she is rotting away and that she has to to do something about it,. I genuinely couldn't believe my ears, i had goosebumps and started to cry then hugged my Mother with all my might, as i  knew that because the admission came from her that a change was coming, as we all know, we cannot save people or rescue people,  we just have to be patient with a thick skin, ready for when they choose to save themselves, then we can support them.
On Monday my Mother and i are putting our plan in to action, which will see the start of a new chapter for my Mother, for the first time ever my Mother has asked for help and i guarantee my life on it, i will support her until she gets the help that she deserves, gob bless you Mum xxx

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Day 157 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 8 Mar 2021, 06:01

I think i have to put off the inevitable and talk to the SST tomorrow, i will start talks about pressing pause on my studies so far this year and maybe joining the course  and pressing play at the same point next year. I feel i may have falling behind to the extent where i may not be able to catch up and in the stress and panic of trying to catch up, that may affect scores on future TMA's.

The last several months have have been particularly difficult and i may not have been able to successfully control my mental health disorders, as i would have liked. I have been very unstable and  have not responded well to triggers, triggers for CPTSD, triggers for BPD and triggers for substance misuse. 

Within these sets of triggers, are a list of things that i do to avoid those triggers. I have no photos in my home, as photos can take my mind out of reality, back to the past and away from trying to stay present.

I listen to music with no words, classical, jazz and drum and bass, as music with words can create past thoughts and emotions,that will take me back to a traumad place, which also takes me out of the reality and away from living in the present, 

I do not watch tv, listen to radio, read newspapers or magazines as these also can do the same. I do not celebrate anniversaries of any kind, birthdays, death days, funerals, weddings any anniversary that has the ability to take me away from trying to live in the present, I recognise my thoughts of them, acknowledge my thoughts of them, and then let them go. 

I do not drink coffee, or smoke, i battle daily with substance misuse and i try not to stimulate or depress my central nervous system and mind artificially, i try actions and practices that create natural chemicals within me.

I very much try to put myself in circle that are solution focused and stay away from toxic relationships and people that have a problem for every solution.

If at any moment i fail at any time abstaining from triggers, all of the above mentioned have the potential to ignite thoughts, feelings and emotions of past traumas, which have the ability to challenge my ability to regulate my thoughts feelings, emotions and behaviours and as a result bring about disorder that will affect almost every aspect of my life, negatively. 

Its needless to say that after i have spent a day attending to possible triggers, i am tired, and when i have spent a week doing this i am knackered, we move on to a month like this and i am worn out, a year passes and i become weak, and after a decade doing this, i can struggle with the will the live.

Well ladies and gentleman, i was fortunate enough to be born in to misery, in fact, i was concepted in misery, i am 46 now, which means i have spent my entire life attending to myself and i am still here, still work in progress, still solution focused and still not a victim.

My only hope is that the OU recognises this and cuts me break, it would be a shame to waste 5 months of studies, in fact, i will not let the last months become a waste, woebetied any one who tries to make waste of it.

I am only human and i can only try, one thing i promise you chicks and chaps i “Quocunque Jeceris Stabit”.


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Day 155 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 5 Mar 2021, 23:57

Today has been a good day, i have felt calm all day, without a hint of anything untoward, no dramas, no triggers, just a plan and calm day. Tomorrow i will attempt to write an essay, although i have no pressure to do so, i will try me best and get as far as i can, other than that i have no thought about it. 

I attended a good meeting today, which is an awesome source of inspiration, motivation and most important for me a place to vent,i am a talker, i always have been and if i do not talk and things bottle up, that has the power to install very negative consequences, so i try to make sure i have a place to talk at all times. 

The importance for me to know whats wrong, where to when things go wrong and where to go when things do go wrong, always insures that i maintain the want, will and ability to address those issues, so i dont get stuck in the victim role, complaining and blaming, giving the responsibility away to others as tho they are responsible me.


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Day 149 OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Tuesday, 2 Mar 2021, 20:33

Yesterday i struggled to cope with my CPTSD, as i had a series of triggers that provoked intense emotions, related to past traumatic events, my miss management of these intense emotions caused disorder to the regular emotional regulation routine of my day. 

For those who dont know Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is caused when a constant series of traumatic events over a sustained period of time, provoke intense emotions that can not be regulated to the point they cause disorder, as opposed to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which refers to a single traumatic event.

