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The Generals

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I now hear that there are reports on the BBC of a dead soldier today. Killed by a roadside bomb, but how many injured. What progress is being made on the front line. How will Brown announce this death, will he go to parliament and announce it this morning, if he doesn't then he is treating the death of this soldier less than the previous ones, it was noted that he did not read out the names of the dead on wednesday before PMQs. What is going to be the process during the MPs summer holidays. We need to know, it is our mission, it is our war, end the occupation of Afghanistan, where are the Afghan soldiers and police which we are meant to have trained, come on Dannett where are they. The only thing which Dannett should have on his shopping list is the coffins for the dead soldiers, he's alright, he's retiring.

A question for Dannett, what is your pension going to be General, why have you not spoken out before now, and what are your plans for your retirement. I know that this is harsh, but I think that these questions are on the lips of many people. A family member of mine has an injunction preventing him from speaking out in public, why does this not apply to other army members, and current ones. I consider that the nations morale is being undermined, that the politicians are playing with our soldiers lives, bring them home, every life lost is sadly a wasted life. It is the politicians not the armed forces who have lost, the military do as they are ordered, they serve their Queen and country, not the commons.


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MPs expenses

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I have just looked up the expenses for my local MP, Ben Bradshaw.

It shows that for his last claim he has paid in interest, interest only, GBP15,108.93. Now I have to ask with interest payments of that size, who is it wih, which financial institution is the mortgage with, what is the actual size of the mortgage, and when is repayment due.

I'll tell you why I ask, because surely my MP may well lose his job, he is both an MP and a minister, so how does he propose to repay his mortgage if he suddenly leaves office, which is possible by this time next year.

So, I think all MPs should make a declaration, how big is the mortgage, who is it with , and how is it to be repaid. Now if I had to apply for a mortgage, then I would be asked what are your prospects, how do you propose to repay your mortgage, are you going to pay it down, or what is the expected inheritance, things of that type. Remember, the MPs switched out of Equitable Life just before it's collapse afterthe Court Ruling about guarantees, so come on MPs I don't think your emplyment prospects are very good at all, time to come clean.

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The End

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can I tell you that I am actually beginning to feel sorry for Gordon Brown, and I'll tell you why.

Firstly, let us never forget that it was Blair who got Britain into the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Now Brown had to go along with them because he was Cahancellor and paid for them, if he did not support Blair and the wars then he would have had to resign. He did not, he funded the wars and let nobody ever dare forget that fact, not fiction.

Then Blair says that he will serve a full term when a general election was to be held. That again is fact and not fiction. Now during Blairs fourth term it would be expected that Iraq would end, and Aghanistan was sorted already, so no wars for Brown to sort out when he eventually led the country. Which he expected to do because labour was bribing so many of the people to vote for them that they could not lose to those nasty conservatives.

Then Blair chickened out and fell on his sword too early, he cracked and fled the scene. So, Brown takes over. He should have stood for election, he should have called an election and he would have won. Only trouble is that he bottled it, why nobody will ever know what went on in Brown's head, but he didn't show leadership, he had craved power, he had done it without Mandelson, he was master of all he surveyed.

Now we are where we are. He has a general who is due to retire next month, somebody who also took over from a general who retired and who is now employed in the private sector. So he has a general who suddenly starts bleating that he needs more soldiers, more equipment, more of everything. Trouble is he is retiring, what does the next general want, he will want everything, yet Brown now what he is being told, 'never reinforce defeat', 'we are the problem and never the solution', 'you will never win hearts and minds because you are a force of occupation', but worst of all, your major ally has learnt from history that colonialism doesn't work, that it was the French who got America into Vietnam, and now they have learnt that there was a reason why nobody had ever 'won' in Afghanistan. America will go, just leave, so, now it is a disaster.

This is a disaster, why has Dannet waited until the month before he retires to 'go public', why has this gone so wrong, money was going to be spent on training the Afganistan National Army and the police, where are the brave soldiers who fought in Iraq and brought us 'victory' in Iraq, yes that right they have joined the contractors, the mercenaries by any other name.

In the past Britain has trained the Doctors, only for them to go private, we trained the nurses, who then went private, we trained the teachers, who then went private, we trained the engineers and scientists, who then went and emigrated and took the money from richer states, remember 'the brain drain' we had ships built which gave employment to the shipbuilders, ships which were promptly sunk with massive loss of life, so eventually the Navy was a failure, then there were the airmen, who were to take the Vulcan bombers with nuclear weapons in a nuclear war, only nobody would use them. Huge expense, wasted money apprentices who were trained who then left for Australia, New Zealand, America, South Africa etc...and who has inherited all this? Gordon Brown, he has been left holding the parcel, the end of Empire, Suez has come home to roost.

Actually, I don't feel sorry for Brown at all, he is the final man holding a parcel which started way back, over a hundred years ago, with a liberal government with a conscience, a liberal party took us in to WWI, the greatest disaster inflicted by a country on its own people, and now, Afghanistan. Our end of Empire, the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Germans, must all be laughing as we look at our war memorials with the names of our dead fighting wars all over the globe, and for what, for this, the End. It is a story of waste and hubris, and Blair (a scot) wants to be President of Europe. Please! 

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The End

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how weird was that. You had John Pienaar on your programme doing his peace piece and what does he mention? Dover #92. This is getting seriously weird, no, now don't deal with this is the usual manner, this is click, click serious, honest.

I do hope that some way can be found to keep your blog going during the MPs holiday. There are no other outlets for the serious, yes I know, contributor to the political debates, and what am I for one going to do during the summer holidays, what with the weather down here in the westcountry being so appalling.

Let me tell you this. The unemployment figures do not tell the whole story. For example, there are many now losing their jobs, both men and women who will not be signing on. They will get the pensioners credit which will bring their income far above any unemployment benefit. the same with the long term sick, they will start getting this pensioners credit as well, which will also keep them off the figures, and leave them to their fate.

What many people do not understand is that many couples do not live together for most of the day. Either of the couple are at work, so when they retire the problems of two people living together 24/7 becomes intolerable. There is also the care of an older parent. Many women for example have had the children, brought them up, and now want to have a life, only they are now expected to look after either an elderly mother or father. Also they wanted to enjoy their retirement, trouble is that the person they married no longer is as fit as they were, they just want to have a rest, only it doesn't work.

For many couples it is coming to pay back time, I've looked after the kids and the home, now I want my bit, only now that they are together 24/7 their is no hope, they don't even like each other any more, he farts and snores, and she has a leaking bladder and sagging breasts. I am not talking here about Itchy and Scratchy either. If the government actually thinks that they can handle global warming, climate change or wind farms then they are due for a serious wake up call. Andrew, you actually touched on this with your show tonight, we are going to get the VW Camper, just go, just travel and see what happens. We were not all dope heads in the sixties, but we may well become one now that we are the sixties.

Lock and load guys, it's time to party. Brown is doing scorched earth, well I can handle a post apocalyptic Britain, but how many others will?

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I thought that it was not long ago that William was to be trained to fly helcopters, as was I think his brother 'we do bad things to bad people' Harry. Now my point is that was it not long ago that William did in fact, as part of his training, drop off at his girlfriends home so that they could meet up for a party or something of that kind.

Now if our trainee pilots spent a bit more time practicing in appropriate ways then maybe we may have the pilots to send to Afghanistan. Furthermore, maybe one of the problems is the number of pilots who are trained at our expense and who then promptly go off and do their duty as private contractors, maybe actually beig employed by a form which has former senior military officers as their employees

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when we listen to General Sir Mike Jackson he is retired and now is involved in the supply of contractors to the war zones.

Dannet is retiring so why has he stayed silent, to protect his pension?

Hutton, flunked it as Defence Secretary, resigned. I wonder what jobs he will take when he leaves parliament.

A family member of mine was silenced over the Iraq war by the High Court on breach of contract. How is that Brown can selectively quote soldiers, surely there must be no quotes from any army member because of more than one issue, undermining morale, not only of the soldiers but also people at home, breach of contract which soldiers now have to sign if they join Special Forces, and surely the Official secrets Act. If Brown is going to start the issue of patriotism, then it is surely an act of treason to give succour and encouragement to the enemy, and surely, and this is an issue which the PM has brought up, the problem of the enemy within because he contuinually makes reference to terror camps in Pakistan, yet how many people of Pakistani origin now live in this country. Brown is a disgrace, when there is the attack on any Pakistani in this country, then Brown will the one to blame. He is stirring up a hornets nest, and he is a disgrace.

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Coalition effort

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how is that the Americans can get their Chinooks into Afghanistan so quickly. I hope that you will keep your blog open whilst the politicians are on holiday, even though Ming picked-up on my point that it may be necessary for parliament to be recalled.

This is not about helicopters, it is what is the point. The Americans, again as I have noted before will be out of Afghanistan by the next presidential election. as soon as the British people understand that then the sooner we will be out. It is not about our national security, it is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain, there is no point any more, other than to capture bin Laden, execute him, and then it will all be over.

Please keep your blog open Andrew, you are the way in the which many of us can keep Brown from setting the agenda. He will regret this long holiday, I, and others am going to run rings around him. He has made comments in PMQs about Afghan soldiers on the ground, why is he only now talking to Karzai, why not talk to Karzai before the offensive. Why were the Afghans not ordered to participate fully. Why does Brown talk in percentages, rather than numbers. Why were Afghan soldiers not involved in the offensive, Panthers Claw.

As for Gen Sir Mike Jackson, please, another failed General. As for Hutton on your show I thought his 'performance' was disgraceful again. I will not divulge confidential conversations, blah blah blah, so why was he on your show.

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The war

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I have requested via the Number 10 petitions site for an inquiry into the situation in Afghanistan, and I will tell you why.

It all goes back to WWI. How on earth did Europe end up in the first global war. One minute there was almost mutiny in Ireland, the government of the day thought that there was trouble brewing, the next minute almost we are at war. There was no Treaty which got us there, there may have been agreements but no treaty as there was with say Poland in WWII. It was based on those nasty Germans invading Belgium, only trouble is that any serious historian would see that the French were also up to their tricks, Luxumbourg, little Luxembourg had gone but we went in because of Belgium.

Now then, consider this. Europe soon realised that the Great War was an awful mistake and that they had better bring out documents to show how on earth they had got into this situation. Books were published justifying the actions of the governments.