A 'trigger' is a series of events that provoke thoughts that relate to the past traumatic event, i.e. a soldier thats now in civi's is in kwik fit and hears an exhaust bang, he automatically thinks of guns and bombs during war time and starts to feel the same traumatic emotions as he did in battle, which if not regulated, these emotions can provoke actions that are not considered social norms i.e. disorder, depending on how these thoughts, feelings and emotions are regulated, has a direct impact on the severity of his actions and the severity of the disorder, i.e. aggression, depression, distress, anxiety it can trigger the fight, flight, freeze or fawn, fight or flight is a common misconception, its actually Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn, these are the four responses to traumatic events or event. 

In my case case where my traumas were a prolonged series of abusive, aggressive, and violent traumas, when i am triggered (thought provoking) i.e. confrontation, police sirens, doors slamming, large rowdy crowds, some one shouting at me, being aggressive people fighting, any shock or surprised, unplanned event, even simple things like, certain music, certain films, places and smells, can lead to reliving the emotions of past abusive, aggressive, and violent traumas, this can lead to Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn, which mean that, if i can not regulate and manage them, there is the high potential that disorder will occur.

The reason i have started to describe 'what' 'when' 'why' and 'how', i s to try and create an understanding amongst people who may not be a wear, please do not think its a sob story or even that i think people are thick and dont know, i believe if we , or i, just keep repeating the word 'mental health' then no one really gets to understand.

And if i am to be totally honest with you, expressing how i think and feel, in written form is a brand new concept for me, although it is having a positive effect on my mental well being and i am actually starting to enjoy the whole process and coming from the world in which i come from, that is a massive break through for me, although, i will always be, work in progress


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Day 149 of OU studies

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My head is frazzled once again, i was so sure after yesterday being an awesome day, one that i haven't had for a while, that today was going to be the same, or there about, one wrong conversation with a family member and  i was on the verge of self harming, using again and terrorising those sum bags that sell me the poison, if it wasn't for the fact that i am starting to reach out for help when i need it 'as opposed to my normal copping mechanism of catastrophising' i would actually be in the war zone  now with fresh self harm scars and on a suicide mission to pump myself full of so much shit, just to get me out of head and in to another place, as crazy as all that sounds, i did in fact make progress by reaching out and asking for help at the right time and being lucky enough to have that special someone to vent to who is trained to deal with people like me, having a psycho/social intervention manager to rely on really is my saving grace, hopefully now that i have regained some kind of regular functioning, i can make a start on TMA04, which has to be handed in on the 4th. first i need to sleep, as last nights dram meant that my mediation proved to be useless, which meant i never managed to sleep and along with that comes the pain from nerve condition, when i was a kid i can clearly remember not wanting to be this when i grew up.


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Day149 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 2 Apr 2021, 15:45

Being the youngest of seven and being born into a Romany Gypsy career criminal family, meant that while i was taken out of Scholl at 13 and made to work for nothing plus being charged rent to live at their home and i would get to see my brother get arrested, go to court and finally go to prison for crimes funded and glamourized by father. Whenever my brother was on ROTL (Released On Temporary Licence) (home leave) i  would be made to stay at the house and do chores and stuff for my father while he took my brother shopping to by him clothes, trainers, radios, shoes and basically anything he needed to make his life more comfortable upon his return to prison, plus i would have to sit and watch them both on their return, show off and brag about the things my brother had been bought, how amazing he was and their next criminal conquest. 

This my friends is the difference between the black sheep and the blue eyed boy in my families twisted and dysfunctional way of communicating and connecting with one another, my father would physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally abuse me on a daily basis, his explanation for this was 'i wanted you to know what it felt like to be me, so you understand the way i am'. My father would extremely over compensate for his abuse with the ability to throw money at it, in order to mask his behaviour and to help get rid of his guilt, but once he was abusive again it would be taken back, sold or smashed, this was a never-ending cycle that lasted from the time i was given back to my family at five years old, from  TNCH (The National Children's Home), i had been their since i was 18 months old.

He would by such things as hand made BMX bikes, which would mean we would have BMX's that were the only one of their kind and converted coaches, in which we would travel Europe and race every weekend from 1980-1985, he would take us on trips to Mississippi for up to five - eight weeks at a time to see his fathers sister, in 11 years we spent total 3 and a half years travelling the southern states of America, in our street he was the first to have mobile phones, video cameras, huge screen tv's, nintendos, saga mega drives, satellite dishes that rotated, big American trucks, swimming pools and bars in our houses, dripping in hand made platinum, gold and diamond jewellery, go karts, moto x bikes, i would come home from school, hungry because i had not eaten all day, dirty in my mish mash school uniform as i was made to buy my own, and i would be greeted with my few friends from school, even a girlfriend at one time, all laughing and joking, listening to them tell me how great my dad was, plus listen to my dad tell me good things about them and why could i be like them. 