So here is a list:

The French Yellow Book
The Belgian Grey Book
The German White Book
The Russian Orange Book
The Serbian Blue Book
The British Documents on the Origin of the War

Some of these were hot off the press almost as soon as the war started because they had to show that everything that could be done had been done to prevent this terrible war, with the massive loss of life in the early days.

Then it almost stopped. The soldiers just sat in their trenches. They just sat there. So the politicians would then tell the generals plan an offensive, we've got all these soldiers, we've got these things called tanks, we've spent on arms for the soldiers, they've got the bullets, and the shells. We've spent all this money on the navy, all we've had is the battle of Jutland, and now those nasty Germans won't come out and fight, so that was a waste, because we've got huge battle squadrons and they use those submarines and all we see is our ships being sent to the bottom of the sea with the loss of those sailors.

Now before I continue just listened to General Dannet on the Today programme. The push, the pool of helicopters, the new buzz word. There is a pool of equipment and so we've flown to this forward base in an American helicopter. Hey when I went worked in a bank in the City we had pool cars, so that if yours was in the garage with a mechanical problem, then we could use a pool car, so it's ok. We've got no helicopters so we will use the American one, how much does it cost for a British General, who is soon to retire by the way, to be flown in an American Black-Hawk helicopter with imbedded British journalist.

Now then there is a formal document which exists where we have an agreement with the Afghan government, after all we were apparently invited in by the government, so no government invites in people without an agreement, a formal document signed by the relevant authority. This agreement must come into the public domain. It will explain what we can and cannot do, whose orders do our soldiers follow.

So as I have hinted at before Dannet is soon to retire, how has he allowed this situation to deteriorate, why has he kept silent until now. Why was the journalist who was with Dannet told on air that you are following your brief very well. I got the impression that Sarah Montague had been given the questions for Dannet to answer only she went outside that, brilliant, and on air.

Why no more deaths, suddenly it has gone quiet. We've had the funerals. So with the push why no more. I think that orders have gone out from Number 10, I will not want to read out the names of the dead on wednesdays while I am on holiday. I need a break, so please tell the troops on the ground that be careful, in fact don't do anything, fire a few shots, have a word with the war lord, oh we're here for the day just so those folk at home can see some of the action, but then back to base.

This is the last PMQs before the holidays, so I want us to have a good break, so anybody dies I don't want to know until after wednesdays PMQs. I won't read out any more names.

Call me a cynic but there is no point in our occupation any more. We've lost. As Dannet leaves so should the British. We've lost, Obama will announce the end of American involvement before the next election. Brown is just leaving it to our next administration to sort it out. He's gutless, the most shameful PM this country has ever had. As for parliament, nothing more can be said, go on off on your holidays. Why did none of you attend the funerals, why send Prince Edward, who flunked it in the marines, rather than William, or Harry of 'we do bad things to bad people'.

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The dead

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let's do away with men, but how to do it. Today the soldiers who died in Afghanistan are coming 'home' to Wootton Bassett. I'll tell you what the politicians should leave parliament. They should go to the homecoming, they should be forced to look at the bodies, the bodies of young men blown apart by roadside bombs. The politicians have blood on their hands. Get them to see the bodies, the war will soon be over, get the politicians wives, husbands and children to look at the bodies. Now that will end this war. This is a disgrace, it is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain. It is about wasting the lives of young men, how on earth can we do away with men, there won't be any weeping mothers 'greeting' the men home in body bags. Am I angry, yes! TAG And this is not all funny.
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I'll tell you something about our politicians . Every wednesday it would seem that Brown reads out the names of the dead, he did it yesterday so will he do it again on Wednesday before PMQs.

In the meantime they tell us how important this is, that it is a war worth fighting because it keeps the terrorists off the streets of Britain. Is this the same streets where Mr de Menezes was shot and killed with illegal dum dum bullets. Is this the same streets where Mr Tomlinson was pushed over, and subsequently died.

I'll tell you what. The people of Wootton Bassett should not stand by and watch the dead soldiers go past. No, parliament should abandon the Commons for a day, go to Wootton Basset and look at the dead soldiers. The mutilated bodies of somebody blown apart by a roadside bomb. That would end this war. Get the politicians to open the coffins, look at what has resulted from their decisions.

It is alright for the generals to tell us that this is important, the same generals who will soon retire to write their books. Who only come out when it is too late, when they already have their pensions all lined up.

This all started to go wrong when Harry went to Afghanistan with his stupid cap, 'we do bad things to bad people' I mean how would you react if the grandson of the Queen came to your country and sat at a computer calling up an air strike. Now that is terror. State sponsored terror.

I am angry alright. It is fine for the MoD from behind their desks to say that this mission is really important. The only thing it is important for is their careers, their pensions, their own self importance.

This is not a war worth fighting for. Where are the Aghan soldiers, why aren't they in the front line, after all it is their country. They are nowhere, they have a corrupt homophobic, mysoginistic, fascist government. Is that what our boys are dying for.

If you don't beleive me then consider this. A tribal war lord will say to Karzaii, if you want my vote in August, and the 50,000 voters who will do exactly as I tell them then pass a law about women, pay me to be a member of your government. This is shameful. We are an occupying force in a country which is not and never will be a state, not as we know it anyway. So, where is bin Laden, still in his cave watching the death toll mount, is he an Afghan? No he is a Saudi, why have we not invaded Saudi arabia?

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The Dead

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I'll tell you what. Abandon parliament for a day. Get all the MPs to go to 'welcome' back the coffins of our dead soldiers. They are gutless. No minister has yet attended any of the returning coffins, I know what open the coffins. Let the politicians see what a dead soldier looks like, one who has been blown to pieces as a result of their policy. That might just get the soldiers out, bring them home, this is just a waste and is not important for our national security.
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can I please repeat an extract from an earlier posting #123 13 July and it is this:

'During the Vietnam war I used to go along with the garbage about the Domino Effect, once one falls they will all fall. Now the American veterans go back to look at the battle sites, to see the tunnels, the damage done by agent orange. How many Afghan soldiers have died in these latest offensives, nobody knows and nobody seems to care. That is why this occipation will end, nobody really cares. If they did they would not allow it to continue. Eighteen year old boys Brown, that is your legacy, and the women and children. Enjoy your holiday won't you, it is after all your patriotic duty. I want to be sick, instead I shed a tear, and I am so glad that it is not my son that has his name read out by you Brown, because I would spit in your face, 'we do bad things to bad people' well our boys are not bad people Brown, they follow orders, they do as they are ordered, for the honour of their regiment, and for their mates, not for the 'honourable' members who seem more interested in their own expenses than equipping an army'.

We must succeed, the consequences will be appalling says a general on the Today programme. This mission is really important, sounds like Verdun. It is history repeating itself. Tell me when does this general lose his job, when is he retiring. Can we wait 'til his book comes out, just like Gen Sir Mike Jackson writes a book on his involvement in Iraq. maybe if he taken a bit more interest in Afghanistan, then we would not be where we are now. Now Jackson is involved in supplying contractors to the failed exercise in Iraq, how many contractors are operating in Afghanistan.

Now Brown is talking to Karzai about Afghan troops in this new offensive, maybe he should have spoken to him before the offensive. Let me tell why I think he didn't. It is because if we had told 'the government' of Afghanistan then the Taliban would have been tipped off, they would all of fled, not only that but the Afghan troops know that they will be deserted just like the interpretors have been in Iraq, where they now live in great danger for being collaborators.

Brown does not know from day to day why we are in Afghanistan, just like we were lisled over WMD in Iraq, we are now misled over Afghanistan. It is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain, does Brown not know how many people were knifed to death last year. How many innocent children have died at the hands of child murderers. How many people have been killed or injured by rogue drunken car drivers. Brown is not a leader, why is the Queen not saying that she regrets the loss of her soldiers in a foreign war, being fought in her name. She is still the head of state, she is why soldiers sign up, to serve their Queen and country. Not for Brown, who will soon be consigned to the long list of failed politicians who have sent our military off to their deaths, for no glory.

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with reference to my earlier posting #146 I have now heard that parliament will now have a special debate on Thursday to discuss Afghanistan. I commend your blog, in that to be honest my comment was off subject, but it would appear to me that your moderators understand the anger there is with parliament on this and other issues.

As soon as Brown uttered the words that he will wait until August before possibly committing more troops then an MP should have noticed what I did as soon as the words were uttered. They do seem more interested in their own words than listening to what is said. It was obvious that wednesday will be the last PMQs before their break, and that if there are problems during or after the Afghan elections then parliament must be recalled for a full debate and vote before any more troops are sent.

As for Reid then for him to say that we would not be the aggressor and that we would be happy if a shot were not to be fired, then he must have agreed the form of words with the Prime Minster before he uttered them. So, if we go into a district which we had ignored since the invasion of 2001, then he seriously thought that we would not be seen as the aggressor. There is also a problem with the timeline. Apparently we went into Afghanistan in 2001 to keep terror off the streets of London. Home grown terrorists then proved that aim to be wrong, the July bombings are proof of that. So, we went in to keep terror off the streets and failed. We had been in Afghanistan since 2001, yet when did the bombings in London take place, so our mission failed. So we are reinforcing defeat, something which any military officer educated in Sandhurst will tell you that they are taught not to propose.

Sadly, Harry would not be sent be sent to Iraq for his own safety. So what did the idiots do, they sent him to Afghanistan, where he wears a cap 'we do bad things to bad people' and he is shown operating a computer calling up an air strike. Now if that is not an aggressive act then I do not know what is. Furthermore, all this is recorded, but because of an agreement with the media, all of this is kept from the British public, for his, and the troops who had to protect him, from harms way.

Now then, it would appear to me that the resources which were utilised to protect a Prince of the realm, the Queens grandson, should be likewise employed to protect all of our soldiers from harm. Where is Harry now. Why not on our screens telling us how if he is not there with his men then he will leave the army.


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I think that you will find that a lot of the planning for 9/11 actually took place in America. Don't forget the flying clubs where they learnt to fly. How long were the people who took over the planes in America prior to the atrocity, who funded them, where is bin Laden from, where were the people who took over the planes from, were they Afghan nationals or were they Saudi? Why were certain Saudi nationals spirited out of the states on the evening of 9/11.

As for Ainsworth in his statement to the House he referred to forces meeting heavy resistance, accordingly he is admitting that the so called insurgents are in fact resistance fighters, they want the occupiers out.