This twisted nature would be played across my family and not before long, i was known and accepted as the black sheep and my brother was the special one, the most recent example i can give you is when my brother murdered some one in 2007, there was a long feud with my brother and the victim, my brother even rung people up, went to their house and told them that he done it, the point i am making is that it was clear to any one in my town with half a brain that my brother was guilty, but some how he managed to pursued my uncle to pay 100's of thousands of pounds to solicitors, barristers and silks (QC's)  to plead my brothers innocents during his murder trial, not only his trial but his appeal once he was found guilty, for which his appeal was rejected "BECAUSE HE FUCKNG MURDERED SOME ONE. But thats not all, my brother is due for release in two years "and what does my uncle do for him"? gets my mum to leave her house to him in her will, so that he has somewhere to go when he gets out of prison, I'm training to be a Social Scientist, its just as well, because  "why" "when" "where" "how"  and "what the fuck" , get your head around that. 

There is a strange myth that surrounds my family and it goes like this, my brother appears to be unlucky at court, bearing in mind my brother was a career criminal and every time he was arrested was because he got caught for what he done and therefor go to prison afterwards, receiving notoriety and acclaim from my farther and family along the process, it is this that my twisted family interpreted as 'unlucky at court' "NO YOU FUCKTARDS, HE COMMITED A CRIME AND GOT CAUGHT, THATS JUSTICE, YOU BRAINDEAD BUNCH OF FUCKS, but wait, your are my family, i am supposed to love you, please love me back"."im sorry"

Now i can struggle a lot to understand that, but what keeps me awake at night is "read Day five of OU studies" on my blog and you will get the whole picture, although i will break it down for you.

Almost three years ago my ex spent almost two years coercively abusing my, rein acting my brother and my father's abuse, it ended with her stabbing me, well thats what i thought, later, because i could not take no more and i left her, she made false allegations against me, which are brutal and if i am not believed i stand to loose my home, my career, my kitten, and bearing in mind i am the sole live in career for my mum and have been since covid started, i genuinely stand to loose everything, i have been living in hell and fear for almost two years, since leaving her i have been diagnosed with two mental health disorders and a psychosomatic chronic neverwet condition, i take a total of 16 tablets a day, i spend the majority of my day, scared, lost, petrified and uncertain of my future. So after a long time of struggling to reach out and speak "because i genuinely can not take any fucking more, i went to my uncle to ask for help, and he said no.


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Day 148 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Monday, 1 Mar 2021, 10:35

Well i am awake, out of bed and ready to study, for what is relatively early for me, my anti-psychotic medication means that it is a battle for me to get to sleep and a struggle to wake up, once sedated, mixed with anti-depressants and various pain killers for a psychosomatic nerve condition, equates to a total of sixteen tablets of six different varieties of medication, mmmmm, sounds tasty huh!, listen carefully and you can hear me rattle as i walk.

Being an addict in recovery suggested that it was a struggle to let the GP and Psychiatrist administer my medication, as i was a wear that i could form a dependency and when the day came to stop taking them i did not want to go through another battle, although i genuinely do not know how i would make it through the day without the pain killers at least. Sometime a cost benefit analysis is applied to reason my reasons.

All said and done its a beautiful morning 'although saying that i think every morning is beautiful' and about time i studied.


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Day 147 of OU studies

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Well, i have four days  to continue reading information sources that are relevant to TMA04, (How migrants are defined makes a difference’. Drawing on material from the ‘Connecting Lives’ strand, explain how different kinds of evidence are used to support this claim). Then make a start on preparing a response.

As is my nature to leave things to the last nature, i have proven that i am not willing to change just yet, although, and this is no excuse, i lost several weeks due to my lack of skills in terms of subsisting a balanced pattern of productive mental health.

All said and done, i will be catapulting myself at my study books in the AM, and piecing together all the components of the TMA puzzle, "wish me all the best" as i would bet my bollox to a barn dance that i will need all the best,

Typical me, my mind choose to stop terrorising me 4 days before the final cut off date to a TMA, never mind, it could be worse.

I've done it, i said the word 'sustainable', "here i go off on a rant now" "hold tight for a fast ride" "the louder you scream the faster we go" "when the red light flickers hold on to ya knickers" i can not stand buzz words, phrases or topics that political correctness forces on us, so i try my best to avoid any use of them, my saving grace is that i never said it in relation to the planets change of temperature. The day i rely on a tv, newspaper, google or any smart device for an educational apparatus to help me think, feel, talk, know what to care about, what to hate and when to do all of those things, is a very sad day for me. 