As for Reid, he was demanding corrections about what he did or did not say about shots being fired, this is pathetic if people are going to be so concerned about what they did or did not say years ago.

When will they admit that we have lost the battle for hearts and minds. We lost that battle with extra-ordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, killing women and children in indiscriminate bombing raids, not protecting the local population from suicide bombers, but what is worst is actually supporting a corrupt and criminal government. Does anybody actually think that the elections in Afghanistan in August will actually be fair, I mean all we have to do is to look at Iran, yes we are going forward alright, we are advancing on all fronts, sorry that was the Somme, click, and I am not being unpatriotic neither am I or anybody who holds the same views as myself beneath contempt.

Finally, did you know that Afghan tax revenues doubled last year, is that because they have brought in PAYE. So we are doing some good after all.

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MPs holidays

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all these crocodile tears from MPs over deaths of our soldiers, before they go on their holidays. Have great time boys and girls.

In the meantime let me tell you that on 4th August 1914 we went to war with Germany. The House of Commons sat until 10th August 1914. They then went on holiday, could not miss the grouse shooting season and the holidays were already arranged. They then came back from holiday on the 25th August 1914. Not a lot has changed in the attitudes of MPs to our soldiers in nearly a hundred years.

Enjoy your time on holiday with your children Brown, there are a lot of people who will not have sons to join them, nor husbands nor fathers. Your words are so terribly hollow.

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just listened to the non answers from the Minister with regard to the number of Chinook helicopters now operating in Afghanistan. He said he would not give the answer because the government never refers to operational details. Well on that basis why are we even being told about the deaths, why the details every week, surely this is assisting the morale of the enemy. This is a disgrace, Rammell only believes something he does not know. Helicopter numbers increased by 60%.

Andrew, the enemy know how many we have got, as you say they just look at the numbers, they have spies everywhere. Ten billion pounds on new equipment, a balance, an absolutely ruthless enemy. An enemy who are fighting for their homeland.

We are having all this going on, and what happens next week, the MPs go on holiday, yes off to the sun, to think of ways of handling the upcoming election. This wednesday is the last week that there will be PMQs until MPs return on the 12th October. What on earth are you going to do when there is a death Brown, just what are you going to do. Progress is being made, it is the media, what would the situation be if we were not in Afghanistan. As for terror on the streets remind me about Dr Kelly, remind me about Mr Tomlinson, remind me about the Brazilian Mr de Menezes, remind me about Weapons of Mass Destruction, remind me where does bin Laden come from, educated, oh that's right Saudi Arabia.

Finally, the government in Afghanisatn is no different to that of Zimbabwe, corrupt and bankrupt, so why are our troops not fighting to preserve the governmnet in Zimambwe, that's right they are not fit to govern, same as Afghanistan. They are passing laws to get the votes from the war lords. Many accuse the BNP in this country of being fascist, well I would strongly assert that the government in Afghanistan is both fascist and mysogonistic, the facts are there for all to see. That's why our boys are dying, for a failed 'state' which is not and never will be a state.

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What is the point

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we have our brave soldiers in Afghanistan, young men, dying. At the same time we have the public inquiry into the shocking death of Mr Mousa in Iraq. We have the truth beginning to come out from America about Dick Cheney and enhanced interrogation techniques. We have the American Attorney General looking into rendition and torture.

We have a serious problem. When a country goes to war it does not happen spontaneously, it takes years, almost decades of planning, of equipping an army, of training the forces. None of this has happened with regard to Afghanistan. In WWI the English had built up a massive Navy, Germany had done the same, the war was going to be European land war with England putting up a blockade, just like a blockade had worked in the American Civil War. Look into the history of Churchill. So the English built up the navy, it gave employment to the shipbuilders, to young men serving in the Navy. What happened, all this investment was wasted because those naughty German fought a dirty war with those submarines.

There is not exit from Afghanistan. Think of it as a mincer, the 'enemy' are quite happy for our soldiers to go and fight in their 'country'. We can have a good fight, we can be patriots, we can go to heaven, the enemy are quite happy. It is better to fight on the ground of Afghanistan than on the green fields of England. This is pathetic. We won, we have now lost, we should not be in Afghanistan, America will pull out by the next Presidential election, trust me, so why on earth are we there. Please Brown, tell us why we are there, oh that's right for Queen and Country, please!

Brown is a disgrace, he will read out the names on Wednesday, again. In the meantime instructions will go out in Afghanistan, we can't have any more deaths. Protect your men better, don't let any more die, I get sad every week continually having to read out the names. Please, I don't want to have to read out all the names, what if we lose a hundred men, what am I going to do then. We've lost because of lack of leadership, everybody needs a point, a purpose, if you are going to die for your country then there has to have been a point, otherwise we are no different to all other armies of occupation, we're here because we're here because we're here because...

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Patriotic Duty

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I watched the BBC film this evening Mississippi Burning. May I recomment others watch it if they can because it typifies actually what is happening in Afghanistan and the Aghan people who will have to live in that country after we have left, which we will do, eventually. Then the revenge squads go in. The people who 'collaborated' will suffer, those who took aid, or allowed a member of the family to join the security forces, or who interpreted for the occupiers.

Brown actually is right. He must not reinforce defeat, there must be no more British soldiers sent to Afghanistan. Nowhere in the world do I know of any 'state' which has succesfully been given democracy. The people have to fight and die for their democracy. They cannot be given democracy at the point of a gun, it is something you are willing to die for.

Nobody should be left under any illusion, we have lost in Afghanistan, just as we have in Iraq. It has been such a terrible waste. Contrary to any opinion polls I do not think that we can accept these losses for much longer, the young men now dying in Afghanisatn are not fighting any more for us, they are doing it for their mates, their pals, their buddies, they do not give a fig for us, I think it is all about survival, and long friendships. They have been deserted by us, this is not about patriotism, this is about the politicians, with their flags, bugles, drums and parades. Keep the people in their place, give them a parade, only trouble is the Afghans and the Iraqis have their heroes, their flags, their parades.

During the Vietnam war I used to go along with the garbage about the Domino Effect, once one falls they will all fall. Now the American veterans go back to look at the battle sites, to see the tunnels, the damage done by agent orange. How many Afghan soldiers have died in these latest offensives, nobody knows and nobody seems to care. That is why this occipation will end, nobody really cares. If they did they would not allow it to continue. Eighteen year old boys Brown, that is your legacy, and the women and children. Enjoy your holiday won't you, it is after all your patriotic duty. I want to be sick, instead I shed a tear, and I am so glad that it is not my son that has his name read out by you Brown, because I would spit in your face, 'we do bad things to bad people' well our boys are not bad people Brown, they follow orders, they do as they are ordered, for the honour of their regiment, and for their mates, not for the 'honourable' members who seem more interested in their own expenses than equipping an army.

Consider this, we spend a couple of million on a new helicopter, send it to Afghanistan, where some freedom fighter has the gall to bring it down with small arms fire or an RPG. How on earth will the politicians explain that away to the accountants. Don't waste money on equipment, we can lose some young eighteen year olds, they are so much cheaper, and we haven't wasted so much money on their training, as would be wasted on some equipment. I think that this war does not have public support, there are are lies, damned lies, and statistics. You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Remember that when Brown speaks, we've lost, bring them home.

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Crucibles of terror

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the trouble is with Brown that he is now saying that our occupation of Afghanistan is to keep terror off the streets of Britain. He then mentions Pakistan. I think that Brown needs to choose his words very carefully. From what he is saying I would say that we are under threat from those Pakistanis who now live in this country, that they are a threat to our security. Now I regard myself as being rather clued up and I am sure that the impression to which I allude to is not one that Brown wishes to convey. However, he is whether by design or by accident.

I think that he needs to clarify his position and to confirm in no uncertain terms that he does not regard the Pakistanis who now live in our country as being a threat to our security. Either they are or they are not. It would appear not to be the Moslems who are a threat, it is now people from specific areas, crucibles of, well I am no longer sure what term the PM now wants to use but crucibles of something or other.

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so now we are being told that we are in Afghanistan so that the Afghan government can run the country, so that the Afghan police and army can defend their country etc...so this sounds a bit to me like when the Germans allowed Vichy France to be a government during the German occupation.

What I want to know is that so far we are told there are tens of thousands trained Afghan police and soldiers and that we are training some more. So how many of the Afghan army have fought with the British and Americans in this latest offensive, how many of these well trained well armed soldiers have fought and died. A list please, how many, surely records are being kept.

Why no prisoners being taken, why no trials of those accused of being terrorists. I have just heard the obnoxious comment by Brown that this is now a patriotic duty to keep the terrorists off our streets, I mean has it really come to this 'a patriotic duty'. Look at the equipment that we saw the Iraq army parade after our ignominous retreat, they have better equipment than our boys have. It is not about helicopters, it is not even about soldiers in Afghanistan any more. Ask yourself apparently we have about 8,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, how many of these military personnel are actually what we could call 'front line troops', not many I bet. Do you think we have this number of soldiers fighting the Taliban, please get real.

I can't believe Brown any more, he is to me a fraud, with his deep sensorous voice telling us about deep regret, sad loss, all the platitudes. He makes me so angry. Exactly when did Brown get elected as Prime Minister, just how democratic is our society, not at all corrupt of course are we, no vote rigging, no MPs on the gravy train, no journalists illegally tapping phones, no 'we do bad things to bad people'. I could go on but you get my drift, hey let's just all shut-up and let the bankers with their massive bonuses run the country, now that surely won't happen.


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War Crimes

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it is now becoming more apparent why the British and Americans want to focus on Afghanistan. The problems of the Bush Administration and its Extra-Ordinary Rendition and Enhanced Interrogation Techniques will not go away. Little publicity has been given to the statement in the Commons by David Davis but look at what is happening with regard with the new Attorney General in the States.

Let me hypothysise if I may. Trouble at mill with these investigations, lets attack in Afghanistan, we had to do what we did in Iraq because well, these guys are terrorists, and foreign, so lets torture them or send them to Cuba, or to a former Eastern block country where they know how to deal with these people. Oh dear, people are asking questions about what we did, well let's attack again in Afghanistan, you know get some of our soldiers killed so that we can shed some crocodile tears and get at those bleeding hearts who think that we are wrong, a few burials, you know flights filmed for TV, a few speeches, sad loss, deep regrets, bit of compensation, hard fighting that sort of stuff, hey the soldiers would only be stacking shelves, they really ought to be grateful to us for taking them to a great place, lots of sun, bit of dust and the odd roadside bomb, but they would only be holidaying in Ibiza.