I like to believe that as a human being, i have all i need to rely on, my own ability. self sufficiency, common sense, intuition, the other 21 senses we as humans have, my own creative source, in using this most powerful tool of a brain and a mind, that will all be smooshed together and give me the ability to think for myself.

And guess what folks, we all have that, it is a bizarre concept that we as beings, the superior race, the top of the food chain, the genius, the high IQ and most intelligent of all, are governed by a tv, radio, smart device or news paper. 

And for that reason folks, I'm out.

Rant over.


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Day 146 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Saturday, 27 Feb 2021, 20:32

One more thing, I dont do social media, although i have heard that the likes that people or companies get can be manipulated to serve a purpose, if so, i was wondering if any one knows whether the same can be done for this blog, i tell you why. 

As a kid i was a gypsy boy, i was an odd bod, at school i was the smelly pykey that no one would talk to, the kid that would knock on your door at the weekends to see if you wanted the rubbish left over from you extension moved, as i my Father owned grab lorries and that would be part of our business, if i ever asked a girl out, i would watch her run to her friends and they would vote, she would come back and say "oooh no, your the smelly gypsy who collects our rubbish" as you can imagine, this worked wonders for my self esteem, no need to feel sorry, that ugly duck, didn't half turn in to an handsome fucker, a bit twisted from being bullied but still.

Anyway, the thing is, not lots, but just a little, i still carry a bit of that with me (work in progress), and i wondered whether any one would know whether the1250 people that have looked at my blog, is a genuine number or not, if so, that's pretty remarkable.

In the past i would bang on about, surly no one would be interested in what i say, feel sorry for myself and not recognise it, although nowadays, with the help from psychologists and psychotherapists, i have learned to look at the positives that people say and do, so, nowadays i am able to look at that as a good thing, let it build on my self esteem, and most importantly, not feel bad about it.

Still, with all that said, i do struggle to believe that 1250 in 146 day people have read anything that i bang on about, i lived with me for a while now and i was sure i was full of shit, apparently not, thanks for taking the time out to butchers at what say............Suckers haha, no only joking haha, thanks, who ever you are.


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Day 146 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Saturday, 27 Feb 2021, 20:27

I seem to have a crazy propensity to leave things to the last minute, i could have all the time in the world and yet i doodle along like a fart in a trance, happy as Larry, right up until the day before, when I'm hit like a cattle prod "wacky wacky hands off snaky" and then I'm in a crazy rush to get stuff done.

 At school, the closer i lived, the later i would be, and work, the closer i lived the later i would be "cant get my nut around that one". 

Well at least I'm not using and my mental health is stable and if i am honest, they are the important things, its took 46 years to grasp that concept, no thing or no one comes before my sanity and i swear as long as my Daddies dead, i genuinely do not give a sand covered crabs c+@t who it is or what it is, if it affects my mental health, your getting snooped and dropped like your hot. 

There are some things about myself that i can not change and i learn to live with, which reflects on what  AA abide by and can also be a cattle prod, if i loose my way, referring to the highlighted part.

All in all, today is a good day, i have all i need and those small mercies have just smooched in next to me on the recliner, so I'm blessed, if only for today.

I am not governed by AA, i will accept any model for recovery and remain open minded, to be honest with ya, if you was dressed as a chicken, doing the hokey cokey down the Holloway road, promoting abstinence, i would gladly smooch up behind you and do the hokey cokey with you.

Take care people and be lucky yeah.

The Full Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world

As it is, not as I would have it;

Trusting that He will make things right

If I surrender to His Will;

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life

And supremely happy with Him

Forever and ever in the next.




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Day 145 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Saturday, 27 Feb 2021, 17:20

I have a new cut off date for TMA04, (How migrants are defined makes a difference’. Drawing on material from the ‘Connecting Lives’ strand, explain how different kinds of evidence are used to support this claim). my tutor has agreed to the 4/3/21, although i have just been on module website and the new cut off date for everyone is 4/3/21. Twice i have asked for a extension and twice the cut of date has changed to the date given to me, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation, i guess I'm  just board and splitting hairs The tutors are suggesting on tutorials that this TMA is quite hard to understand, but i think i am ok with it , it seems ok to me.


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Day 145 of OU studies

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Edited by Casper Smith, Friday, 26 Feb 2021, 05:39

Happy Friday folks

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Day 145 of OU studies

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No dramas, no traumas, no upsets and nothing to complain about, a perfectly ordinary, tomorrow will see the start of studying, which i am kind if looking forward to, no ever get to talk, my meds are taking over and staying awake has become irritating.


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