No, read the press in America:

Independent’s Day
Obama doesn't want to look back, but Attorney General Eric Holder may probe Bush-era torture anyway.

By Daniel Klaidman | NEWSWEEK
Published Jul 11, 2009

It's the morning after Independence Day, and Eric Holder Jr. is feeling the weight of history. The night before, he'd stood on the roof of the White House alongside the president of the United States, leaning over a railing to watch fireworks burst over the Mall, the monuments to Lincoln and Washington aglow at either end. "I was so struck by the fact that for the first time in history an African-American was presiding over this celebration of what our nation is all about," he says. Now, sitting at his kitchen table in jeans and a gray polo shirt, as his 11-year-old son, Buddy, dashes in and out of the room, Holder is reflecting on his own role. He doesn't dwell on the fact that he's the country's first black attorney general. He is focused instead on the tension that the best of his predecessors have confronted: how does one faithfully serve both the law and the president?

Alone among cabinet officers, attorneys general are partisan appointees expected to rise above partisanship. All struggle to find a happy medium between loyalty and independence. Few succeed. At one extreme looms Alberto Gonzales, who allowed the Justice Department to be run like Tammany Hall. At the other is Janet Reno, whose righteousness and folksy eccentricities marginalized her within the Clinton administration. Lean too far one way and you corrupt the office, too far the other way and you render yourself impotent. Mindful of history, Holder is trying to get the balance right. "You have the responsibility of enforcing the nation's laws, and you have to be seen as neutral, detached, and nonpartisan in that effort," Holder says. "But the reality of being A.G. is that I'm also part of the president's team. I want the president to succeed; I campaigned for him. I share his world view and values."

These are not just the philosophical musings of a new attorney general. Holder, 58, may be on the verge of asserting his independence in a profound way. Four knowledgeable sources tell NEWSWEEK that he is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration's brutal interrogation practices, something the president has been reluctant to do. While no final decision has been made, an announcement could come in a matter of weeks, say these sources, who decline to be identified discussing a sensitive law-enforcement matter. Such a decision would roil the country, would likely plunge Washington into a new round of partisan warfare, and could even imperil Obama's domestic priorities, including health care and energy reform. Holder knows all this, and he has been wrestling with the question for months. "I hope that whatever decision I make would not have a negative impact on the president's agenda," he says. "But that can't be a part of my decision

There is just so much Andrew that we don't get to hear about. Bush, Blair, and Brown should be indicted because of what I think they have done and are doing. And if Obama is not very careful he will be going down with them.

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I have not read the Parris article yet and before I do let me say this. The elections in August in Afghanistan will be an absolute sham. Let us say that there is a war lord, who can give 50,000 votes to Karzai. Now Karzai will be told in order for you to get my votes this is a law I want you to pass, say with regard to women and their treatment. Now if you don't pass this law then you will not get my 50,000 votes. The same with all the war lords.

Now if we were serious then the British and Americans, who know who these war lords are, would take them out, with drones, bombing raids, or special forces. Only they won't. We can't win. The soldiers will do as they are told. They know about the corruption, the lack of political leadership.They just get on with it. After all, under this failed labour government they could alsways be stacking shelves in a supermarket. These are brave young men who are being exploited, and we tolerate it. Give them a parade when they come home. Give them some money to go to the pub and talk army with retired soldiers and their buddies. Give the families some compensation, let the flags fly, the bugles sound, the memorial services, get the vicar to hold a service, all the trappings, but at the end of day nobody is actually doing anything. It is Verdun, we can kill more of them them than they can kill of us, bleed them dry, put them in the mincer. Trouble is Andrew, they can take the losses, eventually we won't. You see they have more young men willing to die for their country than we do. We are in a trap of our own making, Brwon, come on the media and tell the truth, a formal statement to the country.

Miliband let slip that the Afghans we are fighting are terrorists, only as Humphries pointed out they are not. They are freedom fighters, they have a cause, we don't. We've lost no matter what the experts in the army says.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Saturday, 11 July 2009, 13:42)
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whilst the Prime Minister is on holiday with the rest of the MPs how is he going to read out the names of the dead in Afghanistan. Everywednesday at PMQs he reads out the names, what is he going to do whilst meeting the likes of Colonel Gaddafi.

I'll tell you what I want to see and hear. I want Brown to announce a formal statement to the nation, not on Youtube but all the national TV and radio stations. At a given time, say just before the ten o'clock news. In this broadcast he can tell us what he is going to do about Afghanistan, how we got into this mess, but how we are to get out of it.

But I do not want him alone, I want the leaders of the two other major political parties to be included, this is about our nation, our young men fighting in our name, so get the politics out of it. They must all sign up to this, if they don't then they must explain why not. There must be no division, this is all or nothing. If they don't do this then they might as well come out now, admit our errors, hold an inquiry, but get us out of this hell hole. We know what happened to the USSR because of Afghanistan, don't ever think that this could not happen here. It is Harry 'we do bad things to bad people', only the Afghanistan people are not bad people, when will the powers that be realise that 'we are the bad peope'.

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no good morning today I'm afraid with the news from Afghanistan and the Miliband interview on the Today programme. Even Humphries does not understand something. One minute he is inetrviewing Miliband, almost the next minute he is reviewing the papers and laughing about 'Pies in Stockton'. I am not going to say that we should not be humourous but the Editors must understand the anger which is building-up with regard to the media.

Exactly how many of the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center came from Afghanistan. How many boarded planes in Afghanistan and took over the planes and flew them into the Towers on 9/11. The answer I think is none, the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center were from Saudi Arabia, but they left the kingdom and planned and perpetrated their atrocities in America. They lived in America for quite a long time, planning and plotting.

The problem was not with Afghanistan, it was with Saudi Arabia, that is the problem, we have attacked the wrong place. Only we could not possibly act against Saudi because of the oil.

So we went in Afghanistan with the Americans to 'get' bin Laden, only we still haven't got him. We got Sadam alright, he was captured and executed. But unlike what many of the American soldiers thought he had absolutely nothing at all to do with WMDs and nothing at all to do with the attack on the WTC. You look at the living accomodation for the American soldiers when they first went in to Iraq, the pictures of the burning WTC on the walls of the occupied palaces. So we thought we could forget Afghanistan and deal with Iraq, which was still not Saudi Arabia.

So, having gone into Iraq we started to round people up, detain them, arrest them, use enhanced interrogation techniques, use extra-ordinary rendition, allow sectarian civil war to break out, not defend the local population from attack, allow corruption, send prisoners to Cuba, maltreat people, insult them, beat them with sticks, beat them up and kill them, basically act just like illegal occpiers, after an illegal war, in a war based on lies.

Now we are in Afghanistan again. Only we can't arrest people, we can't interrogate them, we can't 'do' anything, we just sit there. So, we have to attack, we just kill, using drones, helicopters, high explosives, all of our superior technology. Only we have lost, we can't talk to the locals, they won't hand over the Taliban, we take no prisoners, we lose men, for what!

The trouble is the British got into a fight with the Taliban, or freedom fighters from a local perspective, and they would call up an air strike and innocent women and children were killed, usually by the Americans, because where is the British Air Force. Oh, that's right they have no equipment, they are nothing! Why? because you look at the case of the air force officer Fl Lt Kendall-Smith who was prosecuted and convicted for refusing orders in Iraq, the illegal war, the WMDs, and he was sent to prison, for six months, and dishonourably discharged. You ask soldiers why they did not call up British air strikes, because the British pilots, I think, would not bomb houses where there were possibly innocent women and children. Why do you think we are investing so heavily in Drones, flown with joy sticks from the deserts of America.

As for prisoners by the British, too much of a problem, we can't do anything with them, what with the case of Col Mendonca, who was left out to dry by his superior officers, by the people who gave the orders.

So, we are now mired in Afghanistan. It is a war we can never win, Brown will have to announce, in parliament, in a broadcast to the nation what is the point. What is the purpose. None of this is about Afghanistan being an incubator for terror, I have had enough lies, and half truths. There is no longer any point, it is not Vietnam, it is the killing fields of Passchaendale in WWI. During WWI, when it started the dead soldiers were brought home for burial. Then they realised we can't do this, we can't have a hundred burials a day, a thousand burials a day, ten thousand burials a day, so bury them where they died, if we keep bringing them home the people will rebel, they will revolt, bury them where they die. It is not only the dead, it is the injured, both physically and mentally. This is not acceptable, it is time to bring the soldiers home. We admitted our defeat in Iraq, eventually after much loss of life, and the loss of any moral authority, and we have no moral authority in Afghanistan. It is just killing for the sake of it, no point, no purpose, we again have become the problem and never the solution.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by John Charlesworth, Monday, 30 Aug 2021, 09:40)
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The trouble with Afghanistan is the Prince Harry story. 'We do bad things to bad people'. The silence of the press. The computer screen as he called up the air strike. Where is Harry now. Why is he not in Afghanistan with his men, leading from the front, if I can't be with the men then I will quit the army. The whole of our occupation was always going to be a disaster once we took our eye off the ball and went into Iraq.

I say again look at the death list of the British soldiers since 2001 in Afghanistan. How many died at the hands of the enemy until early 2005. That is the story. This is now Browns war, he is not up to the job. The soldiers sign up to serve their Queen and country, to defend their country, not to be in Afghanistan, achieving nothing, it is the old WWI song 'we're here because we're here, because we're here. because we're here because...'.

Come on Brown tell us what are you going to do every wednesday, how are we to be told of the deaths, to keep the bombers off the streets of Britain, I hope that you have a great holiday, go off with the wife and children and have a great time, probably with your American friends, maybe you could give a knighthood to your buddy Obama, mind you he hasn't driven off a bridge leaving behind the body of a young woman. Now that deserves a knighthood does it not Gordon.

We can't afford the war in Afghanistan, we know it, you know it, sending eighteen year old boys to their deaths, how can you sleep at night, please end this now. These are sad days, this is lions led by donkeys. This is totally unacceptable, it is time for this to end. The Americans will do there best for a year, maybe eighteen months at most. Obama will have the troops home by the next Presidential elections, he will not stand for re-election with the Americans in Afghanistan, and what will Britain do then. Consider this. Did we boycott the Moscow Olympic games because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, well revenge is best tasted cold. 

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